
  1. 《上市公司收购管理办法》的颁布实施,大大推动着MBO移植中国的进程。

    The promulgation of Regulations Governing the Purchase of Public Companies greatly promotes the process of the introduction of MBO to China .

  2. 2002年10月,新颁布的《上市公司收购管理办法》首次认可了MBO这一新生的杠杆收购形式,MBO从此在我国迅速盛行起来。

    The newly issued Managing Method of Listed Company Acquisition in Oct. 2002 legalized MBO as a kind of leverage acquisition for the first time , and MBO becomes more and more popular from then on .

  3. 2002年10月份中国证券监督管理委员会颁布的《上市公司收购管理办法》首次明确对员工持股和MBO作出了规定,这在某种程度上说明,MBO已经为管理层所认可。

    Issued in October 2002 by China Securities Regulatory Committee , Regulation on Acquisition by Public Companies set rules on employee 's ownership and MBO , signifying the regulatory body 's consent of MBO in some degree .

  4. 我国《上市公司收购管理办法》将反收购的决定权赋予了股东大会。

    According to the Takeover Regulation Act of List Company , the shareholders ' general meeting has the right to decide anti-takeover .

  5. 随着《上市公司收购管理办法》关于要约收购规则的全面落实,要约收购得到了迅速的发展,已逐步成为我国上市公司重组的重要手段。

    With " The Act of Listed Companies Acquisition " carried into effect , tender offer developing rapidly has become one of the most important methods in listed companies mergers and acquisition .

  6. 如前10名股东之间存在关联关系或属于《上市公司收购管理办法》规定的一致行动人的,应予以说明。

    In case the top ten shareholders have affiliated relation or belong to the persons acting in concert as defined in the administrative measures for the acquisition of listed companies , the relevant information shall be disclosed .

  7. 2002年年底出台的《上市公司收购管理办法》虽然填补了公司法、证券法在规制反收购方面的法律空白,但仍然存在许多不尽人意之处。

    The 《 Takeover Regulation Act of List company 》, which came into operation in the end of 2002 fills up ruling margins of Corporate Law and Securities Law in regulating anti-takeover . Nonetheless , there are some loopholes in its rules .

  8. 在上市公司壳资源仍很稀缺的背景下,加之《上市公司收购管理办法》还确立了部分要约收购制度,且部分要约收购可兼采现金、证券方式,敌意收购发生的可能性将大大增加。

    In the background of listed companies shell remaining scarce , plus the system of part of the tender offer , and the acquisition offering by cash and securities , it will greatly increase the possibility of hostile takeover .