
shàng cháo
  • go to court;hold court;go to capital
上朝 [shàng cháo]
  • (1) [go to court]∶臣子朝见君主议事

  • 旦旦上朝,以议时事

  • (2) [hold court]∶君主到朝廷上处理政事

  • (3) [go to capital]∶到京城

  • 十三年前上朝取应去了。--元. 关汉卿《窦娥冤》

上朝[shàng cháo]
  1. 这里是大臣们每天上朝的必经之路。

    Officials must pass this way to go to court every day .

  2. 皇帝经常不上朝,国家大权由宦官掌握,他们贪污受贿,卖官鬻爵,争权夺利,加深了社会的危机。

    The emperor often did not go to court and the government was in the control of the eunuchs . The eunuchs practiced graft and accepted bribes , sold and bought positions and scrambled for the rights and interests , which deepened the social crisis .

  3. 贝克街。我们正在贝克街上朝北走。

    Baker street . We 've going north on Baker street .

  4. 小猫坐在树上朝每个人笑。

    The little cat sat on the tree and smiled to everyone .

  5. 想去阳台上朝别人扔东西吗?

    Wanna go throw stuff at people off the balcony ?

  6. 你从嘹望台上朝对面的坑道洞口望去。

    From the observation platform you looked across the mouth of the excavation .

  7. 那个小偷把袋子扛在肩上朝门口走去。

    The thief put it over his shoulder and walked to the door .

  8. 但是,黎明时,苏丹必须起床去上朝。

    But at daylight the Sultan must need rise and go to his council .

  9. 一会儿饼子烤好,方献夫用布包好,匆匆上朝去了。

    While pancake baked , Fang Xian-fu cloth , to rush towards a go .

  10. 也再也没有被传唤上朝!

    And I have never been summoned again !

  11. 这时他听到有一个人骑着马在大路上朝这屋子走来。

    At this moment he heard some one riding down the road , towards the farmhouse .

  12. 摩根-拉菲在枝条错落的魔法树屋上朝他们朝手。

    Morgan le Fay was waving to them from the magic tree house high in the branches .

  13. 在那之后,有朝一日,你还将带着你的儿子上朝.

    And one day , before too long , you will present your son to the court .

  14. 古代大臣上朝时手里都会拿着一个玉圭。

    In ancient times , all officials would hold a jade tablet in their hands when going to court .

  15. 可怜的老伯纳德开始在大街上朝陌生人大喊大叫,他准是疯了。

    Poor old Bernard has started shouting at strangers in the street ; he must have lost his reason .

  16. 学校更新是指学校在原有基础上朝着积极的方向变化,包括学生、教师和学校的发展。

    School renewal means that schools including students and teachers , develop better based on previous and present conditions .

  17. 妃子她曾是唐太宗的宠妃,最后登上朝堂的最高位。

    She rose from her position as Emperor Taizong 's favorite concubine to the very apex of court life .

  18. 剧情介绍:“龙母上朝,瑟后送还大礼,詹姆吸取教训。”

    Description : " Daenerys holds court . Cersei returns a gift . Jaime learns from his mistakes . "

  19. 当他们在车道上朝大房子走时,朗尼听着猪的哼声。

    Lonnie listened to the grunting of the pigs as they walked up the driveway towards the big house .

  20. 这里是大臣们每天上朝的必经之路。警卫一声不吭,仰面朝天倒在地上。

    Officials must pass this way to go to court every day . The guard pitched backward without a sound .

  21. 如果堵塞住的黏液变稀,你的痰有时会自主向上朝着可以吐出来的方向浮动。

    If mucus plugs became very watery , your phlegm would sometimes float upward unaided where it can be spit out .

  22. 那个小偷把袋子扛在肩上朝门口走去。口袋中装的放鼻烟的装饰性的小盒子。

    The thief put it over his shoulder and walked to the door . a small ornamental box for carrying snuff in your pocket .

  23. 可是那天清晨上朝得到楚王的任命,回来后心里就思索着如何克服困难,如何完成任务。

    Since the morning when I am appointed as the missioner , I have been considering how to overwhelm the hardship to accomplish it .

  24. 据史料记载,他每日早早上朝,与他的大臣们商议大事直到太阳西下。

    According to historical records , he went to the imperial court early every morning , where he would discuss important matters with his ministers until sunset .

  25. 汽车在高速路上朝着目的地行进,目的地离我家很远,她开车的技术很好。

    The car was running on the national high-way towards the destination . It was quite a distance from my home . She was driving perfectly well .

  26. 他觉得势在必行,他也阻挡不了&这是他思想上朝认可的方向迈出的可喜的一步。

    He began to think it was to be , and that he could not prevent it-a very promising step of the mind on its way to resignation .

  27. 几天后,我发现我每次上学放学的时候,他都会站在阳台上朝我微笑。

    Few days later , I noticed whenever I go to school and come back from school , he is standing in his balcony , and smiling at me .

  28. 但他也感觉到坚硬的骨头,他就趁鲨鱼从那鱼身上朝下溜的当儿,再重重地朝它鼻尖上打了一下。

    But he felt the rigidity of bone too and he struck the shark once more hard across the point of the nose as he slid down from the fish .

  29. 也许跟世上数百万普通人一样,我会从挤迫的公车上朝窗外望,茫然出神,不解何故自己也会如此。

    Like probably millions around the world , I look outside the window of a crowded bus , lost in my own thoughts and wonder how it could happen to me .

  30. 良心是道德范畴的一个核心概念,是个体成功社会化的本质特征。良心表现在一个关于什么是对的、什么是错的内在感,促使个体在道德动机和行为上朝向积极的一面。

    Conscience is a central concept of morality and is also fundamental features of individual successful socialization . Conscience is about a inner sense what is right and what is wrong .