
wǔ rén
  • soldier;armyman;army man;general;warrior
武人 [wǔ rén]
  • (1) [soldier;army man]∶指军人

  • (2) [general]∶指将帅

  • (3) [warrior]∶勇武的人

  • 武人不乱,智人不诈

武人[wǔ rén]
  1. 武人在文人的帮助之下建设有中西合璧的私家园林。

    Warlords built private gardens in Chinese and west styles with literary'help .

  2. 武人执之如握锤戟,划空击案,慷慨激昂。

    Taketo enforcement of such grip hammer Ji , zoned air-strike case , impassioned .

  3. 他们到达武人街时天已完全黑了。

    They had arrived in the Rue del'Homme Arme after night had fully fallen .

  4. 冉阿让迁到武人街不久,他的焦急心情便已减轻,并且一步一步消失了。

    Hardly had Jean Valjean reached the Rue del'Homme Arme when his anxiety was lightened and by degrees dissipated .

  5. 通过考察两书武人群像所体现的道德和才能标准,昭示鲜明的民族特征。

    This article discusses the clear national characteristics according to the study of moral and talent level from these warriors in such two books .

  6. 在六月五日这天的前夕,冉阿让在珂赛特和杜桑的陪同下迁到了武人街。

    On the evening preceding this same5th of June , Jean Valjean , accompanied by Cosette and Toussaint had installed himself in the Rue del'Homme Arme .

  7. 广州市广武人行天桥拆除工程,地处交通繁忙、人流密集地带,受多方条件限制,无法采用传统方法拆卸。

    As it 's located at a crowded zone with heavy traffic and several restricted conditions , the Guangwu pedestrian overpass in Guangzhou could not be demolished with conventional method .

  8. 唐末五代是中国中古时代的最后阶段,期内藩镇混战达至白热化,使武人的战略文化日趋成熟。

    It was not until the late Tang and the five dynasties , the last period of medieval china , that the war strategy of the country became most mature .

  9. 北魏的灭亡:孝文帝死后,由于部分守旧贵族和鲜卑武人的反对,北魏统治者逐渐废弃了以前的民族和解政策,又恢复了鲜卑族的特权,于是新的矛盾产生了,北魏开始逐步走向衰落。

    The Downfall of the Northern Wei : After the death of Emperor Xiaowen 's , the rulers of the Northern Wei gradually abandoned the peaceful ethnic polices and restored the privileges of Xianbei nobles . Therefore the new contradictions were there and the administration of the Northern Wei was dwindled .