
  • 网络TAKEDA;Taketa;Otani
  1. 你是武田家的领袖。

    You are now the leader of the Takeda clan .

  2. 武田将你训练成他的士兵为他而战

    Takeda trained you as a soldier for his war ,

  3. 该研究由生产艾可拓的武田制药赞助。

    The study was funded by Takeda Pharmaceuticals , which manufactures Actos .

  4. 幕后黑手如果我能找到杀害武田先生的凶手那么…

    If I can I.D. Takeda 's killer , then ...

  5. 武田的安全措施看来颇为有效

    Takeda 's security measures seem to have held up .

  6. 武田跟踪的那个人就在格雷森国�

    The man Takeda was tracking was just at Grayson Global

  7. 丹尼尔昨晚拉到了武田先生的投资

    Daniel managed to get Mr.Takeda to invest last night .

  8. 丹尼尔拉武田先生投资的时候

    When Daniel first brought Mr. Takeda into the fold ,

  9. 武田把艾登父亲的事告诉丹尼尔了

    Takeda told Daniel about Aiden 's father . Yeesh .

  10. 你帮我拿下了武田工业和诺氏

    You helped me land Takeda Industries and NolCorp .

  11. 告诉武田我不需要保姆

    Tell Takeda I don 't need a nanny .

  12. 我收到一份来自武田工业的快递

    And I have a delivery from Takeda Industries .

  13. 武田先生感谢您前来会面

    Mr. Takeda , thank you for the meeting .

  14. 不是那人杀的武田先生诺兰

    That man didn 't kill Takeda , Nolan .

  15. 那个挡武田骑兵的痛苦我相信很多人都了解的

    Takeda cavalry that block the pain I am sure many people are aware of

  16. 武田昨日已经对警告升级发表评论。

    Takeda yesterday committed to strengthen its warnings .

  17. 所以阿曼达回来是武田搞的鬼

    So Takeda was behind Amanda 's return ,

  18. 但愿你能把这番话汇报给武田先生

    I take it that 's what you 'll report back to Mr. Takeda .

  19. 武田把你知道的告诉我

    Takeda , tell me what you know .

  20. 他告诉我是他杀了武田

    He told me he killed Takeda .

  21. 武田军就交给你了。

    I will leave Takeda to you .

  22. 显然她是武田的未婚妻

    Apparently she was Takeda 's fiancee .

  23. 武田制药公司生产了给青春期儿童食用的安睡片。

    Takeda Pharmaceuticals is a company that produces sleeping tablets for pre-pubescent and pubescent children .

  24. 武田聪有一件事说对了

    Takeda was right about one thing .

  25. 我知道武田盘问过我

    I know . Takeda debriefed me .

  26. 艾登是武田先生的代理人

    Aiden is Mr. Takeda 's proxy .

  27. 或许这也是为什么关于武田的研究在中国甚少的原因之一。

    Perhaps , this is one of the reasons that the study of Takeda in China is so few .

  28. 武田公司表示理解顾问团的决定,公司强调了其立场,艾可拓的安全性方面业经证实。

    Takeda said following the panel decision that the company underscored its position that Actos offers a proven safety profile .

  29. 但要强调的是,武田的悔恨只针对自己的个人行为,是道德层面上的忏悔,不代表国家。

    Which must be mentioned is that Takeda only regretted for his own personal behavior , not on behalf of Japan .

  30. 为什么我感觉武田在授予�复仇学位的时候不是这么预期的啊

    Why do I get the feeling this isn 't what Takeda had in mind when he handed you your revenge degrees ?