
wǔ zhuānɡ dòu zhēnɡ
  • armed struggle
  1. 国会已同意重新考虑其对武装斗争的态度。

    The Congress had agreed to reconsider its stance on the armed struggle

  2. 我呼吁每个人都放弃使用暴力和武装斗争。

    I call on everyone to renounce the use of violence and armed struggle

  3. 1upinarms竭力反对;进行武装斗争全村强烈反对在附近修建机场的计划。

    The whole village is up in arms about the proposal1 to build an airport nearby .

  4. 他说,在他的指挥部所属的多个地区,有迹象表明塔利班和哈卡尼(Haqqani)武装分子都对他们的武装斗争感到日益厌倦。

    He said that in several areas of his command , there have been signs that both Taliban and Haqqani insurgents are growing weary of their armed struggle .

  5. 使武装斗争成为必要的因素,今天依然存在。

    The factor which necessitated the armed struggle still exists today .

  6. 我们的政治路线的重要一部分就是武装斗争。

    Armed struggle is an important component of our political line .

  7. 必须以武装斗争为主要斗争形式;

    Thirdly , the main struggle form is armed struggle .

  8. 武装斗争是由小资产阶级所发动的。

    The armed struggle was initiated by the petty bourgeoisie .

  9. 在过去,我一直在捍卫爱尔兰共和军进行武装斗争的权利。

    In the past , I have defended the right of the I.R.

  10. 游击队不会同意停止武装斗争。

    The guerrilla forces will not agree to lift the armed struggle .

  11. 浅析武装斗争的中国特色

    A Simple analysis of the Chinese Characteristic of Armed Struggle

  12. 这种武装斗争的总概念,在目前就是游击战争。

    In general , armed struggle at the present time means guerrilla warfare .

  13. 非法斗争的最高形式是武装斗争,是游击战争的开展。

    Armed struggle and guerrilla warfare are the highest forms of illegal struggle .

  14. 没有外面武装斗争的配合,就不容易欺骗敌人;

    Without the former , it will be difficult to deceive the enemy ;

  15. 我们不应贸然进行武装斗争。

    We should not rush into the armed struggle .

  16. 统一战线,是实行武装斗争的统一战线。

    The united front is a united front for carrying on armed struggle .

  17. 他们选择了武装斗争的道路。

    They have chosen the path of armed struggle .

  18. 毛派武装斗争的基本目标就是铲除君主制。

    A cornerstone of the Maoists ' armed struggle was abolition of the monarchy .

  19. 但是着重武装斗争,不是说可以放弃其他形式的斗争;

    However , stressing armed struggle does not mean abandoning other forms of struggle ;

  20. 南昌起义开始,我们党领导了一系列的武装斗争。

    Then the Party organized the Nanchang Uprising and entered on a new period .

  21. 我们党的历史,可以说就是武装斗争的历史。

    Indeed , the history of our Party may be called a history of armed struggle .

  22. 其主要内容有:武装斗争与新闻宣传并重的思想;

    The major thoughts are as follows : To stress both armed struggle and news propaganda ;

  23. 相反,没有武装斗争以外的各种形式的斗争相配合,武装斗争就不能取得胜利。

    On the contrary , armed struggle cannot succeed unless co-ordinated with other forms of struggle .

  24. 而这种武装斗争,就是在无产阶级领导之下的农民土地革命斗争。

    And this armed struggle was the peasant agrarian revolution under the leadership of the proletariat .

  25. 事实上,在70年代我确实相信武装斗争可以改变世界。

    Actually , in the1970s I believed that we could change the world through armed struggle .

  26. 开展武装斗争;

    Undertaking the armed fight ;

  27. 抗日武装斗争的高涨与日伪殖民统治的强化;

    The rise of the armed struggle and the strengthening of Colonial rule of Japanese and puppet ;

  28. 为了恢复民族权利,重返家园,巴勒斯坦人开始了武装斗争。

    In order to restore the national rights of return , the Palestinians embarked on armed struggle .

  29. “哥伦比亚游击队通过武装斗争是没有前途的”,他说。

    " The Colombian guerrillas don 't have a future through the armed struggle ," he said .

  30. 70年代中期至80年代后期,武装斗争与外交斗争并举;

    From the mid-1970s to the late 1980s , armed struggle and diplomatic struggle were carried out concurrently .