
wǔ bèi
  • defense preparations;armaments and military provisions
武备 [wǔ bèi]
  • [defence preparations] 军备

  • 虽有文事,必有武备。--《谷梁传.定公十年》

武备[wǔ bèi]
  1. 惯性导航系统(INS)以其自主的工作能力广泛应用于军事武备的导航、制导与控制系统和国民经济的诸多领域。

    Inertial navigation system ( INS ) is used widely in many military and civil scopes because of its ability of independent operation .

  2. 舰艇武备按计划维修的经济性分析

    Analysis of Economy for Shipborne Weapon under planning Maintenance and Repair

  3. 舰载武备维修单位维修能力评估问题研究

    Reasearch on evaluating maintenance capability of ship-carried equipment maintaining factory

  4. 带有止步和中途退出的修理工有休假的机器维修问题舰载武备维修单位维修能力评估问题研究

    Machine interference problem with server vacation plus balking and reneging Reasearch on evaluating maintenance capability of ship-carried equipment maintaining factory

  5. 当时的最著名的军事百科全书,其中最为著名的是1621年茅元仪的《武备志》,是另一个不可或缺的资源。

    Contemporary military encyclopaedias , of which the most famous is Mao Yuan-i 's Wu Pei Chih of1621 , are another indispensable source .

  6. 报告称虽然台湾越来越重视这种战术,其军事现代化计划仍然偏向采购大型常规武备。

    While Taiwan increasingly emphasizes such tactics , its military modernization plan still calls for big , conventional acquisitions , the report says .

  7. 舰艇航向、位置和姿态等导航信息直接影响舰艇的航行安全以及武备的使用效能。

    The navigation information of naval vessels , such as course , position and pose , will influences on their sailing safety and efficient use of weapons .

  8. 秦国广泛招揽天下的人才为其所用,实行变法,推行农战政策,加强中央集权,加强武备,因此富强。

    Qin Kingdom became strong and prosperous by widely canvassing intellectuals to carry out reform , to implement agricultural - war strategy , to strengthen centralized power , to strengthen weaponry reserve .

  9. 核扩散、武备竞赛、自然灾难、暴力极端主义、金融危机、天气变化和疾病等危险都不受国境的限制,而构成共同的风险。

    The dangers of nuclear proliferation , military competition , natural disasters , violent extremism , financial crises , climate change , and disease transcend national borders and pose a common risk .

  10. 研究表明:西夏王朝建立前后,始终都处在外部巨大的军事压力之下,使其不得不以武备为先,这是其军事体育兴盛的外部原因;

    The research indicate that around the foundation of Xixia dynasty , the exterior cause of sociology of military sports in XiXia which is the exterior vastness tension of military and regard as the military equipment ;

  11. 三是论述了战争中文与武、军事斗争与政治斗争之间的辩证关系,强调文德与武备并重、政略与战略结合等。

    The third is discussing the dialectical relation between pen and sword , military conflict and political struggle , emphasizing the equality on both civil and military , the combination between military strategy and political strategy .

  12. 反潜探测手段和反潜武备的发展,要求潜艇具有良好的隐蔽性。

    As the development of the anti-submarine detecting measure and weapons , people want the submarine to have an better function to hide itself , and only when the submarine is enough quiet it can avoid detecting by enemy .

  13. 他认为若要保住政权,必须巩固边防,争取一个安定的国内环境,主张加强武备,积极抗战。由于特殊的国际和国内环境,使河南绅士阶层发生很大变化。

    He thought it was important to enforce the border to home a peaceful environment so that the emperor active keep his enemy . Because of the special domestic and international conditions , Henan gentle merchants changed a lot .

  14. 从乾隆后期到嘉庆、道光时期,吏治败坏、财政困难、武备废弛、土地高度集中,阶级矛盾日益激化。

    From the end of Qianlong to the periods of Jiaqing and Daoguang , the administrative management was corrupt , the financial state was difficult , the centralization of land was high and the classical contradictions were becoming fiercer .

  15. 分析了典型目标舰艇防空武备的配置及其对反舰导弹的抗击过程,计算了某型反舰导弹对该型舰艇的突防概率,并对结果进行了分析。

    The deployment of AA weaponry on a typical target ship and the process of resistance against antiship missile is described . The penetration probability of a certain antiship missile against this ship is calculated and the result is analyzed .

  16. 阎锡山,山西五台县河边村人,生于1883年10月,1902年进入山西武备学堂,1904年被保送到日本留学,先入东京振武学校,后又进入日本陆军士官学校。

    Yan Xishan , Wu-tai mountain village , born in 1883 in He-bian village October , 1902 into Shanxi armament schools , 1904 walked to Japan to study abroad , enter first Tokyo martial schools , and vibration into Japanese army sergeant helped schools .

  17. 本文以古文献、出土文物为研究依据在综合分析基础上对古船的型线、船舶总体造型与布置,船舶设备、帆装与武备的配置进行了探讨与复原设计。

    Based on the literature , unearthed artifacts and complex analysis , ship lines , general arrangement , modeling , fitting and outfitting , sail facilities and weapon equipment of the ship have been studied . In the meantime recovery design is carried out in this paper .