
  1. 我们要武装群众来加速这个过程。

    We wanted to arm the masses to hasten those processes .

  2. 第一是发动群众,在发动群众中组织群众、武装群众;

    First , organize and arm the masses while arousing them .

  3. 不放松一刻工夫一个机会去宣传群众,组织群众,武装群众。可塑造性的群众适于对他们进行宣传。

    They must never for a moment relax or miss a single opportunity to do propaganda among the masses and to organize and arm them .

  4. (六)本位主义,一切只知道为四军打算,不知道武装地方群众是红军的重要任务之一。

    Selfish departmentalism & they think only of the Fourth Army and do not realize that it is an important task of the Red Army to arm the local masses .

  5. 主要分析了用中国特色社会主义理论体系教育和武装人民群众是当代中国马克思主义大众化的首要任务和用当代中国马克思主义服务广大人民群众两大方面。

    Mainly analyzes the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics , education and the armed people are the Marxism of contemporary China , the primary task and the use of Marxism in contemporary China are two aspects of services to the masses .

  6. 我这个手中握着枪的白人,站在没有任何武装的本地群众面前,表面看起来似乎是一出戏的主角;

    Here was I , the white man with his gun , standing in front of the unarmed native crowd – seemingly the leading actor of the piece ;