
  1. CFG桩复合地基在轨道交通武清段的应用效果

    The CFG pile composite foundation application effect in Wu-Qing section of rail transit

  2. 关于武清区规划发展建设中的几点建议

    Several suggestions about the planning and development construction of Wuqing district

  3. 天津市武清区城市规划信息资源整合方法思考

    Thought about integration method of urban planning information resource in Tianjin Wuqing restrict

  4. 武清县污水灌溉情况及影响分析

    Wastewater Irrigation in Wuqing County and its Impact Assessment

  5. 武清区燃煤污染分析及治理方案的研究

    Research on coal-burning pollutants analysis and control in Wuqing

  6. 关于天津市武清区建设生态新城的思考

    On the consideration of building the ecological new city of Wuqing region in Tianjin city

  7. 天津市武清区地热资源分布特征与开发利用

    Geothermal Resources Distribution Features in Wuqing District , Tianjin Municipality and Exploitation , Utilization Assessment

  8. 从中国含油气盆地结构看武清潜山找气前景

    Analysing gas resources in Wuqing buried hills in terms of geologic structures in Chinese hydrocarbon bearing basins

  9. 将来武清能量收敛准则改为割线刚度收敛准则。

    Replacement of the energy convergence criteria utilized by Lai Wuqing with that based on the secant stiffness was given .

  10. 天津市的农村社区主要分布在武清区、宝坻区、滨海新区和静海县、宁河县、蓟县一带。

    The rural communities of Tianjin mainly distribute in Wuqing , Baodi , Binhai district and Jinghai , Ninghe area .

  11. 通过本文希望对武清或与之类似的城市滨水区建设和城市发展起到积极地作用。

    Wuqing through or in connection with this hope of a similar urban waterfront and urban development play an active role .

  12. 天津开发区、武清区和西青区已经形成汽车产业聚集区。

    The industry aggregative zone of the auto industry has been established in TEDA , Wuqing District , Xiqing Districe of Tianjin .

  13. 这个著名的小吃是晚清时期武清县的高贵友发明的。

    This famous snack was created during the late Qing Dynasty by a native of Wuqing County , who had the nickname " Doggie " .

  14. 穿武清而过的京杭大运河北运河段,在武清的历史中同样扮演了相当重要的角色。

    Wuqing wear , but after the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal Hebei section of the canal , in the history of Wuqing also plays a very important role .

  15. 人文纪念公园坐落在天津市武清区陈咀镇,是天津人文环境的重要窗口,为陈咀镇新农村建设提供了有力支撑。

    The human culture Memorial Park locates in Chen Zui town , it 's an important window for Tianjin human culture environment , and also a strong support for the new villages construction .

  16. 项目内容:项目拟选址在河北省香河县,东临运河大道,南临天津武清交界处,西临展望公司,北临夏安路。

    Project content : The project planned to be located in the east of Canal Road , south of the junction of Tianjin Wuqing , west of Prospect Company , north of Cheyenne Road .

  17. 武清凹陷中部在晚新生代沉积速度快,厚度大,湖沼相占主要地位,断裂活动较弱,具备了生物气、生物-热催化过渡带气的浅层天然气成藏条件。

    In late Cenozoic , high speed and large thickness sediment , lacustrine bog facies , fairly weak fault movements in central Wuqing sag , resulted in biogenic and biogenic-thermo-catalytic gas pool with large possibility .