
  • 网络roasted corn;Corn on the Cob
  1. 赢者的微笑:活跃,还拥有套真正的牙齿的祖母寻觅一位热忱的拉牙线者一起享用美味的牛排,烤玉米棒和太妃糖。

    Winning smile : active grandmother with original teeth seeking a dedicated flosser to share rare steaks , corn on the cob and caramel candy .

  2. 午餐时间,大家都很享受美味的烧烤鸡翅、烤玉米棒、炒饭还有水果沙拉。

    When lunch was served , everyone enjoyed a wonderful meal with barbecued chicken wings , corn on the cob , fried rice and salad on offer .

  3. 这是我在美国学的一种烤玉米的方法。

    Here 's a way of barbecuing corn-on-the-cob that I learned in the States .

  4. 我要用自创的秘诀来烤玉米。

    I have my own special way of preparing the corn .

  5. 当时我们从十月起就只有烤玉米可吃。

    We 'd had nary to eat but parched corn since october .

  6. 烤玉米熟了吗?哦,已经可以拿出来了!

    Is the corn ready ? Oh * I can take them out now !

  7. 来这买新鲜的烤玉米!

    Get your fresh-roasted corn here !

  8. 索菲亚:好,要不我来烤玉米棒子?

    Sophia : Okay , how about if I get the corn on the cob ready for grilling ?

  9. 以玉米为原料,把经焙烤过的玉米和末经焙烤过的玉米按一定的比例复配,开发研制具有独特烤玉米香味的玉米饮料。

    A beverage with special baskcorn flavour was made from the mixture of baked and ordinary corn at a certain ratio .

  10. 烤玉米,几乎在哪里的活动中都可以看到。美国人喜欢在烤玉米上放黄油和盐和胡椒等等。

    Roasted Corn , you can see it anywhere in American activities , and American like to add butter , salt , and pepper .

  11. 在这个美食广场风格的市场里,挤满了贩售各种东西的小商铺,从鲜花到烤玉米饼,再到手工芝士与新鲜出炉的面包,应有尽有。

    Under the High Line this food hall style market is chock full of stalls selling everything from flowers to tacos to artisanal cheeses and freshly baked breads .

  12. 稠稠的玉米粥像胶粘在喉咙里咽不下去,连作为咖啡代用品的烤玉米粉和山芋粉的混合饮斜也从来没有像今天这样难吃过。

    The heavy hominy stuck in her throat like glue and never before had the mixture of parched corn and ground-up yams that passed for coffee been so repulsive .

  13. 美国各地有少数墨西哥餐厅供应烤蚂蚱玉米卷和鳄梨酱配烤蚂蚱。

    A smattering of Mexican restaurants across the country serve roasted grasshoppers in tacos or with guacamole .

  14. 想一想,“牛排玉米饼”对比“正宗烤牛肉玉米卷加上新鲜香菜,洋葱,和青柠,裹进手工制作的玉米饼里,配上南瓜酪梨沙拉。”

    Think " steak taco " versus " authentic carne asada taco with fresh cilantro , onion , and lime , wrapped in a handmade corn tortilla , garnished with an avocado salsa . "

  15. 那球乳酪(译注:烤干酪辣味玉米片,一种墨西哥食品)懂了没?“不是你的乳酪!”(译注:英文发音相近)

    Get it ? " Not your cheese ! "

  16. 吉姆:是的,我还要一份烤干酪辣味玉米片和椒盐卷饼。

    Jim : Yes , I 'll also take an order of nachos and a pretzel .

  17. 你可以约几个朋友一起去吃烤干酪辣味玉米片,如果你们俩都愿意的话,这同样可以当成你们的初次约会。

    You could go for nachos with several friends and still make that your first date if you both want to .

  18. 在这个各种各样的民族小吃和法式薯条以及墨西哥烤干酪辣味玉米片这些经典的食物共同存在的年代里,我们是不是应该在坐在餐馆里准备开吃前去洗下手呢?

    With the wide variety of ethnic finger foods available today , along with classics such as french fries and nachos , should more of us be washing our hands before sitting down to eat at restaurants ?