
kǎo ròu chuàn
  • kabob;souvlaki;sosatie
  1. 我们还应该做一打热狗和烤肉串。

    We should also cook a couple dozen hot dogs and kebabs .

  2. 你想不想跟我分一点烤肉串?

    Do you want to share some kebabs as well ?

  3. 我跟你说他们已经变成烤肉串了

    I 'm telling you , they 've been fried to a blue crisp

  4. 出名的民族菜肴包括烧牛肉、羊肉火锅以及烤肉串。

    Famous ethnic dishes include roast beef , sliced mutton hot pot and shashliks .

  5. 这年头你很难在旅游书里看到那些孩子气的烤肉串的故事了。

    None of those childish kebab stories you get in so many travel books these days .

  6. 这条街上的上百个小吃店供应各种吃的,从烤肉串到汤一应俱全。

    Hundreds of food stalls in this street stock with everything from shish kebab to soup .

  7. 他定期去吃比萨,喜欢到社区小饭店里享用本地的烤肉串儿(chuanr)。

    He regularly goes out for pizza or enjoys local kebabs known as chuanr in small neighbourhood restaurants .

  8. 为啥受欢迎:凌晨4点钟的时候,没有什么能比烤肉串更好吃的了。

    Why we love it : Few things taste better at four in the morning than a few grilled kebabs .

  9. 其他参与减肥的宠物还包括一只能打开冰箱门偷吃的猫、以及一只爱吃烤肉串的杰克罗素狗。

    Other candidates include a cat that can open the fridge and a Jack Russell with a taste for doner kebabs .

  10. 有时候我们会给它喂一点肯德基的鸡肉、鱼肉、薯条,甚至零星的烤肉串。

    We sometimes give her a bit of KFC chicken , fish and chips and even the odd bit of kebab meat .

  11. 事实:烤肉串是中东很流行的食物,然而他们不是中东烹饪的特色。

    Truth : Kabobs are a very popular Middle Eastern food , however they are not the substance of Middle Eastern cuisine .

  12. 牛排烤肉串和奶油酱加与胡荽叶,智利粉,孜然,和醋。

    Steak kebabs get a Southwestern spin with poblano peppers and a creamy sauce spiked with cilantro , chile powder , cumin , and vinegar .

  13. 而现在,一切都不一样了。空气中满溢着柴油、面包及烤肉串的气味,还混杂着河流的臭味。人们无视父亲一次又一次的当众呼吁,依旧将垃圾倾倒入河中,而且看来似乎永远不打算住手。

    The air smelt of diesel , bread and kebab mixed with the stink from the stream where people still dumped their rubbish and were never going to stop despite all my father 's campaigning .

  14. 那是用串肉签把韭菜、绿辣椒和鸡丁串在一起,涂上特别的调味料烤出来的。这年头你很难在旅游书里看到那些孩子气的烤肉串的故事了。

    It is diced chicken with leek and small green peppers on a skewer , covered with a special sauce and barbecued . None of those childish kebab stories you get in so many travel books these days .

  15. 在火上烤肉用的串肉扦。

    A skewer for holding meat over a fire .

  16. 鹿肉用作食物的鹿肉在火上烤肉用的串肉扦。

    The flesh of a deer used as food . a skewer for holding meat over a fire .

  17. 在火上烤肉用的串肉扦。腿的上部的肉块(牛肉、小牛肉、羊肉、小羊肉)。

    A cut of meat ( beef or veal or mutton or lamb ) from the upper part of the leg .