
  • 【医】Ceramic
  1. C配方陶瓷偶联剂在瓷与树脂之间产生的粘结强度最高,用于烤瓷或全瓷表面处理均有良好效果。

    Type C silane coupling agent can generate the highest shear bond strength between different porcelains and composite resin .

  2. CAI烤瓷用镍铬合金临床应用108例分析

    The Ni-Cr Alloy Used in CAI Bake Porcelain and its Clinical Application

  3. 结论:帕娜碧亚F粘结系统是一种较为理想的烤瓷贴面粘结材料。

    Conclusion Panavia F system is a reliable and ideal material for porcelain veneer bonding .

  4. 结论:数据库中的标准桥体数据是烤瓷固定基底桥CAD的模板,为自主开发烤瓷固定基底桥CAD/CAM系统奠定了基础。

    Conclusions : The standard pontics can be used as the templates during the CAD of the bridge framework .

  5. 不同修复时间的镍铬合金烤瓷冠龈缘状况差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。

    There was no significant difference of the gingival status of Ni-Cr alloy-porcelain crown of different time ( P0.05 ) .

  6. 牙用镍铬烤瓷铸造合金的Ames试验研究

    Study on the Ni-Cr casting alloy used for porcelain by Ames test

  7. Ni-Cr合金烤瓷界面反应微观机理

    Interface reaction mechanism of porcelain fused to Ni-Cr alloy

  8. 钴铬合金烤瓷冠修复后龈沟液AST和ALP水平变化的研究

    Effects of Co-Cr based porcelain-fused-to-metal ( PFM ) crown on AST and ALP levels in gingival crevicular fluid

  9. 其中Au-Pt合金属贵金属烤瓷合金,Ni-Cr合金属非贵金属烤瓷合金。

    Au-Pt alloy is noble alloy . Ni-Cr alloy is inexpensive alloy .

  10. 目的探讨临床烤瓷/抛光工序对4种常用烤瓷合金(3种非贵金属Ni-Cr、Ni-Cr-Ti、Co-Cr合金和1种高贵Au合金)表面元素组成及微观结构的影响机理。

    [ Objective ] To investigate the effect of firing / repolishing on surface composition and microstructure of four metal-ceramic alloys .

  11. 结果实验组和对照组烤瓷冠脱位时的最大拉力值分别为(366.176±26.536)N和(386.120±27.527)N,经统计学分析无显著性差异。

    The maximum dislocated forces were measured respectively . Results The maximum dislocated forces were 366.176 ± 26.536 N in the experimental group and 386.120 ± 27.527 N in the control group . There was no statistical difference in the two groups .

  12. 激光焊接CWPA烤瓷合金,测试其力学性能,作金相,SEM分析,结果表明完全达到临床要求。

    CW_PA , ceramometal alloy , joined by laser welding machine , was tested by the UTS , SEM and metallographic_examination . The good results show that it can be applied to the clinic .

  13. CDIC纯钛种植体与金属烤瓷冠修复体在磁共振成像检查中的伪影影响

    The Influence of CDIC Dental Implant and Baked Porcelain Metal Crown on Diagnosis of Coronal by MRI

  14. 本研究选择了临床常用的两种贵金属烤瓷修复材料&AGC金沉积系统与HeraeusAURA系统作为研究对象,旨在考察不同的贵金属基底与陶瓷材料的结合机理及结合强度。

    The new high noble PFM metal materials - AGC galvano-ceramic prosthesis System and Heraeus AURA System were selected in this study .

  15. 烤瓷熔附金属全冠(PFM)因其具有美观、舒适、色泽逼真稳定、咀嚼功能恢复好等优点而被广泛的应用于临床中。

    Porcelain-fused to metal crown ( PFM ), because of its good appearance , comfort , color fidelity and stability , good functional recovery was widely used in clinic .

  16. 采用Ni-Cr合金桩核牵引后制作烤瓷冠修复同采用不锈钢丝制作临时桩牵引后再制作桩冠修复体相比,后者的桩核与残根断面的密合性比更好;

    Compared with permanent post and core groups by Ni-Cr alloy , the seal of core and root is better in the temporary post groups by stainless steel group .

  17. 结论:临床制备烤瓷牙时,选择0.4mm厚度的基底冠较为合理。

    CONCLUSION : The reasonable thickness of base metal should be 0.4 mm when PFM crown is applied clinically .

  18. 从扫描电镜照片可看出可切削加工陶瓷修复材料VITAMARKⅡ比四种常用烤瓷修复材料的密度均匀,气孔少,颗粒体积小而且大小一致,分散均匀。

    From the SEM , we can determined that the density of machinable ceramic Vita Mark II was more steady , the pore was less and the crystals grain size was more uniformly than other traditional porcelains .

  19. 【目的】评价3种烤瓷贴面(PLV)牙体预备的近期临床效果。

    Objective To evaluate the clinic results of three types of preparation of fired porcelain laminate veneers ( PLV ) .

  20. CW-PA型烤瓷Ni-Cr-Nb合金的研制及临床应用

    The Manufacture and Clinical Usage of CW-PA Type Ni-Cr-Nb Ceramic Alloy

  21. 烤瓷牙外源性着色剂HN-97的烧结温度研究

    Study of Sintering Temperature of HN-97 Porcelain Stain

  22. 目的:比较铸造高金合金基底、铸造TILITE合金基底、铸造镍铬合金基底烤瓷冠的临床应用效果。

    Objective : To evaluate the clinical effect of Ni-cr alloy , high-gold alloy and TILITE alloy porcelain crowns .

  23. 钛瓷结合界面研究及Ti-Bond钛烤瓷系统的临床应用研究

    A Study on the Bond Interface between Low-fusing Dental Porcelain and Pure Titanium and a Clinical Evaluation of Ti-bond System

  24. 目的探讨二种金属烤瓷冠(PFM)对基牙龈沟液(GCF)量、龈沟液中的天冬氨酸转氨酶(AST)和碱性磷酸酶(ALP)水平的影响。

    Objective To further investigate the effects of two kinds of porcelain fused to metal crowns ( PFM ) on the level of aspartate aminotransferase ( AST ) and alkaline phosphatase ( ALP ) in gingival crevicular fluid ( GCF ) .

  25. 目的:观察烤瓷熔附金属可摘局部义齿(PFMRPD)在前牙修复中应用的临床效果。

    Objectives : To observe the result of the application of the porcelain-fused-metal removable partial dentures ( PFMRPD ) for anterior teeth .

  26. 金属烤瓷修复体(俗称烤瓷牙)即烤瓷熔附金属(porcelain-fused-to-metal,PFM)修复体,是一种由低熔烤瓷真空条件下熔附到铸造金属基底冠上的金-瓷复合结构的修复体。

    The Metal-porcelain Prosthesis is also called porcelain-fused-to-metal ( PFM ) . It is a kind of metal-ceramic complex restoration which is fused to cast metal coping by low-melting porcelain under vacumm condition . It has great strength and esthetic characteristics .

  27. 目的:考察加入不同厚度的饰面瓷在0.2mm氧化铝上双层烤瓷贴面颜色的变化。

    Objective : To evaluate the color change of the two-layer porcelain laminate veneer after adding veneering porcelain of different thickness to the 0 . 2 mm thick aluminum oxide .

  28. 材料:制作不同金瓷比,外形为26mm×4mm×1.5mm的烤瓷熔附金属试件15个,分5组,每组3个。

    MATERIALS : According to the different metal-porcelain ratios , 15 PFM test pieces of 26 mm × 4 mm × 1.5 mm were divided into 5 groups , with 3 in each .

  29. 这表明,在烤瓷前用丙酮、乙酸乙酯及95%乙醇处理纯钛及Ti-75合金表面,可提高钛&瓷结合强度,而1%HF却没效果。

    This indicated that the shear bond strength of porcelain titanium was reinforced by treating the surface of pure titanium and Ti 75 alloy in acetone , ethyl acetate , 95 % alcohol , and it was not in 1 % HF .

  30. 在本实验中,龈沟液中GCF-AST及GCF-ALP浓度可以较敏感地表达牙周(牙龈等)组织病变程度,从而对于监测各金属烤瓷冠的临床应用效果具有一定参考价值。

    In this test , the concentration of ALP and AST in GCF can express degree of periodontal disease sensitively , and these indexes can be used in studying clinical periodontal effect after restored PFM crowns .