
  • 网络Roasted Chestnuts
  1. 澳洲针叶树,种子长达两英寸,味道类似于烤栗子;土著把此树作为世袭的财产用法律加以保护。

    Australian conifer bearing two-inch seeds tasting like roasted chestnuts ; among the aborigines the tree is hereditary property protected by law .

  2. “栗子,热乎乎的烤栗子,”一个小贩在叫卖。

    " Chestnuts , hot roast chestnuts ," a peddler cried .

  3. 你自己拿一只烤栗子吧。

    Grab yourself a roast chestnut .

  4. 我不能错过耙叶子、点篝火、烤栗子的机会。

    I can 't miss my chance to rake leaves , have a bonfire , roast chestnuts .

  5. 在某一个路口,闻到烤栗子的香味,听到车来车往,所有的感官都参与着。

    You 're at a particular road junction . You smell chestnuts roasting . You hear the traffic . All the senses are involved .

  6. 心里一阵嫉妒,像火上烤的栗子,热极要迸破了壳。我一点儿不嫉妒。

    The pang of jealousy he felt inside was like a chestnut roasting on a fire about to burst from its shell in the extreme heat .

  7. 要从这些果子中产出色拉油要用鼓风明火烤,就像栗子一样,它可以带出了其独特的麻辣味;

    The nuts destined for salad oil are roasted on an open flame over a large steel drum , like chestnuts , which brings out their distinctive peppery flavor ;