
shì jiè shí jiān
  • World Time;Universal Time
  1. 下一期网络在线直播将在世界时间8月11日的19点开始。

    The next live webcast is set for nineteen hours universal time on August eleventh .

  2. 现在是世界时间零点三十分。这里是特别英语的新闻。

    It is zero hour thirty universal time . Here 's the news in Special English .

  3. 有可显示世界时间的手表吗?

    Do you have a watch with a world time function ?

  4. 在欧盟国家,夏令时的开始和结束都是在世界时间(格林尼治平均时)凌晨1点。

    In the European Union , Summer Time begins and ends at1:00 a.m.Universal Time ( Greenwich Mean Time ) .

  5. 如果太阳熄灭了,时区也就没有存在的意义了,大家都会使用协调世界时间,全球经济也会更上一层楼。

    If the Sun went out , it would eliminate the need for time zones , allowing us to switch to UTC and give a boost to the global economy .

  6. 让宾客根据所需调校灯光、室温、闹钟、世界时间和请勿骚扰标志(启动这功能同时也会关闭门铃)。

    These enable guests to adjust their room 's lighting and temperature , set the alarm clock , see world times , and activate the'do not disturb'sign ( activating this also mutes the door bell ) .

  7. 但是当学者和科学家继续争论是否该统一世界时间时,他们其实相当清楚,许多人认为,如果时间问题不是很严重就无须修正。

    But as academics and scientists continue to debate whether to uniform time around the world , they 're keenly aware that many people are saying , if time isn 't broke don 't fix it .

  8. 物质世界在时间和空间上是有限的。

    The physical universe is finite in space and time .

  9. 我们有全世界的时间说话。

    We 've got all the time in the world to talk .

  10. 全世界的时间是不是都一样呢?

    Is time the same all over the world ?

  11. 你生活在这样一个世界:时间是带有缓冲的。

    You live in a reality where there is this buffer of time .

  12. 时间事件的间隔期是由现实世界的时间来计算的。

    The interval for the timer event is calculated in real world time .

  13. 世界随时间而变!

    Chaperonage time of world flies to change soon !

  14. 我们会拥有全世界的时间。

    We have all the time in the world . we 'll take it .

  15. 物理世界包括时间和空间。

    The so-called physical world is an objective context , including time and space .

  16. 你能解释下你世界里面时间旅行的目的吗?

    Can you explain what the purpose of time travel is on your worldline ?

  17. 英雄们弥补过错,挽救狮鹫女皇乃至拯救世界的时间所剩不多了。

    The heroes have little time to correct their mistakes and save the Griffin queen & and the world .

  18. 每个反应单位对于真实世界中时间耗损将造成生命与财产的损失的理解时非常有必要的。

    It is essential that all responders understand that in the real world that time loss costs lives and property .

  19. 相比之下,英国平均每人每天看电视的时间是3小时40分钟——比世界平均时间少1分钟。

    In comparison , the average Brit watches three hours and 40 minutes of TV - one minute below the average .

  20. 外在时间性指事物在外部世界的时间流逝过程中的时间表现。

    External temporality is temporary in nature and acquired by some common nouns with the passing of time in the external world .

  21. 在这个正确的时间,正确的地点,我遇到你,;从此我的世界,时间定格在那一刻。

    It 's that moment , that place , I met you , since then the time of my world was paused .

  22. 但在建筑业那些自作聪明的人将传统的窗户改装成电子显示屏之前,人们抬头看世界的时间会有多长?

    How much longer will it be before some smart alec from the building trade decides to replace conventional windows with electronic displays ?

  23. 一旦人们在物质世界的时间完结了,我便协助他们回到精神领域。

    I am there to assist in the crossing over of humans back into the spiritual realm once their time in the physical is complete .

  24. 他依据个体,真值,可能世界和时间座标以及所有这些的函项概念给出了内涵语言的的一个模型。

    He gives IL a model theory , in terms of individuals , truth values , coordinates of possible worlds and time , and functions of all these .

  25. 除此之外,我已经接受了那现实的可能性作为结果之一,即我在这个世界的时间很短了,我需要对我的最后时光做好准备了。

    Aside from this I have accepted the " real " possibility that my time is short in this world , and I need to prepare myself for the end phases .

  26. 1分钟100秒:1975年愚人节,澳大利亚的新闻节目向世界宣布时间度量机制将进行修改,改成1分钟100秒,1小时100分钟,1天20个小时。

    Metric Time On April 1 , 1975 , Australia 's This Day Tonight news program said that the world would be converting to metric time , with 100 seconds to the minute , 100 minutes to the hour and 20-hour days .

  27. 分形市场理论则认为:由于许多真实世界的时间序列都存在持续记忆,标准差无法区分这一效应,而分形维才是度量证券波动性的更好指标。

    However , in Fractal Market Hypothesis ( FMH ), the fractal dimension is brought up to be a better index of volatility than the standard error because the most of time series in real world often contain persistent memory which can not be distinguished by the standard error .

  28. 时空模型有助于人们获取类似于真实世界的时间及空间信息,对于城市工程设计、灾害预防决策及军事应用具有重要意义。

    Spatio-temporal model , for people , can make it easy to obtain temporal and spatial information just like the true world , and it is of much importance to the planning and designing of civil engineering , the directing of disaster prevention and the plotting of military action .

  29. 解决方法:增加二人世界的时间作为感情投资,例如:把每周四晚定为约会时间--即使不能外出,也可以一起聊聊天、听听音乐。

    Solve it : Invest in your relationship by setting aside ' sacred time ' that belongs to just the two of you . For example : make Thursday night your date night - even if you can 't go out , spend the time talking , listening to music .

  30. 对共视法和综合法的GPS时间比对得到的两地协调世界时的时间同步精度进行了比较。

    The synchronization precision of UTC at two sites determined by common-view and synthesized GPS time methods were compared .