
  • 网络ERC;the European Research Council
  1. 甚至连欧洲研究委员会也开始资助Scala。

    Even the European Research Council has granted funding to the ten year old language .

  2. 欧洲食盐研究委员会

    European Committee for the Study of Salt

  3. 哈里森·威尔斯在量子论领域的研究成果领先于欧洲核子研究委员会好几个光年。

    Harrison Wells ' work in quantum theory is light-years ahead of anything they 're doing at CERN .

  4. 猜猜学校会送谁在2月14日去瑞士,参加会议并参观欧洲核子研究委员会的超级对撞机?

    Leonard : Guess who the university is sending to Switzerland , to attend a conference and see the CERN supercollider on February 14 ?

  5. 欧洲原子核研究委员会报道说,欧洲大型强子对撞机可以让粒子束通过它的两根管道流通只超过一周。

    CERN is reporting that the Large Hadron Collider could circulate particle beams through both of its pipes in just over a week .

  6. 项目中的“绿色飞机”在设计图中被描绘成一个飞碟,它可以减少各种污染物质和噪音,符合欧洲航空研究顾问委员会推荐指标。

    The project 's " greenliner " depicted in design illustrations as a flying saucer would also reduce other pollutants and noise , in line with recommendations from the European Aerospace Commission , ACARE .