
  • 网络European Photovoltaic Industry Association;EIPA
  1. 欧洲光伏产业协会(EuropeanPhotovoltaicIndustryAssociation)去年预计,2014年全球光伏面板制造产能将达到大约60千兆瓦,其中超过三分之二的产能都在中国。

    Global panel-making capacity should be roughly 60 gigawatts in 2014 , more than two-thirds in China , the European Photovoltaic Industry Association forecast last year .

  2. 欧洲光伏产业协会(epia)和绿色和平组织(greenpeace)今年联合发布的一份报告称,从历史数据看,产量增长一倍,可以让成本下降五分之一。

    A doubling of production output has historically translated to costs falling by a fifth , according to a joint report by the European Photovoltaic Industry Association and Greenpeace this year .