
  1. 这里或许缺少其他城市有的那种壮观华丽的老一辈大师作品,但是柏林画廊(Gem氀搀攀最愀氀攀爀椀攀)里的中世纪油画和文艺复兴时期的欧洲油画,一定是世界上最有魅力的收藏之一。

    They may lack the grandeur of old masters collections in other cities , but the medieval and Renaissance European paintings at the must be some of the world 's most alluring .

  2. 它既是欧洲油画传统的起源,又是中国油画的本质面貌。

    It is a European oil paintings traditional Chinese painting is the origin , nature outlook .

  3. 欧洲油画传入中国近百年来,画家一直接触的是单一的直接画法。

    During the past centuries , European oil paintings have been imported to China . At the beginning , Alia Prima technique was the first simple approach known by painters .

  4. 从欧洲古典油画中体会传统美

    Traditional Beauty in Classical European Oil Paintings

  5. 空间形体原理和写生色彩学原理构成了欧洲写实油画造型体系的核心。

    Color theory and painting space shape constitutes the core principles of the European realist painting style system .

  6. 同时也是从现代信息社会的角度对欧洲古典油画材料技法进行一个学习和梳理的过程。

    Meantime , it is a process of study and heckle from the angle of modem industrial society .

  7. 中国油画从诞生之日起,便决定了它必须和欧洲传统油画有一段密切的交集。

    China oil painting from the date of birth , they decide that it must and European traditional paintings have a close overlap .

  8. 中国古典风油画的用光,事实上是继承了欧洲古典主义油画的用光习惯和技巧,结合中国独特的民族风格和艺术底蕴所形成的。

    Classical Chinese wind oil painting , in fact is inherited from the light of European classical socialist paintings light habits and skills , and combining the distinctive national style and artistic heritage by the formation of the .