
  • 网络Creating Adam;Creation of Adam;Creazione di Adamo
  1. 其中最有名的一幅是创造亚当,展现了上帝和亚当把他们的手伸向彼此的场景。

    The most famous one is the creation of Adam , which shows the arms of God and Adam reaching out to each other .

  2. 上帝创造亚当和夏娃就是赤裸裸的。

    Bare-naked is how God created Adam and eve .

  3. 但是在创世纪.上帝不也是创造亚当爱他吗?

    But in the beginning , didn 't God create Adam to love Him ?

  4. 上帝在第六天创造亚当和安置他在伊甸园。

    God created Adam on the6th day of creation and placed him in the garden Eden .

  5. 上帝创造亚当和夏娃的创建,以及男子,因为我们支持世界。

    God created Adam and Eve are created , as well as men because we support the world .

  6. 在创世纪第二章及第三章内即谈论到创造亚当及夏娃的人类早期的历史。

    Genesis Chapters 2 and 3 tells about the creation of the world of Adam and Eve and the early history of humans .

  7. 神创造了亚当,神创造了夏娃。

    God created Adam and he created eve .

  8. 上帝创造了亚当,但是很快,亚当发现他自己一个人在伊甸园里太孤单了。

    God creates adam , and soon Adam is complainingthat he 's all alone in the garden of eden .

  9. 在《圣经》的第一章《创世纪》中,上帝创造了第一个人亚当,这非常可能是象征着黄道12宫中的第一宫,白羊座。

    In Genesis , God creates Adam , the first man , which most likely represents the first sign of the zodiac , Aries .