
  • 网络creative culture;Cultures of Creativity
  1. 日前,桂林举办创新创意文化节暨桂林国际动漫节。

    Recently , innovation and creative culture held in Guilin , Guilin International Animation Festival and the Festival .

  2. 通过与第二部分的对于分析,提出未来上海发展都市创意文化产业的政策建议。

    With the second part for analysis , put forward policy Suggestions on the future development of Shanghai urban creative culture .

  3. 这是一个展示各国家创意文化的地方。

    This is a place where we can show different national cultures .

  4. 政策激励,引领创意文化产业发展壮大。

    Policy incentives , leading the creative and cultural industries to grow .

  5. 浅析景德镇陶瓷创意文化产业的发展

    Analysis about Development of Jingdezhen Ceramic Creative Cultural Industry

  6. 作为创意文化产业而发展的工业设计

    Industrial Design Developed as Industry of Cultural Originality

  7. 创意文化产业正以前所未有的速度迅速崛起。

    As we can see , creative industry is rising with an unprecedented speed .

  8. 画面上的数字,代表王广义成长年代的创意文化遭受的极端箝制。

    These numbers then reference the extreme restrictions on creative production during Wang 's formative years .

  9. 这样,本文对于创意文化产业论述有针对性,理论依据也更加充分。

    So , this paper for the creative cultural industry targeted , theoretical basis and more fully .

  10. 商业休闲创意文化品牌探析&南新仓特色商业品牌建设

    Application of leisure commercial and creative cultural brand & Characteristic commercial brand building of Nan Xin Cang

  11. 探寻上海在推进创意文化产业发展过程中的政策特点和不足之处。

    In Shanghai in the process of promote the development of creative cultural industry policy characteristics and shortcomings .

  12. 通过对张家口现有文化产业的具体考察和分析,从深化文化体制改革、整合文化资源、调整文化产业格局、发展创意文化产业以及加强人才队伍建设等方面提出张家口市文化产业发展的思路和措施。

    Through the investigation and analysis of the present cultural industry , this paper puts forward some ideas and measures of promoting that .

  13. 在大力发展本土网络游戏软件之外,还积极发展原创动漫及由这些创意文化衍生出来的周边产品。

    It not only developed local network game software , but also actively developed original cartoon and the derivation products by this creative culture .

  14. 「动漫产业是一个集创意文化、动漫艺术等为一体的文化新兴产业,发展前景广阔」。

    Animation is a set of creative and cultural industries , animation and art culture as a whole new industry , and broad development prospects .

  15. 我们非常感谢大学教育资助委员会、民政事务局和政府产业署对浸大推广视觉艺术和创意文化计划的支持。

    We would like to thank the UGC , the Home Affairs Bureau and the Government Property Agency for backing our visual arts and creative education projects .

  16. 查阅资料显示,美国英国两个创意文化经济发达与影视戏剧产业发达国家的高等表演专业教育也同样发达。

    Search display , United States United Kingdom developed two creative culture and film and television drama industry performance major in higher education in developed countries are also developed .

  17. 曾连续两年成功举办“创新创意文化节”的桂林,已站在广西动漫产业的潮头浪尖。

    Has been successfully held for two consecutive years ," creative innovation " Festival of Guilin , Guangxi animation industry has been standing in the forefront of the wave .

  18. 近年来,随着内外部市场发生剧烈变化,创造力经济时代背景下的中国服装行业正经历着从传统制造业向创意文化产业的蜕变。

    Recently , with dramatic changes both in internal and external market , the Chinese apparel industry is undergoing a transformation from traditional manufacturing industry to the creative and cultural industry .

  19. 综观所参阅文献,国外的大都市已经将创意文化产业作为重点扶持产业,很多已经发展数十年,有了一套较为完整的理论体系。

    Throughout by refer to literature , foreign metropolis has creative cultural industry as a key support industry , many have been developed for decades , has a set of relatively complete theoretical system .

  20. 在全球创意文化产业蓬勃发展的当下,创意人才成为发达国家最热门的人才,目前我国创意人才匮乏,成为制约我国创意产业发展的瓶颈。

    As the flourish of cultural creative industry , creative professionals are urgently needed . At present , our country is in the lack of creative talents which restricts our development of cultural creative industry .

  21. 商业插画从属于创意文化产业,是流行文化产业的重要组成部分,并且完全遵循着一整套的生产和再生产的市场规则。

    Commercial illustration , one branch of the creative cultural industry , is the important component of the pop cultural industry , and totally obeys a whole set of market rules of production and reproduction .

  22. 这样做的意义在于,这种意外会使员工感兴趣,保持高昂的士气,更不用说培养一种创意文化,即所有人都可以尝试新事物,将失败作为学习工具。

    You get the idea . The point is that surprises keep people interested and morale high , not to mention breed a culture of creativity where it 's OK to try new things and use failure as a learning tool .

  23. 该片区以原有工业厂区为依托,形成以陶瓷艺术和其他唐山知名艺术家工作室为龙头,以艺术品展示、艺术品经营为支撑的唐山创意文化产业片。

    Relying on the existing industrial plant boundary , the Tangshan cultural and creative industries tablets can be formed , as the ceramic art and other Tangshan well-known artists ' studios play the leading role , and Showing works of art , management of art business acts as support pillar .

  24. 针对创意与文化的空间,艺术类大学的特质&艺术,成为了开拓这样一个空间的钥匙。

    Because the Space of creativity culture , the nature of art college art , has become the key to open it .

  25. 此次世博会将展示不少颇具创意的文化、设计和建筑材料等,它们会对城市生活产生诸多影响,我建议大家不妨从中去探索、去挖掘。

    I encourage visitors to explore the implications for urban living demonstrated by the many creative exhibitions of culture , design , and building materials .

  26. 我是中国人怎会不喜欢自己国家人民智慧的工艺品和那些有美感或创意的文化产品。

    How can the Chinese people , I do not like the people of the wisdom of their own country crafts and those that are aesthetic or creative cultural products .

  27. 数字信息在当今知识经济时代是至关重要的资源;它在研究和教育工作,自然和人文科学,创意和文化活动以及公共政策方面发挥着众多的作用。

    Digital information is vital resources in the epoch of knowledge economy ; it plays an important role in the science , research and education , public policy , the creative industries , and the cultural heritage sectors .

  28. 买下这栋房子之后,父亲打算离开洛杉矶,永久定居道师城,学习梅贝尔的样子,建立一个创意反文化据点,他的朋友们——艺术家、演员和音乐家——可以在这里相聚,他打算把这个地方叫做“泥巴宫”。

    After he bought that house , my father decided to live in Taos and leave L.A. for good , and following in Mabel 's steps , to create a creative counterculture where his friends - artists , actors , musicians - could come and gather in the Mud Palace , as he liked to call it .

  29. 创意产业具有文化、知识和产业内涵。

    Creative industry has the cultural , intellective and industrial connotation .

  30. 品牌创意策略与文化透视

    Strategies for Creating Brand Names & from a Cultural Perspective