
  • 网络service outsourcing;service industry outsourcing
  1. 论中国发展全球服务业外包的机遇和挑战

    Opportunities and challenges for China 's development of global service industry outsourcing

  2. 服务业外包对印度产业结构影响的分析

    The Analysis for Service Outsourcing Influence Indian Industry Structure

  3. 服务业外包的福利效应分析

    The Welfare Effect Analysis of Service Outsourcing

  4. 现有的服务业外包文献主要是集中在服务业外包对生产力和就业的影响上。

    In addition , such literatures often concentrate on the research of productivity and employment of service outsourcing .

  5. 即服务业外包可以带来外包输出国和外包承接国的经济增长和福利提高。

    In other words , service outsourcing can promote economic growth and help raise welfare in both countries concerned .

  6. 以服务业外包和高科技、高附加值的高端制造及研发环节转移为主要特征的新一轮全球产业结构调整正在兴起。

    A new round of global industry structure adjustment characterized by outsourcing service with hi-tech and high-added value is emerging .

  7. 第二,通过引入统计学中的主成分分析方法,对中印两国近十年承接服务业外包经济环境加以测度,实现两国服务外包经济环境的量化分析。

    Secondly , we used Principal Component Analysis in Statistics to measure the economic environments of China and India undertaking service outsourcing .

  8. 在服务业外包业务快速增长的前提下,发达国家与发展中国家关于服务业外包效应问题的争论日益激烈。

    The service outsourcing business is growing rapidly , which has caused increasingly hot debates on its effect in both developed and developing countries .

  9. 接着,利用主成分分析方法对通过显著性检验的影响因素提取主成分,并对中国和印度近十年来承接服务业外包经济环境加以测度,实现对服务外包承接国经济环境的量化评价。

    And then , we extracted principal components by Principal Component Analysis and measure the economic environments of China and India undertaking service outsourcing over the past decade .

  10. 随着国际产业分工向纵深发展,服务业外包发展迅速,并已成为全球跨国直接投资的主要引擎。

    With the development of international industrial work division in depth , service outsourcing industry began to grow rapidly , and has become the main drive of the global FDI .

  11. 本文用一系列竞争力指数分别对中国制造业和服务业外包进行了考察,再通过与相关国家的比较,分析了中国外包的比较优势和国际竞争力。

    This paper uses a series of competitiveness indexes to observe both manufacturing and service outsourcing of China . Then , it analyzes comparative advantages of China comparing with relevant countries and areas .

  12. 本论文是国家社会科学基金项目《跨国公司制造业和服务业外包发展趋势与我国政策研究》(04BJY)的研究成果。

    The dissertation is the study advancement of Outsourcing Developing Research of Trends of Multinational Corporations in Manufacture and Service Industries and Police Research of Chinese Government project supported by national social science fund .

  13. 企业发展如此迅猛,以至于行业游说团体预测,印度IT行业在2010年前将面临5万名专业人才短缺的局面,这威胁到该国在全球离岸IT服务业外包中的主导地位。

    Business is growing so fast that the industry 's lobby group has estimated that the Indian IT sector faces a shortfall of 500,000 professionals by 2010 that threatens the country 's dominance of global offshore IT services .

  14. 利用制造业外包的理论模型对服务业外包的福利效应进行分析,可以证明服务业外包对发达国家就业的消极影响是非常小的,从长期看反而可以增加其对技术型工人的相对需求。

    An analysis of the welfare effect of service outsourcing by employing the theoretical model of manufacturing industry outsourcing proves that service outsourcing has little negative impact on employment in developed countries , and actually in the long run , it may increase the relative demand of skilled workers .

  15. 第一部分介绍了服务业离岸外包的概况。

    The first chapter introduces the general situation of service offshore outsourcing .

  16. 全球服务业离岸外包:现状、动因及演变趋势

    Global Services Offshore Outsourcing : Current Condition , Motivation and Developing Trend

  17. 目前,中国仍是跨国公司投资的首选目的地,特别是在服务业和外包行业。

    China remains a top destination for investment by multinational companies , particularly in services and outsourcing .

  18. 第三部分分析了服务业离岸外包对于母国和东道国的影响,既有贸易利益也有负面影响。

    The third chapter analyzes the economic benefit and negative effect on the home country and destination country .

  19. 在一些国际权威机构的调查中,跨国公司仍将中国作为跨国投资的重要目的地甚至是首选地,尤其是服务业投资和外包方兴未艾。

    Surveys by authoritative organisations suggest that China is still a leading destination for foreign investment .

  20. 当前经济全球化正在进入新的发展阶段,全球经济结构的调整和产业的重组使得全球产业从制造业向服务业转移,服务业外包成为服务业全球化发展的重要趋势。

    At present , the economic globalization is entering a new development stage , the worldwide adjustment of economic structure and industrial restructuring result in the global industry shifting from manufacturing to service and service outsourcing has become the important trend of service globalization .

  21. 近年来,随着服务贸易自由化和服务业的高速发展,全球服务业外包市场获得了快速发展。

    With the move of free trade and rapid development of services , global outsourcing services market grows rapidly .

  22. 同制造业国际转移类似,服务业国际转移以服务业跨国公司为主体,以服务业直接投资、服务业外包等方式,实现了服务业各部门的跨国界转移。

    Similar with the international transfer of manufacturing industry , the international transfer of service industry takes the service multinational corporations as its main body and chooses the ways of direct investment , outsourcing , etc. to realize the cross-border transfer of all service sectors .

  23. 服务外包发包国以发达国家为主,而承接国则主要包括新兴发展中国家和中等发达国家,服务业外包对发包国和承接国的经济都产生了深远的影响。

    The host-countries of service outsourcing are mainly developed countries , while the undertaking economies are mainly emerging developing and developed countries .

  24. 生产性服务业核算、生产性服务业对于经济的贡献、生产性服务业与其他产业的互动关系、生产性服务业外包等是国内外学者关注的焦点问题。

    The accounting , contribution and outer sourcing of productive service industry , the relationships among productive service industry and others concern the national and international academia .