
  • 网络service expectation;Expected Service
  1. 图书馆用户满意的形成是服务期望、服务接触和结果归因综合作用的结果,而只有其中能为图书馆所控制的因素才具有测评的意义。

    Customer satisfaction is the combined result of service expectation , service encounter , and cognitive attribution , while ; only the factors which can be controlled by library are worthy of measuring .

  2. 该方法可以改变调用结构(包括路径),且可用于转换调用结构,以符合REST服务期望。

    This method can alter the invocation structure ( including the path ), and can be used to transform the invocation structure to conform with the REST service 's expectations .

  3. 最基本的操作就是对一个URL流执行println,不过这要求您理解太多有关SOAP协议的知识,并且要知道某个服务期望收到的SOAP消息是什么样,发出的又是什么样。

    The most basic is to do printlns to a URL stream , but this requires you to know far too much about the SOAP protocol and the SOAP messages that a service expects and sends .

  4. 但现代的咖啡鉴赏家如在CoffeeWithLove网站上写博客的维也纳咖啡博主LammenAbdul-Malik承认,人们都喜欢去咖啡店里聊天、看报、吃点心,但咖啡店的咖啡标准在咖啡技术和服务期望方面都有些滞后。

    But modern coffee connoisseurs such as Vienna coffee blogger Lameen Abdul-Malik of From Coffee With Love admit that the standard of coffee in these beloved institutions , which act as public living rooms where people come to chat , read newspapers and eat strudel , are lagging in terms of coffee technology and service expectations .

  5. 管理者与患者对医疗服务期望的比较分析

    A Comparative Analysis of Medical Service Management and Patients ' Expectations

  6. 公共管理伦理关系赖以生成的客观依据是社会的服务期望,而主观根据则是公共管理者的道德觉识。

    The objective basis of the public administrating ethic is the expectation for social service , while its subjective basis is moral consciousness of public administrators .

  7. 社会经济的不断发展,患者对医疗护理服务期望值不断提高,需求呈现多元化发展趋势。

    Patients with the continuous development of social economy , the expected value of medical care service is improving continuously , the demand for present diversified development trend .

  8. 其好处真是让人难以置信,不过这就是创建map(email网关服务所期望的)所需的全部内容。

    But that 's all we needed to create the map that the email gateway service is expecting .

  9. 云服务用户期望拥有开放式的云计算接口,而OpenGridForum(OGF)通过发布云接口标准满足了他们的期望。

    Cloud service customers expect open cloud computing interfaces . Open Grid Forum ( OGF ) has met their expectations by publishing a cloud interface standard .

  10. 分析了患者满意的结构、患者对医疗服务的期望层次和患者满意的内在逻辑,明确了CS营销战略在医院经营诊断中的作用。

    This article analyses the structure and forming chain theory of patient 's satisfaction and expectation of medical services at different levels , and defines the function of CS marketing strategy in hospital running and diagnosis .

  11. 云服务用户期望来自行业组织中的开放式计算标准,比如DMTF。

    Cloud service customers expect open computing standards from working groups within the industry organization , such as the DMTF .

  12. 关系属性、归因与介入程度对服务补救期望的影响

    The Influence of Relationship Attribute , Attribution and Involvement on Service Recovery Expectation

  13. 基于感知公平的服务补救期望及顾客满意度的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on Service Recovery Expectation and Customer Satisfaction Based on Perceived Justice

  14. 有些云服务用户期望事实上的云计算定义的联合标准。

    Some cloud service customers expect de facto federal standards of a cloud computing definition .

  15. 云服务用户期望有开放式的信息技术安全标准,包括针对云计算的标准。

    Cloud service customers expect open security standards for information technology , including for cloud computing .

  16. 首先探讨了顾客满意的概念,指出顾客对服务的期望和对服务的感受是导致顾客对服务满意与否的两大对立统一的要素。

    Customer expectation and perception to service are the unity of opposites of generating customer satisfaction .

  17. 以及顾客对服务的期望和对实际得到的服务的感觉之间的差异。

    And finally the gap between perceived service quality by customers and management perceptions of customer expectations .

  18. 将对业务服务的期望,用所要达到的应用软件质量量度来表达,且此量度可优先作为技术目标

    Translating expectations for business service quality into quantified targets for application quality characteristics that can be prioritized as technical objectives

  19. 影响中医师对病患于医疗服务品质期望认知落差的因素,包括医师每月看诊日数、职务、与中医市场竞争程度。

    The associated factors of this gap included physicians'monthly practice days , physicians'position status , and competition of Chinese medicine market .

  20. 加之由于现代汽车技术日新月异,消费者更加理性化和成熟,随之对车辆维修服务的期望也越来越高。

    Meanwhile , with the fast-changing automotive engineering and more rationally and mature customer needs , the better vehicle maintenance service is needed .

  21. 因而,这个模式适合优先考虑简单性和服务的期望负载比较低的情况。

    Thus , this pattern is applicable in cases where simplicity has a priority and where the expected load for the service is low .

  22. 服务{0}期望状态不可知,并且不会被修改。({1},{2})

    Service ' { 0 } ' expected state is unknown and will not be modified . ( { 1 } , { 2 } )

  23. 公众对银行服务的期望较高,加上服务与产品较以往复杂,都会导致投诉增加。

    Higher expectations on the part of the public , a greater complexity of services and products all contribute to a greater volume of complaints .

  24. 现有的许多公厕的设施和卫生状况均较差,这阻碍了城市的发展,也降低了市民对公厕服务的期望值。

    Many of the existing public toilets have poor facilities and unsanitary conditions , hindering city development and frustrating citizen expectations of public toilet services .

  25. 他意识到,沃尔玛要想获得成功,除了为顾客提供低价位的商品之外,还必须超越顾客对优质服务的期望。

    He realized that Wal-Mart needed to do more than offer low prices to be successful-it also had to exceed customers ′ expectations for quality service .

  26. 有责任在向公众的广告,公开声明中,以及在关于成本,服务和期望的结果中提供准确,真实的陈述。

    Responsibility to provide accurate and truthful representations to the public in advertising , public statements and in the preparation of estimates conceming costs , services and expected results .

  27. 租借或者许可模式指的是一种收入模式,这种模式在大的商业伙伴中比较普遍,他们需要大量地使用服务并期望更加合体的协议。

    The Lease or License model refers to the revenue model that would be common amongst larger business partners who would require large volumes of usage and expect a more customized agreement .

  28. 通过调查游客对景区服务的期望和感知评价,分析景区服务存在的问题和存在问题的原因,并提出改进措施和建议。

    Through investigation of expectations and perception of the evaluation of tourists , the article analyzes the existing problems and the reasons causing the problems , then proposes improvement measures and recommendations .

  29. 结果表明:大学生对卫生服务态度期望值较高,医疗满意度远远低于全国总体水平,不满意的人数占70.5%,远远高于全国总体水平3.8%。

    Results : their expectation about health service is high , 70 5 % of students are unsatisfied , which is far higher than the average level 3 8 % of our country .

  30. 研究住院患者及其家属对医院服务的期望,有利于促进医院服务理念的更新和管理模式的转变,提高医院的服务水平和服务质量。

    To study the expectation of the inpatients and their family members , it is advantageous to renew the service and management , to improve continuously the hospital quality and level of service .