
  • 网络Inventory Planning;Inventory Plan;Inventory Planner
  1. 本文探讨研究了企业库存计划设计。

    This thesis discusses and studies the design of enterprise inventory planning .

  2. 最后,论文以KT公司为案例,依据订单履行模式的选择设计步骤和订单履行模式下的库存计划设计方法详细分析研究了KT公司的库存计划设计方案。

    This thesis points out inventory planning design methods under different order fulfillment models . Finally , take KT Company as a case , do a deeply research according to the design steps of order fulfillment model and inventory planning .

  3. 倒排计划和安全库存计划相结合的物料需求计划与控制方法&用于非定型产品制造业

    An Efficient Method of Planning and Control for Materials Demands

  4. 库存计划的稳定性和公司激励机制

    COMPANY Corporation Incentive Effects and Planning Stability of Inventory

  5. 准备库存计划,季节性储备估量以及产品旺季执行政策。

    Material buffer plan and seasonal stock evaluation and execution for production peak season .

  6. 它强调双方同时参与、共同制定库存计划,使供需双方能协调一致。

    It emphasizes the two sides participating jointly in developing inventory plans to make both sides coordinated .

  7. 解决原材料缺乏和过剩最行之有效的方法是针对企业的各种需求状况做出准确、全面的库存计划。

    The best way to solve raw material shortage and surplus is to make accurate and comprehensive inventory plan according to enterprises ' various demands .

  8. 构造了一个以公司和工人为目标的双目标规划模型,同时模型中考虑了库存计划的稳定性。

    A multiple objective problem is constructed for the owner and the worker . At the same time , planning stability is considered in the model .

  9. 在ERP/MRP-II系统中,提前期是一个与交货期、库存计划、能力平衡计划等等参数和过程有着密切关系的变量。

    In ERP / MRP-II system , dynamic leading time is a variable closely related to delivery time , inventory plan and capacity balance plan , etc.

  10. 通过对业务需求的详细分解,结合仓存、物流等专业知识,进行了请领流程、采购计划、库存计划、发货流程等功能的规划。

    Through the detailed decomposition of the business requirements , we combine the professional knowledge with the warehouse inventory , logistics etc. then ⅰ proceeding functions planning such as request process , purchasing plan , stock plan , and delivery process .

  11. 这个客户订单应该走库存还是计划订单?

    Can we fulfil this customer order from stock or planned orders ?

  12. 但是有了万能服务器,它们将变得查对简单明了,允许更为有效的零库存资源计划。

    But with Universal Servers , they will be relatively straightforward , allowing more effective just-in-time resource planning .

  13. 但是,如何制定有效的库存管理计划和运输路线安排计划来满足客户的需求并不是一项轻松的任务。

    But how to make the effective inventory management and routing plans in order to meet the customer 's demands is not a easy task .

  14. 此后逐步分析了成都可口可乐公司的呆滞存货和滞销品管理,库存分配计划,出入库业务系统,库存计划的制定,库存计划实施等内容。

    Bibliotheca Rejection in University Libraries After that , this paper step by step analyzes the Dead Sock Management 、 Stock Distribution Planning 、 In and Out system 、 Stock Plan Making 、 Stock Plan Implement .

  15. 二,企业可以统计经销商需求信息进行更为合理的库存采购计划,从而降低库存,提高周转率,降低供应链的波动性。

    Second , the enterprise may demand for more information from dealers to make more reasonable inventory purchase plan , so as to reduce inventory , improve turnover , reduce the waviness of the supply chain .

  16. 提出了本文规划和求解物料配送问题的总体解决方案&两阶段法,即将问题分解成线旁库存补充计划和配送车辆调度两个子问题,经过先后两个连续的阶段来分别求解两个子问题。

    Then it introduces the general solution of materiel logistics , two-phase method , namely , dividing it into two sub-problems of inventory supplement and vehicle scheduling , then solving respectively these sub-problems in the two consecutive phases .

  17. 持有特种烟草专卖经营企业许可证的企业,必须按照国务院烟草专卖行政主管部门的规定,向国务院烟草专卖行政主管部门报送进货、销售、库存的计划和报表。

    Any enterprise with a special license for the tobacco monopoly operation enterprise must , in accordance with the relevant regulations of the department of tobacco monopoly administration under the State Council , submit to the department the plans and statements about its purchases , sales and stock .

  18. 第一阶段:库存管理、计划管理;

    Phase I : inventory management and planning management ;

  19. 该系统主要包括采购管理、销售管理、库存管理、计划和生产管理、质量管理和系统维护管理子系统。

    The designed system mainly includes procurement management , sales management , stock management , plan and production management , quality control and system maintenance management subsystems .

  20. ABC理论用于ERP系统包括标准成本计算、财务管理、库存管理、生产计划与控制等;

    This paper analyzes the application of ABC in ERP system , includes standard cost calculation and cost management , inventory management , production planning and control .

  21. 具有逆向物流的供应链系统安全库存的一种计划方法

    A Strategic Safety Stocks Planning in Reverse Logistics Supply Chain Systems

  22. 钢铁企业中库存匹配与生产计划联合优化模型与算法

    The Model and Algorithm for Joint Optimization of Inventory Matching and Production Planning in Steel Plant

  23. 原材料库存主要存在采购计划不准确和信息传递滞后两方面的问题。

    Problems of raw material inventory are mainly in two aspects , inaccurate material purchase plan and lag of information transfer .

  24. 论文首先描述了Y公司整个供应链的现状,包括其网络规划、库存定位、生产计划、供应链策略以及相关的业务流程。

    We first describe the entire supply chain , including network planning , inventory positioning , production planning , supply chain strategy and related business processes .

  25. 汽车产量很可能也已经触底,“旧车换现金”计划消除了过剩库存,尽管该计划鼓励人们超前消费,使这方面的形势较难解读。

    Auto production has also probably bottomed out , with cash-for-clunkers eliminating excess inventories , though the scheme pulled forward demand , making this harder to read .

  26. 在对供应链中运输、库存、产品生产计划分析的基础上,提出了一种解决厂家产品生产规划的混合整数规划模型。

    On the basis of analyzing transportation , stock and product manufacturing plan in a supply chain , the paper puts forward an admixture integral planning model which can solve product manufacturing planning of a factory .

  27. 本文将多代理的理论与技术引入到供应链协同管理,并对基于多代理的供应链协同管理系统中库存控制与运输计划之间的协同分配问题进行了具体的研究。

    This thesis introduces the theory and technology of multi-agent system into SCSM . Interest is concentrated on the mechanism of coordination of task allocation between storage control and transportation plan on SCSM based on multi-agent system .

  28. 目前,对逆向物流的研究主要集中在网络规划、库存控制与生产计划三个方面,大多数研究仅从静态、单一阶段的角度出发,缺乏对整个逆向物流所有结点的系统分析与研究。

    At present , the studies on reverse logistics mainly focus on three aspects : network planning , inventory controlling and production planning . Most of the studies are based on the static and simplex state , which are lacking integral analysis of the system .

  29. NSGAⅡ在应急物资储备库选址中的应用供应商管理库存系统中库存和运输计划整合

    Application of NSGA ⅱ in Emergency Material Storage Layout Optimization Delivery Consolidation and Stock Replenishment in VMI System

  30. 供应商管理库存系统中库存和运输计划整合

    Delivery Consolidation and Stock Replenishment in VMI System