
  • 网络coulomb blockade;Coulomb blockade effect
  1. 本文对含有介观电容的介观电路作了理论推导和数值分析,主要研究了介观LC电路的量子压缩效应和介观电容耦合RLC电路的库仑阻塞效应。

    The studies contain the quantum squeezing effect in the mesoscopic LC circuit and the Coulomb blockade effect in the mesoscopic capacitance coupling RLC circuit .

  2. 在第四章,基于电荷的量子化特征,给出了介观电容耦合RLC电路的量子化方法,研究了介观电容耦合RLC电路的库仑阻塞效应。

    In chapter 4 , regarding the discreteness of electric charge , we present the method of the mesoscopic capacitance coupling RLC circuit and studied the Coulomb blockade effect in the circuit .

  3. 基于库仑阻塞效应和量子尺寸效应工作的单电子晶体管(SET)由于具有超小器件尺寸、超低功耗、超低工作电流和超高工作频率等特点,受到人们的重视和深入研究。

    Single-electron transistor has received extensive attention and intensive research in re-cent years by virtue of its advantages such as ultra-small geometry , ultra-low power dissipation , ultra-low operating voltage and ultra-high operating frequency based on the Coulomb bloc-kade and quantum size effect .

  4. 有源介观耗散电路的库仑阻塞效应

    Coulomb blockade effects of a dissipative mesoscopic circuit with a source

  5. 介观互感耦合电路的量子化和库仑阻塞效应

    Quantization and Coulomb Blockade Effect in Mesoscopic Circuit with Mutual-Inductance

  6. 产生这种现象的原因,可能是由于库仑阻塞效应和小尺寸效应引起的。

    The coulomb blockade effects and the small size effects may results in these results .

  7. 对玻璃中半导体量子点的生长过程、量子点的电子态,量子尺寸效应、库仑阻塞效应及介电效应,做了比较全面的介绍。

    The growth and the electronic state of quantum dots , quantum size-dependent effects , Coulomb blockade effects and dielectric effects are described .

  8. 随着温度的升高,库仑阻塞效应减弱,激光光照导致电子传输增强的效果受到热效应的竞争,电流增强也因此逐渐减小乃至消失。

    As the temperature rises Coulomb blockade effects become weak and the enhanced quantum charge transport caused by laser compete with thermal effects .

  9. 本文总结了单电子器件的工作,同时也讨论了作为此类器件设计基础的库仑阻塞效应。

    This paper summarises the work of the single electron devices ( SED ) and discusses coulomb blockade effect , which is basic to SED design .

  10. 硅纳米线由于特殊的光学及电学性能如量子限制效应及库仑阻塞效应等,在纳米电子器件的应用方面具有潜在的发展前景。

    Si nanowire is promising in application of nanoelectronic devices due to its specially optical and electronic properties such as quantum confinement effect and coulomb blockade effect .

  11. 随着维度的降低,低维半导体系统的量子受限效应、量子隧穿效应、库仑阻塞效应等表现的越来越明显。

    With the dimension reduction , the quantum confinement effect , quantum tunneling effect , Coulomb blockade effect etc. of low dimensional semiconductor systems become more and more obvious .

  12. 介绍了量子阱的输运性质;分析了量子线的电导性质以及实际量子线场效应器件中存在的库仑阻塞效应。

    In addition , transport properties of quantum well , conductance theory of quantum wires , and coulomb blockade effect in quantum wire field-effect devices have been described and discussed .

  13. 因此,限制效应改变了电子能水平,就好像一个装在盒子中的颗粒,这就是为什么电荷的离散特性会导致库仑阻塞效应的原因。

    Thus , confinement effects modify electron energy levels , similar to a particle in a box , whereby Coulomb blockade effect arises as a consequence of the discrete nature of electric charges .

  14. 本文首先回顾了量子输运的一些效应,如量子隧穿、库仑阻塞效应,介绍了自旋偏压和纯自旋流的研究现状以及非平衡态格林函数方法。

    In this dissertation , we firstly reviews some of the effects of quantum transport , such as Quantum tunneling and Coulomb blockade effect , and introduces the spin bias voltage , pure spin current and none-equilibrium Green function approach .

  15. 介绍了单电子存储器的发展情况和几种单电子存储器的基本特性,并将库仑阻塞效应作为存储器工作的理论基础进行了讨论。

    This paper gives a brief review of recent progress on single-electron memories and discusses the intrinsic characteristics of some kinds of single-electron memories , and the Coulomb blockade effect as the basic principle of the operation of single-electron memory is also discussed .

  16. 结果表明,外加电压源电压的取值是量子化的,而且存在一个阈值电压,当外加电压小于起始阈值电压时,由于库仑阻力的作用,穿过介观电容的电流为零,此即库仑阻塞效应。

    Our results indicate that the adiabatic approximation electromotive force only takes discrete values , and there exists a threshold voltage . When the electromotive force is less than the threshold voltage , the electric current in the mesoscopic capacitance is zero by reason of the Coulomb force .