
  • 网络Digital Logic Circuit
  1. 基于Web的数字逻辑电路虚拟实验室

    The dummy digital logic circuit lab based on WEB

  2. USB接口模块及CPLD数字逻辑电路;

    Module of USB interface and CPLD digital logic circuit .

  3. 采用SPICE程序分析数字逻辑电路的一种方法

    A method for analysis of digital logic circuit by the application of spice program

  4. 面向PDP显示的数字逻辑电路及其设计

    Introduction and Design of Digital Logic System for PDP

  5. 该模糊控制器电路不用CPU,全部算法由数字逻辑电路实现,具有运算速度快的特点,适合于需要高速控制的场合。

    No CPU is needed for the fuzzy controller circuit . All algorithms are realized for high speed by digital logic circuits .

  6. 介绍一种采用VRML开发的实现数字逻辑电路虚拟实验室交互控制的方法。

    This paper describes a design method of interactive control method of virtual digital logic circuit laboratory base on VRML .

  7. 介绍一种开发数字逻辑电路虚拟实验室的方法,并详细论述所采用的开发语言VRML、建模及交互控制方法。

    This paper describes a design method of virtual digital logic circuit laboratory , the developing language-VRML , modeling , and interactive control method .

  8. 在数据采集系统中采用目前先进的CPLD技术实现数字逻辑电路,具有非常广阔的市场开发前景。

    Since the advanced CPLD technology is used to produce digital circuit and the data transmission is finished with the EPP technology , extensive market prospect is placed .

  9. HDL是设计数字逻辑电路必不可少的通用工具,该文给出了位同步性能较好的积分型自同步的一个HDL实现。

    HDL is an essential general tool in digital logical circuit design . A HDL implementation of the integral bit synchronization with good performance is provided .

  10. 两个典型数字逻辑电路仿真分析实例表明EWB为数字电路分析设计提供了实用、高效的仿真环境。

    Two typical examples show that EWB is the practical and efficient simulation environment for design and analysis of digital logic circuits .

  11. 通过几个教学实例,讨论在《数字逻辑电路》课程教学中引入EWB软件进行仿真教学的方法。

    This text will focus on the means of application about EWB in digital logic circuit course teaching through some of the demonstration .

  12. 同时要求同学能够理解数字逻辑电路与模拟电路之间的密切关系,了解EDA技术对于数字逻辑辑电路设计分析的重大意义。

    At the same time , students can understand the close relationship between digital circuits and simulated circuits and understand the significance of EDA technology on digital logic design analysis .

  13. ISP-PLD器件在数字逻辑电路实验中的应用

    The application of ISP-PLD device in the experiment of digital logical circuit

  14. 集成电路工艺的选择影响到整个芯片组的成本,CMOS是数字逻辑电路的主流工艺技术,BiCMOS仍然是射频系统中应用最多的工艺技术。

    Proper process technology of IC can reduce the cost of whole chipset . While CMOS remains the backbone for digital logic , BiCMOS remains the most implemented technology for RF systems .

  15. 以简单、可靠的TTL数字逻辑电路实现了汽车底盘测功机系统和尾气采集系统的联机控制。

    The joint control of auto chassis dynamometer system and CFVCVS is accomplished by means of simple and reliable TTL digital logic circuit in the exhaust gas evaluation test .

  16. 采用FPGA实现PID控制器,实际上是利用数字逻辑电路来完成PID控制,由于PID控制算法运算工作量大,增加了实现的难度,尤其是其中的运算精度与溢出问题。

    Using FPGA to design PID controller is to implement PID control by digital logic circuit . Due to the large operation workload of PID control algorithm , the difficulty to realize algorithm rise , especially when deal with the problem of precision and overflow .

  17. 通过利用复杂可编程逻辑器件CPLD和其软件开发平台Max+Plus实现一变周期、变占空比的复杂脉冲产生器为例,证明了用CPLD设计复杂数字逻辑电路的便捷性。

    This paper detailedly explains the facility of using CPLD to design the digital circuit by an example realizing a complicated changeable period and dutyfactor pulse generator , using the CPLD with the empolder software , Max + Plus ⅱ .

  18. 本文以8路抢答器为例,介绍了在Max+plusⅡ开发软件下,利用VHDL语言设计数字逻辑电路的过程和方法。

    Taking the design of 8-Vie for the answering device for example , the paper introduces procedure and method of designing digital logical circuit with Max + plus ⅱ as development software and VHDL as hardware description language .

  19. 介绍了EDA技术的发展、基本特征,阐述了利用EDA工具进行数字逻辑电路的设计流程、TOP-DOWN设计方法、硬件描述语言。

    The development and the basic characteristics of the EDA technology are described in the paper . The design flow of digital logic circuit based on EDA tools , TOP-DOWN designing method and hardware descriptive language is also stated in it .

  20. 半导体桥(SCB)通过桥膜放电进行含能材料的点火,具有低点火能量、高安全性以及能与数字逻辑电路组合等优点。

    Semiconductor bridge ( SCB ) was utilized to ignite energetic materials with thin film discharge and characterized of low input energy , high safety and logic control possibility .

  21. 在EDA软件的基础上,介绍了仿真功能在数字逻辑电路设计中的应用,佐证了由传统实验教学向现代化创新性教学的重要性。并进行了三个数字电路仿真设计分析举例。

    Based on the EDA software , the article chiefly introduces the application of simulation function in the digital logic circuit design and proves the importance of change from traditional experiment teaching to modern creative teaching by emulating analyses of the examples for three digital logic circuit design .

  22. 有机薄膜场效应晶体管(OFET)在电子报纸、智能识别卡、大面积平板显示及柔性显示、传感器、数字逻辑电路等方面具有非常广阔的应用前景。

    Organic thin film field-effect transistors ( OFETs ) have great potential for a wide variety of applications , such as electronic paper , smart identification cards , large-area flat-panel and flexible displays , sensors , and digital logic circuits .

  23. 数字逻辑电路的描述及模块化综合方法

    Description of the Digital Logic Circuit and Method of Model Synthesis

  24. 数字逻辑电路动态实验技术的探讨

    Probe in the Moving Experimental Technology in Digital Logical Circuit

  25. 基于布尔差分的数字逻辑电路故障诊断

    Fault Diagnosis of the Digital Logic Circuit Bast on Boolean Difference Calculus

  26. 数字逻辑电路教学改革与实验平台建设

    Reform of the Digital Logic Circuit Teaching and Construction of Experiment Platform

  27. 计算机专业数字逻辑电路教学模式改革

    Teaching Reform on Digital Logic Circuits of Computing Science Specialty

  28. 基于开放教学模式的数字逻辑电路实验教学改革

    Teaching Reform of Experiment about Digital Logic Circuit Based on Open Teaching Model

  29. 用软件设计实现数字逻辑电路功能的方法

    Using methods of program design to accomplish the functions of digital logic circuits

  30. 数字逻辑电路教学实践中故障排查的研究

    Study of the fault reducing and clearing on digital logic circuit teaching practice