
  • 网络single electronics
  1. 纳米电子学是纳米科技的重要领域之一,其中对单电子现象及其相关器件的研究是纳米电子学的重要组成部分,并形成固态科学与技术的分支领域&单电子学。

    In Nano-technology , Nanoelectronics is a most important field . The research on single electron phenomena and the relative instruments are two main components , which form an offset in the solid science and technology field , i.e. , Single Electronics .

  2. 介观物理和单电子电子学

    Mesoscopic Physics and Single Electronics ELECTRONICS

  3. 本文综述了二维电子、量子导线和量子微粒中的电子行为,并指出单子过程在单电子电子学新领域中的可能应用。

    This paper reviews the behavior and the basic properties of electrons in two-dimension , quantum wires and quantum granule , and discusses some possible applications in Single Electronics .

  4. 这类分子称为分子整流器,是最早利用有机单分子实现电子学器件功能的设想。

    This kind of molecules are called molecular rectifiers , which is the earliest idea for constructing devices by using single organic molecules .