
  • 网络unit group
  1. 为了评价以医院为单位整群抽样获取的脐带血DNA库与一般人群的相似性,对北京某医院收集的脐带血DNA库提供者父母籍贯和姓氏分布进行统计分析。

    A hospital-sampled newborn infant cord blood DNA bank was collected to measure the homogeneity comparing with China and northern China population by distribution of native place and surname .

  2. 过定点O的旋转群Ro是无限群,从视直线为旋转轴出发讨论,Ro的有限子群(除单位元群外)共有6种类型。

    Let R_o be a rotation group passing through the original point . It is shown that there are 6 classes finite subgroups on the infinite group R_o except for the identity group .

  3. 本文给出了矩形带,完全单半群,半格,clifford半群,矩阵单位半群的理想,双理想与双主双理想的刻画。

    In this paper , the ideals , bi-ideals and dual-principal bi-ideals of rectangular band , completely simple semigroup , semilattice , Clifford semigroup , matrix unit semigroup , bicyclic semigroup are depicted .

  4. 进一步,当正规子群为单位元群时,前面一个空间的基就是不可约Brauer特征标的集合。

    Furthermore , when the normal subgroup is the idendity group , the basis of the first space is just as the set of irreducible Brauer characters .

  5. 方法以该校17~25岁的大学1~5年级学生共428人为研究对象,以班为单位整群抽样,采用SDS自评抑郁量表(SDS)和自编的心理健康影响因素调查表进行调查。

    Methods Four hundred and twenty - eight college students aged from 17 to 25 years were chosen from freshman to graduate by cluster sampling methed , and they were investigated with the influential factors of mental health questionaire and the self - rating depression scale ( SDS ) inventory .

  6. 等级系统中的基本单位是群丛。

    The fundamental unit of the hierarchy is the association .

  7. 对照组:除外观察组学生,随机在4届学生中以班为单位整群抽样218名学生。

    Contrast group : Other 218 undergraduates were adopted in cluster sampling , taking class as unit .

  8. 本文研究单分散微粒散射截面σS对单位粒子群光信号幅值分布函数的物理作用和影响;

    The effect of the scattering section of a particle ,σ s , on the signal amplitude distribution function for particles is studied in this paper .

  9. 方法以村民组为单位整群抽样,在艾滋病疫情高发村和非流行村分别抽取两个村民组,由调查员对全部15岁以上村民入户调查、填写调查问卷。

    Methods All the villagers over 15 years old of two groups of villagers , separately from an AIDS epidemic village and a non-epidemic village , were inquired in questionnaire .

  10. 滴内传质可以用Danckwerts表面更新理论描述,界面更新速率在数值上相当于单位时间滴群比表面的更新分数。

    The transient mass transfer in drops was estimated by using Danckwerts ' surface renewal theory . The fraction of surface variation of drops per unit time was numerically taken as the fractional rate of surface renewal .

  11. 无单位元的群分次环与G/H-分次模范畴

    Graded Rings without Identity and G / H-graded Module Category

  12. 单位补充产卵群生物量;

    Spawning stock biomass per recruit ;

  13. 调核是语调单位(调群)中最突显的音节,是信息焦点。

    Nucleus is the most prominent syllable in a tone group , and it is also an informational focus .

  14. 现行火山岩区填图是以岩石地层单位划分的群-组-段为基础,其中组是最基本的填图单位。

    At present the lithostratigraphic units ( group , formation and member ) are used in the mapping of volcanic terrain , in which the formation is a basic cartographic units .

  15. 采用滤纸干血滴标本进行间接荧光抗体试验,对徐州市部分小学生、职业中学学生及肉联厂工人调查弓形体感染情况。在三个单位530名人群中,阳性137人,阳性率为25.85%。

    Indirect fluorescent antibody assay of dried blood spot on filter paper for antitoxoplasma antibody among the inhabitants of xuzhou area revealed that the average infection rate of the 530 persons investigated was 25.85 % .

  16. q为偶数次本原单位根时量子群Uq(m,n)的区块结构

    Block Structure of U_q ( m , n ) When q is a Primitive Root of Unity of Even Numbers

  17. 马蹄寺旅游景区是国家4A级旅游景区,是省级森林公园,景区内有全国重点文物保护单位马蹄寺石窟群。

    Mati Temple is the national4A tourist attraction and the provincial forest park , where have Mati Temple Grottoes , which are the important heritage site under state protection .

  18. 方法以班级为单位,采用整群随机抽样的方法,利用中国身心健康量表(CPSHS),对某综合性大学940名在校大学生进行问卷调查。

    Methods Taking a class as a unit , 940 students were selected by cluster random sampling in the Yangtze University . Data were collected through questionnaire ( Chinese Psychosomatic Health Scale , CPSHS ) .

  19. 作者向读者传递的信息通过连续的语言形式表现出来,信息单位往往由意群体现。

    The authors convey information to readers through continuous form shown by the language , information units often reflected by the meaning group .

  20. 文中指出前人建立并命名作为岩石地层单位的高州岩群和黄岭岩组不符合地层划分命名原则,因而是不恰当的。

    In the paper , it is pointed out that establishment and nomination of the Gaozhou Rock Group and Huangling Rock Formation as the lithostratigraphic units are unsuitable because it is not in keeping with principles of stratigraphic classification and nomination .