
  • 网络marketing risk
  1. 同时,国有石化企业对市场营销风险的研究还处于起步阶段,控制市场营销风险的方法、手段、工具等方面还不完善,急待提高,需要不断研究探索。

    At the same time , the research on marketing risk of management and sales of national petrochemical enterprise is still in the very initial stage . The methods , measures and tools of controlling market risk are still need to be improved and continuous exploration .

  2. 基于主成分信息扩散法的企业市场营销风险预警分类器设计方法

    A Classifier of Marketing Risk Early Warning Based on Main Components Information Diffusion

  3. 企业市场营销风险评估预警系统研究

    An Approach to Early Warning System for Risk Evaluation of Marketing

  4. 本文在企业市场营销风险评估中,通过构建营销风险评估指标体系来进行。

    The paper evaluates marketing risks through the marketing risks indices system .

  5. 近年来,市场营销风险与日俱增,制约了企业的正常营销活动。

    In recent years , the marketing risks grouse with each passing day which restrict normal marketing activities of enterprises .

  6. 小火电上马、电力欠费风险、窃电风险、线损风险、两改一同价相关的风险是主要的市场营销风险。

    Related risks can not be neglected . The main risks of marketing are : The thermal power plant starts , risks of towing charges , steals the electricity , the line damage and two changes together the price .

  7. 市场营销的风险管理

    Risk Management of Marketing

  8. 所以,开展市场营销的风险管理对武烟和整个烟草行业重要而紧迫。

    So it is very significant and urgent to explore marketing risk management for both Wuhan cigarette factory and the whole tobacco industry .

  9. 冰蓄冷中央空调市场营销定位及风险规避研究

    Market Positioning and Risk Research of Ice-Thermal-Storage Center Air Conditioning System

  10. 这是导致企业市场风险乃至营销风险的主要因素。

    This is the major fac to r leading to marketing risk .

  11. 上海康乐生物技术有限公司建立了较完善的市场营销网络和风险控制体系,具有广泛的市场资源和良好的客户关系。

    Shanghai Hale-health Biotechnology Company Ltd has established perfect market selling network and risk control system , owned extensive market resource and good client relation .

  12. 但是在这种趋势的背后,企业同时面临着越来越多的市场风险,其中市场营销风险关系着企业的未来发展和命运。

    At the same time , enterprises are also facing more and more market risks which are directly relevant to the future development and destiny .

  13. 我国企业比全球市场上重要对手的市场营销风险大得多。

    The marketing risk for China 's companies is much more than that of their main rivals in global market .

  14. 随着市场竞争的激烈,市场营销风险与日俱增,其突出表现在客户资信水平下降,货款拖欠严重。

    As market is fiercely competitive , marketing risks grow with each passing day , especially with the clients capital credit declining and loan seriously defaulting .

  15. 营销的全球化、网络化和市场竞争的全球化,使我国企业的市场营销面临的风险因素更加复杂多变。

    With the globalization and the netting of marketing and market competition , China 's companies are facing more complex and variable risk factors .

  16. 结合石油化工行业的特点,在有更好的能源替代品产生并广泛应用之前,重点将国有石化企业设计市场营销组合和管理市场营销活动两步骤作为企业市场营销风险控制的关键步骤进行研究。

    According to the characteristic of the petrochemical industry , emphasis will be put on the last two steps as the key process to research before new resources replacement is being produced and taken into use .