
shì rén mín zhènɡ fǔ
  • municipal people's government
  1. 台州市人民政府机关用房建设指挥部那歌唱家被乐队指挥从舞台上引走。

    " Command of Office Building Construction , Taizhou Municipal People 's Government " The singer was led off the stage by the maestro .

  2. 招标以外的其他采购方式,其适用的具体条件和程序由市人民政府另行规定。

    The concrete conditions and procedures applying to the other ways except bid invitation are stipulated by the municipal people 's government separately .

  3. 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府对国家污染物排放标准中未作规定的项目,可以制定地方污染物排放标准;

    The people 's governments of provinces , autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may establish their local standards for the discharge of pollutants for items not specified in the national standards ;

  4. 本条第二款、第三款规定以外的建设项目占用土地,涉及农用地转为建设用地的,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府批准。

    Land to be occupied for construction purposes other than those provided for in the second and third paragraphs of this article shall be approved by the people 's governments of provinces , autonomous region and municipalities whereas conversion of agricultural land into construction land is involved .

  5. 第二十五条省、自治区、直辖市人民政府应当将土地利用年度计划的执行情况列为国民经济和社会发展计划执行情况的内容,向同级人民代表大会报告。

    Article 25 The people 's governments of provinces , autonomous regions and municipalities shall report the implementations of their annual plans for the use of land to the people 's congresses at the same level as part of the implementation of their economic and social development plans .

  6. 依照本条第二款的规定支付土地补偿费和安置补助费,尚不能使需要安置的农民保持原有生活水平的,经省、自治区、直辖市人民政府批准,可以增加安置补助费。

    Whereas the land compensation fees and resettlement fees paid according to the provisions of the second paragraph of this article are not enough to maintain the original level of living , the resettlement fees may be increased with the approval of the people 's governments of provinces , autonomous regions and municipalities .

  7. 首先,我代表中山市人民政府向大家表示崇高的敬意!向大力组织本次活动的H.H。

    First of all , on behalf of Zhongshan Municipal People 's Government , I would like to give the sincere regards to you all and the heartfelt thanks to H.

  8. 北京市人民政府法制办公室

    Legal Affairs Office of the People 's Government of Beijing Municipality

  9. 台州市人民政府法制局

    " Legislative Affairs Bureau , Taizhou Municipal People 's Government "

  10. 台州市人民政府热线电话受理中心

    " Hotline Calls Handling Center , Taizhou Municipal People 's Government "

  11. 该晚宴由上海市人民政府主办。

    It was hosted by Shanghai Municipal People 's Government .

  12. 烟台市人民政府副市长刘筱杰讲话市政管理信息化规划的探讨

    Yantai Municipal Government IT Planning for the Municipal Management

  13. 台州市人民政府外事侨务办公室

    " Overseas Chinese and Foreign Affairs Office , Taizhou Municipal People 's Government "

  14. 市人民政府驻瀛州镇。

    Municipal People 's Government in Yeongju town .

  15. 宁波市人民政府授予的其他职权。

    Other functions and powers authorized by the People 's Government of Ningbo Municipality .

  16. 具体比例由市人民政府另行规定。

    The detailed percentage shall be formulated separately by the Municipal People 's Government .

  17. 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府及其领导人员。

    Provincial , autonomous regional , and municipal people 's governments and their leading personnel .

  18. 营口市人民政府副市长。

    Deputy Mayor of Yingkou municipal government .

  19. 事故鉴定委员会组成人员由市人民政府确定。

    The members of the accident appraisal committee shall be determined by the Municipal People 's Government .

  20. 现在,西安市人民政府批准成立了西安市青龙寺遗址保管所,対遗址文化加以保护。

    Nowadays , permitted by Xi'an municipal government , Qinglong Ruins Museum was established for protection and civilization .

  21. 该委员会在市政厅开会。北京市人民政府办公厅

    The council meets in the city hall . General Office of the People 's Government of Beijing Municipality

  22. 情节严重的,除罚款外,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府责令停产。

    Serious violators shall be ordered by the ParM government to cease production in addition to the penalty fine .

  23. 上海市人民政府保留对土地的城市规划设计权。

    The Shanghai Municipal people 's government retains the power of urban and design in respect of the land .

  24. 信用企业”,邯郸市人民政府授予“管理样板企业”。

    " trustworthy and faithful enterprise " titled by Hebei government , and " Managerial Model " awarded by Handangovernment .

  25. 今天下午我参加了在我校进行的上海市人民政府教育局师资训练班考试的监考工作。

    I took part in invigilators team for monitoring examinations of normal training class of Shanghai Education Bureau this afternoon .

  26. 特殊情况下,经市人民政府批准,也可以采用直接委托的方式确定。

    Under special circumstances , it may be also determined with approval of the municipal people 's government by direct entrustment .

  27. 长沙花卉大世界是由长沙市人民政府规划,长沙市红星实业有限公司独资经营运作。

    Changsha Flowers World is planned by the people 's government of Changsha City and privately run by Changsha Hongxing Industrial Co.

  28. 因科研等特殊情况需要采集或者采伐的,应当经国务院或者省、自治区、直辖市人民政府的农业、林业行政主管部门批准。

    The administrative departments of agriculture and forestry under the State Council shall provide detailed measures for the above listed activities .

  29. 处理方案报所在地省、自治区、直辖市人民政府化学工业主管部门批准后实施。

    The disposal proposal shall be submitted to the local chemical industry authorities under the PARM government for approval before implementation .

  30. 温州侨务出入境服务有限公司成立于1998年,原隶属于温州市人民政府华侨事务办公室。

    Wenzhou Overseas Entry-Exit Services Co. , Ltd was established in1998 , subject to Overseas Affairs Office of Wenzhou People 's Government .