  • needle;needle-like things;injection;shot
  • acupuncture
  • 缝织衣物引线用的一种细长的工具:~线。

  • 细长像针的东西:时~。

  • 用针扎治病:~灸。

  • 注射用的器具和药物:~头。


(缝衣物用的工具) needle:

  • 织补针

    darning needle;

  • 绣花针

    embroidery needle;

  • 大海捞针

    look for a needle in a bundle of hay


(细长像针的东西) needle-like things:

  • 别针

    safety pin;

  • 表针


  • 指南针

    compass needle


(针剂) injection; shot:

  • 打针

    give [have] an injection;

  • 防疫针

    prophylactic inoculation


(针脚; 针线) stitch:

  • 漏织一针

    drop a stitch;

  • 在衬衫上缝几针

    put a few stitches in a shirt;

  • 伤口缝了14针。

    The wound was closed with fourteen stitches.


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 针惠

    Zhen Hui


(中医针刺穴位) acupuncture:

  • 针灸治疗聋哑患者

    acupuncture a deaf-mute

  1. 我将用这根针在你手指上轻轻扎一下。

    I 'm going to give your finger a little prick with this needle .

  2. 当他们拿着注射针走近我时,我的呼吸急速加快。

    I hyperventilate when they come near me with the needle .

  3. 观众安静得连针落地的声音也听得见。

    The audience was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop .

  4. 织一趟平针,织一趟反针。

    Knit one row , purl one row .

  5. 这道伤口需要缝八针。

    The cut needed eight stitches .

  6. 她刚用针把手指扎破了。

    She had just pricked her finger with the needle .

  7. 一种叫做套管针的工具在腹壁上刺了一个孔。

    An instrument called a trocar makes a puncture in the abdominal wall .

  8. 她母亲数了数编织针上的针数。

    Her mother counted the stitches on her knitting needles

  9. 他头上的伤口缝了6针。

    He had six stitches in a head wound .

  10. 我的眼睛由于长时间盯着针看而疼痛。

    My eyes burn from staring at the needle

  11. 那儿有针和线。

    There 's a needle and cotton there .

  12. 我坐下来,穿好针,剪下一枚旧纽扣。

    I sit down , thread a needle , snip off an old button .

  13. 他将针插入我的胳膊。

    He sinks the needle into my arm

  14. 她总是漏针。

    She kept dropping stitches .

  15. 这种料子很厚,这根针都扎不透。

    This material is very thick and this needle is not strong enough to go through it .

  16. 伤口缝了14针。

    The wound was closed with fourteen stitches .

  17. 那房间静得针掉在地上都能听到。

    The room was so still that you could have heard a pin drop .

  18. 指示针来回摆动。

    The pointer flickered .

  19. 此后载入的所有ccd图片将针对此暗场图片做校正。

    A dark frame calibration is automatically applied to all CCD images that are loaded thereafter .

  20. 请用回纹针将这些纸别在一起。

    Fasten these sheets of paper together with a clip , please .

  21. 一队医生来给新兵打防疫针。

    A corps of doctors arrived to inoculate the recruits .

  22. 她把这枚饰针视为珍宝,因为这是祖上传下来的。

    She treasured the brooch because it was an heirloom .

  23. 最后一行要收七针。

    At the end of the row , bind off seven stitches .

  24. 植物的茸毛像针一样细。

    The hairs on a plant are fine like threads .

  25. 我说的这些就当给你打预防针吧。

    Let these words of mine serve as a warning to you .

  26. 稍稍缝上几针把腰围收一收,这样就看不出来了。

    Catch in the waistline very lightly so that it doesn 't show .

  27. 然后我们拿到一根针和棉线把洞缝合了。

    Then we got a needle and cotton thread and sewed up the hole .

  28. 收针时小心点儿。

    Be careful when you bind off .

  29. 针戳破了她的手指。

    The needle pierced her finger .

  30. 注意收针时别太紧,否则会走样的。

    Be careful not to bind off too tightly , or the work will lose its shape .