
  • 网络needle gauge
  1. 结论两电极针间距在3cm以内时,在一定条件下新型盐水增强双极射频消融形成规则的消融灶。

    Conclusions When the distance between the two electrodes is within 3 cm , the ablation zone is regular .

  2. 方法选用健康的普通犬6只,常规外科程序开腹,在肝左叶平行插入两根钢针,针间距1.5cm,参考点距放射源中轴外1cm;

    Methods Six dogs received routine surgical procedure . Two steel needles were implanted in parallel into the left lobe . The length was 1.5 cm and reference distance 1 cm apart from the source .

  3. 为了能够满足产品小型化的要求,能够降低引脚针间距的芯片规模封装和倒装芯片技术,将永无止境地向前发展,精确贴装的能力将继续是一个非常重要的因素。

    The capability for accurate placement will continue to be important as chip scale packages and flip chip technology reduce pin pitches even further in the unending race for product miniaturization .

  4. 固定静脉输液针时输液贴间距及方法的探讨

    Probe into distance between adhesive pastes and methods of fixing intravenous infusion needle

  5. 在本文所选的4针翅管的4个影响因素中,以各组总换热系数K作为考查指标分析,其中针翅间距s是最为敏感的。

    From the perspective of the total heat transfer coefficient , pin fin portrait distance among of four factors is the most sensitive .