
zhēn cì zhèn tònɡ
  • acupuncture analgesia;pain-relieving by acupuncture
  1. 兔视前区去甲肾上腺素在针刺镇痛中的作用

    Role of norepinephrine in rabbits ' preoptic area in acupuncture analgesia

  2. 中枢乙酰胆碱和5-羟色胺在针刺镇痛中的作用

    The role of central 5-hydroxytryptamine and acetylcholine in acupuncture analgesia

  3. 大鼠中枢P物质含量与针刺镇痛的关系

    Relationship between the content of central substance P and the analgesic effect of electroacupuncture in rats

  4. 激活GABAB受体在针刺镇痛中的作用

    The Important Role of Activation of GABA_B Receptors in Acupuncture Analgesia

  5. 镇痛药、针刺镇痛对佐剂性关节炎大鼠血浆cAMP含量的影响

    Influence of analgesics and acupuncture on cAMP content in the plasma of induced arthritic rats

  6. 关于针刺镇痛实验研究的模型及指标,需要采用各种模型相互比较,同一模型中也应该有多层次的指标相互印证。westernblot实验印证了这一结果。

    Multiple indexes and experimental models in acupuncture analgesia research ; The Western blot results showed the same trend in frontal cortex .

  7. 脑内GABA参与针刺镇痛吗?

    Is GABA in Brain Involved in Acupuncture Analgesia ?

  8. 针刺镇痛与大鼠全脑cAMP和cGMP含量变化之间的关系

    Relationship between acupuncture analgesia and the contents of camp & cGMP in whole brain of rats

  9. 脑内GABA参与针刺镇痛的受体机制

    Involvement of GABA B Receptors in Acupuncture Analgesia

  10. 针刺镇痛时下橄榄核Fos样蛋白的表达

    Expression of fos-like protein induced by electroacupuncture analgesia in nucleus olivaris inferior of rats

  11. 下丘脑β-EP及POMCmRNA的表达在针刺镇痛后效应中的作用

    Roles of Hypothalamic β - EP Level and POMC mRNA Expression in Acupuncture Analgesia

  12. 针刺镇痛对山羊中枢FOS蛋白表达影响的研究

    Research on Effects of Acupuncture Analgesia on the Expression of FOS Protein in Goats Central Nervous System

  13. 缝隙连接蛋白Cx43基因在针刺镇痛中的作用

    The role of connexin 43 gene in acupuncture analgesia

  14. 针刺镇痛的作用机制可能与升高β-内啡肽,降低P物质,维持二者之间的平衡有关。

    The mechanism of acupuncture analgesia therapy might be related to its effect of raising Plasma β - endorphin level and reducing substance P level , as well as keeping a balance between them . 3 .

  15. 目的:探讨针刺镇痛后效应与急性佐剂性关节炎(AA)大鼠炎症局部5HT、NE、DA含量的关系。

    Objective : To explore the relationship between analgesia aftereffect by electroacupuncture and Contents of 5 HT , NE , DA in Inflamed area .

  16. 中脑导水管周围灰质(FAG)与电刺激镇痛、针刺镇痛有密切关系。

    Periaqueductal gray matter ( PAG ) is closely concerned in the analgesia of electrostimulation of the brain and acupuncture .

  17. 注射抗β-内啡肽血清和抗强啡肽A血清并不阻断AVP增强针刺镇痛效应。

    Furthermore , it was also observed that injection of anti-beta-endorphin serum and anti-dynorphin A serum could not block the enhancement of EA analgesia induced by AVP .

  18. 目的:研究大鼠脑内前脑啡肽原(PPE)mRNA的变化与5-HT的释放剂芬氟拉明加强针刺镇痛的关系。

    AIM : To study the changes of pre-proenkephalin ( PPE ) mRNA in rat brain in response to electroacupuncture ( EA ) combined with fenfluramine ( Fen ), a releaser of 5-HT .

  19. 本文进一步研究额叶皮层对中央外侧核(CentralisLateralis,CL)神经元针刺镇痛效应的下行性影响。

    In the present study , the descending influence of frontal lobe cortex on acupuncture analgesia effect in Centralis Lateralis ( CL ) was further investigated .

  20. 发现伤害性刺激可引起下橄榄核Fos样蛋白阳性神经元数量显著增加(P<0.01);而在针刺镇痛条件下,Fos样蛋白阳性神经元的数量又明显减少(P<0.01)。

    The results indicate that the number of the positive neurons of fos-like protein significantly increased in the group of harmful stimulation ( P < 0.01 ) and decreased obviously in the group of acupuncture analgesia ( P < 0.01 ) .

  21. 本文采用脑刺激和损毁法,探讨了大鼠下丘脑室旁核(PVH)在针刺镇痛中的作用。

    The role of hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus ( PVH ) in acupuncture analgesia was investigated by local brain stimulation and cauterization .

  22. 结论:敲除缝隙连接蛋白Cx43基因可部分抑制针刺镇痛效应,提示Cx43与经络及针刺镇痛效应具有一定的相关性。

    Conclusion Connexin 43 gene knock-out might partially inhibit the analgesic effect of acupuncture , suggesting that connexin 43 is possibly related with meridians and the effect of acupuncture .

  23. 大鼠脊髓后角浅层内NT、CCRP在针刺镇痛中的作用的免疫细胞化学研究

    Immunocytochemical Study on the Role of Neurotensin , Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide in the Superficial Laminae of the Dorsal Horn of the Rat Spinal Cord in Acupuncture Analgesia

  24. 其次,通过实验性疼痛大鼠模型,观察疼痛刺激及针刺镇痛对PAG细胞内游离Ca2+浓度的影响。

    Second , observe the influence of painful stress and acupuncture analgesia on the concentration of free calcium inside the neuron ( Ca2 + I ) of PAG in rat with experimental pain .

  25. 目的:探讨电针对内脏痛大鼠模型疼痛行为学方面的影响以及延髓内脏带中即刻早期基因c-fos和胶质原纤维酸性蛋白(glialfibrillaryacidicprotein,GFAP)在针刺镇痛中的表达及其意义。

    Objective : To observe the effect of electroacupuncture ( EA ) on visceral pain and investigate the significance of the expression of c-fos and glial fibrillary acidic protein ( GFAP ) in medullary visceral zone ( MVZ ) in experimental visceral pain rats .

  26. 方法:用辐射热致痛、针刺镇痛,并延长针刺时间,电镜下观察、记录了LGV于突触部位的胞吐。

    Method : The pain induced by thermal radiation , relieved by prolonging the acupuncture analgesia time , the exocytosis was observed and recorded under the electron microscope .

  27. 咪唑啉受体参与痛觉调制和针刺镇痛

    The Role of Imidazoline Receptors in Pain Modulation and Acupuncture Analgesia

  28. 大鼠中缝背核内γ-氨基丁酸加强针刺镇痛作用

    Potentiation of acupuncture analgesia by GABA in the dorsal raphe nucleus

  29. 阿片系统在针刺镇痛外周机制中的作用

    The Role of OLS in Peripheral Acupuncture Analgesia in Arthritic Rats

  30. 针刺镇痛的外周经穴离子机理研究

    Study on an Ionic Mechanism of Peripheral Acupoint on Acupuncture Analgesia