
  • 网络gastric distention
  1. 胃癌术后发生顽固性呃逆的原因有低钠血症、胃胀气、酸中毒等。

    Result : the causes of intractable hiccup in postoperative gastric carcinoma patients were including hyponatremia , gastric distention , acidosis etc.

  2. 排痰障碍,胃胀气为主要并发症。

    The sputum drainage disorder and stomach flatulence were major complications .

  3. 根据最新的研究,生姜可能会提升一些病人的血流量。生姜是公认的安全草本植物,然而,它能引起一些最常见的负面影响例如有毒气体、胃胀气、灼烧,嘴痛。

    According to recent studies , ginger may increase bleeding in some patients .

  4. 沃贡人满意地哼了一声,听着挺像胃胀气,然后他靠在椅背上看起来。

    With a flatulent noise of satisfaction , the Vogon Captain sat back to watch .

  5. 这些低聚糖也存在于大豆中,它们不可以被消化吸收,与食用豆类食品产生的胃胀气有关。

    These oligosaccharides are also found in beans , are non digestable , and are the source of the flatulence associated with eating beans .

  6. 生姜是公认的安全草本植物,然而,它能引起一些最常见的负面影响例如有毒气体、胃胀气、灼烧,嘴痛。

    Ginger is considered to be a safe herb , however , some of the most common side-effects reported are gas , bloating , heartburn and mouth irritation .

  7. 好的,副作用会在接下来24至48小时内出现可能出现的症状有…头痛,呕吐,胃胀气,舌头肿大,自杀倾向

    Okay , possible side effects may occur over the next 24 to 48 hours . They are ... drum roll please ... Headaches , vomiting , flatulence , tongue-swelling , suicidal thoughts .