
  • 网络Weixiao;gastric diabetes;diabetes involving the stomach;diabetes the stomach
  1. 益胃消疣汤治疗疣状胃炎(阴虚痰瘀互结型)的临床研究

    Clinical Study of Treating Verrucosa Gastritis of Phlegm-stasis Cementation and Deficiency of Yin with Yi-wei-xiao-you-tang

  2. 结论:和胃消痞胶囊可预防模型鼠胃窦动力紊乱;

    Conclusion : Heweixiaopi capsule can prevent the disorder of gastric antrum of model rats ;

  3. 胃养消胶囊为中药复方制剂。

    Weiyangxiao capsule is a kind or compound Chinese medicinal preparation .

  4. 采用益气养阴清肺胃郁热的消斑方治疗雀斑患者105例,疗程3个月。

    That its treatment concentrated on enriching qi and yin , activating blood and resolving blood-stasis . One hundred and five cases of freckle were treated by enriching qi and yin , clearing lung-stomach heat for three months .

  5. 加用中药的治疗组对糖尿病胃轻瘫有明显的改善作用,结果表明,健脾和胃、降逆消痞法中药在改善患者糖尿病胃轻瘫症状方面有明显的优势。

    In the treatment of diabetic gastroparesis have obvious improvement , the results show that the spleen and stomach , Pi elimination method of inverse medicine in patients with diabetic gastroparesis improve symptoms has obvious advantages .