
  • 网络gastrointestinal perforation;perforation of gastrointestinal tract
  1. 早期胃肠道穿孔的多层螺旋CT诊断价值

    Multislice spiral CT diagnostic value of early gastrointestinal perforation

  2. 胃肠道穿孔CT扫描未见膈下间隙积气的影响因素初探

    Influence factors of gastrointestinal perforation without gas accumulation in the subphrenic spaces on CT

  3. 螺旋CT在胃肠道穿孔中的诊断价值

    Value of Spiral CT in the Diagnosis of Gastrointestinal Tract Perforation

  4. 目的:评价CT在胃肠道穿孔诊断中的临床应用价值。

    Objective : To evaluate the value of CT in the diagnosis of digestive tract perforation .

  5. X线、CT检查在胃肠道穿孔诊断价值中的对比研究

    Comparative Investigation Of X-ray Finding And CT In the Value of Diagnosis of Gastrointestinal Tract Perforation

  6. 胃肠道穿孔的CT诊断

    CT diagnosis of gastrointestinal perforation

  7. 目的:分析胃肠道穿孔的CT征象,提高CT对胃肠道穿孔诊断的准确性。

    Objective : To analyze the CT findings of gastrointestinal perforation for improving CT accuracy of diagnosis .

  8. 结论:螺旋CT对诊断胃肠道穿孔及其病因和并发症有明显优势。

    Conclusion : This study indicates that spiral CT has more advantages in the diagnosis of digestive tract perforation .

  9. 方法收集17例急性胃肠道穿孔患者术前腹部CT检查资料,与手术结果对照。

    Methods preoperative CT data of seventeen patients with acute gastrointestinal perforation were collected and correlated with postoperative pathology .

  10. 结论根据腹腔游离气体,多层螺旋CT在早期胃肠道穿孔时,能及时、准确做出定性诊断,优于其它影像学检查。

    Conclusion According to free gas , the early gastrointestinal perforation can be made with MSCT and superior other imaging examine .

  11. 术前CT对胃肠道穿孔病因诊断的符合率为87.9%(29/33)。

    The preoperative diagnostic accuracy of CT for the causes related with digestive tract perforation was 87.9 % ( 29 / 33 ) .

  12. 结论:CT平扫能清晰显示胃肠道穿孔的主要征象,结合临床综合分析,有助于提高CT诊断胃肠道穿孔的准确性,包括穿孔部位和病因的诊断。

    Conclusion : CT can clearly display the main signs of gastrointestinal perforation , combination with clinical data and CT signs is helpful to improve the CT diagnostic accuracy of gastrointestinal perforation and the judgement of the location and the reason .

  13. 钝性伤致胃肠道穿孔和缺血性改变

    Ischemic Changes and Perforation of Gastro Intestinal Tract Following Blunt Trauma

  14. X线罕少见征象在诊断胃肠道穿孔上的价值

    Rare and uncommon signs in X-ray of gastrointestinal perforation

  15. 新生儿胃肠道穿孔33例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of thirty-three cases of neonatal gastrointestinal perforation

  16. 膈下脓肿的主要病因为胃肠道穿孔和手术后的感染。

    Subphrenic abscess in the main because of gastrointestinal perforation and post-operative infections .

  17. 胃肠道穿孔在X线检查中应注意的几个问题

    Important Directions for Radiographic Inspection in Stomach-Intestine Perforation Cases

  18. 新生儿胃肠道穿孔发病特点及预后分析

    Clinical features and prognosis of neonatal gastrointestinal perforation

  19. 目的:分析胃肠道穿孔病人的放射学检查资料。

    Objective : to analyze the X-ray data of the patients with gastrointestinal tract perforation .

  20. 目的:提高新生儿胃肠道穿孔的诊断、治疗水平,降低病死率。

    Objective : To improve the diagnosis and treatment level and to decrease the mortality of neonatal gastrointestinal perforation .

  21. 所有病例治疗时均未出现胰液漏、腹腔内出血、胃肠道穿孔、皮肤烧伤等并发症。

    No complications such as pancreatic juice leakage , bleeding , perforation of gastrointestinal tracts , scalding of skin in the group occurred .

  22. 胃肠道穿孔病人111例,96例术前曾做X线检查,19例曾做B超检查,其中7例两种检查都做过,回顾性分析术前超声和X线检查结果。

    The results of Ultrasound and X-ray examination of 111 patients with gastrointestinal perforation were analysised . X-ray examinations were performed before surgery in 96 patients . B ultrasound examinations were performed before surgery in 19 patients .

  23. 胃肠道穿孔,尤其阑尾穿孔,是腹膜炎的常见原因。结肠癌,又被称为肠癌,包括结肠、直肠和盲肠中有癌细胞生长。

    " Primary peritonitis often comes from a perforated gastrointestinal tract , as with rupture in appendicitis . " Colon cancer , also called colorectal cancer or bowel cancer , includes cancerous growths in the colon , rectum and appendix .

  24. 结论冲击波物理参数与损伤程度密切相关,早期救治的重点是积极有效地处理严重肺损伤、胃肠道穿孔和肝脾破裂。

    Conclusion The physical parameters were well related to the injury severity in underwater blast . The early main treatment consist of active and effective management of severe lung injuries , perforation of gastrointestinal tract , and rupture of liver and spleen .

  25. 结论:水下冲击伤具有伤情重和死亡率高的特点,早期救治中应加强急性呼吸窘迫、胃肠道穿孔和实质脏器引起的内出血的处理。

    CONCLUSION : Underwater blast injuries are characterized by severe or critical injury and high mortality . More attention should be paid to the management of acute respiratory distress , gastrointestinal perforation and the inside hemorrhage caused by parenchyma organ injuries during the early treatment .

  26. 作者分析了收住在新生儿内科病房的113例外科病例的临床资料,其中消化道畸形59例,胃肠道穿孔26例,肝、脾破裂9例,炎症性疾病9例,其他疾病10例。

    During the past 10 years , 113 neonates in medical ward were found to have surgical diseases . Among them 59 neonates had gastrointestinal malformation , 26 gastrointestinal perforation , 9 rupture of liver or spleen , 9 inflammatory disease and 10 miscellaneous diseases .

  27. 多层螺旋CT在胃肠道破裂穿孔中的应用

    Application of multi-slice spiral CT in the diagnosis of perforation of gastrointestinal tract

  28. 外伤性胃肠道破裂穿孔的MSCT诊断

    MSCT diagnosis of traumatic gastrointestinal tract perforation

  29. 超声对胃肠道破裂或穿孔的诊断

    Diagnosis of ultrasonography in the gastrointestinal rupture and perforation

  30. 95%经过造影明确了诊断,病变的部位及性质,特别是对胃肠道出血、穿孔、梗阻有很大的优越性。

    95 % cases have an accurate diagnosis by this examined method , the great advantage that water soluble iodine contrast media , offers the position and character of the disease , specially in G I bleeding , perforation and obstruction .