
  • 网络hormone drugs
  1. 目前,西医治疗的药物主要有抗生素、抗角化药、抗雄性激素药、抑制皮脂腺分泌药、维生素等,疗效尚可,但都存在着一定的副作用。

    The main drugs of treating acne include anti-androgen , drug which can restrict the secretion of sebaceous gland and anti-keratinization , antibiotics and vitamins etc , efficacy is acceptable but there are certain side effects .

  2. 毛茛注射液(1mL含生药干品1g)经药效研究及动物和临床试验表明具有明显镇痛、抗炎和改善微循环作用,而无毒性及糖皮质激素类药的不良反应。

    Pharmacological and clinical studies proved Ranunculus japonicus extract had obvious analgesic , antiinflammatory effect with improvement of microcirculation , but without toxicity and adverse reaction caused by glucocorticoids .

  3. 盾叶薯蓣(DioscoreazingiberensisC.H.Wright),系单子叶薯蓣属薯蓣科多年生草本植物,是我国特有的甾体激素类药源植物之一。

    Dioscorea ( Dioscorea zingiberensis C.H. Wright ), which belongs to Dioscorea family in Dioscoreaceae , is a perennial twisted herb and a unique steroid hormone drug plant in China .

  4. 盾叶薯蓣(DioscoreazingiberensisC.H.Wight)是我国特有的甾体激素类药源植物,也是世界上薯蓣皂甙元含量最高的资源植物。

    Dioscorea zingiberensis C. H. Wight , a native species in China , has the highest content of diosgenin in the rhizome among all the species in Dioscorea .

  5. 结果:糖皮质激素给药后,继发于OPG表达减低(P<0.01)和破骨细胞异常增生后,局部出现渐进性骨丢失(P<0.05);

    RESULTS : After the administration of glucocorticoid , the local OPG expression gradually reduced ( P < 0.01 ) and the number of osteoclasts obviously increased , followed by local gradual bone loss ( P < 0.05 );

  6. 分娩前单疗程激素给药与分娩时间间隔及其与新生儿结局的相关性

    The interval between a single course of antenatal steroids and delivery and its association with neonatal outcomes

  7. 主要生产生物化工产品、皮质激素原料药、原料药、医药中间体、药用及饲料用氨基酸产品等。

    It mainly manufactures Bio-chemical products , corticosteroid raw materials , raw materials for drugs , pharmaceutical intermediates , amino acid products for medicine and animal feeds and etc.

  8. 尽管数十年来这种疾病都是开雌性激素的药,但是直到20世纪90年代,研究表明雌素疗法实际上增加患心脏病的风险。

    And while estrogen was prescribed for decades for these problems , by the late1990s studies were showing the hormone therapy might actually increase the risk of heart attacks .

  9. 此外,非甾体抗炎药、激素类药、抗生素类药、免疫抑制剂、抗结核药物等也是常见的诱发肝功损害的药物。

    In addition , non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug ﹑ hormone medicines ﹑ antibiotics ﹑ immunosuppressants ﹑ antituberculous drugs were also the common reasons which induced hepatic lesion . Conclusion : 1 .

  10. 糖皮质激素延迟给药治疗AECOPD的疗效分析从糖皮质激素对血糖的影响探讨临床药师药学监护服务内容

    Clinical analysis of delayed administration of glucocorticoid in the treatment of acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

  11. 用凝血剂延迟血液的凝结的治疗方法。糖皮质激素延迟给药治疗AECOPD的疗效分析

    The administration of an anticoagulant drug to retard coagulation of the blood . Clinical analysis of delayed administration of glucocorticoid in the treatment of acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

  12. 糖皮质激素前体药在大鼠胃肠道中定位转释的药代动力学

    Pharmacokinetics of site-specific delivery of dexamethasone-dextran prodrug in rat gastrointestinal tract

  13. 非激素类抗炎药可导致胎儿肾脏和动脉导管的问题。

    Non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs can cause renal and ductal problems in the fetus .

  14. 糖皮质激素不同给药方式治疗急性期多发性硬化的疗效观察

    Contrastive studies of different administration pathway of dexamethasone in treatment of acute relapsing multiple sclerosis

  15. 本文就醋酸烯诺孕酮的化学结构、激素活性、药代动力学特性、临床有效率、副作用、药物作用机制以及阴道环剂型等方面作一综述。

    Structure , hormonal activities , pharmacokinetics , contraception efficacy in clinical trials , side effects , mechanism of effects and vaginal ring of ST 1435 were reviewed in this paper .

  16. 结论:高血糖与出生时应用糖皮质激素、肾上腺类药及HIE的严重程度等因素有关;

    Conclusion : Hyperglycemia related with glucocorticoid : adrenocorticoids and the severe level of HIE .

  17. 目前治疗SLE的药物包括:非甾体抗炎药、糖皮质激素、抗疟药、免疫抑制剂(包括环磷酰胺、甲氨蝶呤、霉酚酸酯、来氟米特、硫唑嘌呤等)。

    There are nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs , glucocorticoids , antimalarial agents , and immunosuppressive drugs , including cyclophosphamide , methotrexate and mycophenolate mofetil , azathioprine , which used to treat SLE .

  18. 症状出现后用激素、神经营养药及对症处理后均有好转。

    All the symptoms improved markedly after the treatment with steroid and neurotrophic drugs .

  19. 糖皮质激素胸腔内给药的时相动力学特征

    Time-concentration-dynamic Characteristics of Glucocorticoid Injected into Pleural Cavity

  20. 本文以下重点对类固醇激素鼓室内给药治疗突发性聋的机制和疗效评估研究的进展等方面做一综述。

    This article reviewed the mechanism and efficiency of intratympanic steroids therapy for SSNHL .

  21. 但是,与全国范围内的趋势一致,急诊医师更倾向用皮质激素和抗组胺药治疗儿童。

    However , consistent with trends seen nationwide , emergency physicians were more likely to treat children in the emergency department with corticosteroids and antihistamines .

  22. 方法:应用世界卫生组织推荐的三阶梯止痛法,即第一阶梯给非激素类消炎镇痛药,第二阶梯给弱阿片类止痛药,第三阶梯给强阿片类止痛药。

    Methods : Using three ladders pain analgesic WHO introduced , that is the first ladder giving NSAIDs . The second weak opioid ' analgesics , the third strong opioid analgesics .

  23. 根据药敏结果合理选用抗生素;糖皮质激素和免疫增强药治疗,是控制支气管哮喘反复感染的必要手段。

    Conclusion : Strictly grasping the applied indication of antibiotics , rationally selecting antibiotics according to drug sensitive result and exactly using glucocorticoid and immunopotentiator are imperative means for controlling the repeated infection of bronchial asthma .