
jī ɡuānɡ ɡuānɡ yuán
  • laser light source
  1. 该仿真模型包括:波长可调谐二极管激光光源模块、样品气体气室模块和二次谐波数据检测模块,三模块有机的结合就构成了本研究的仿真系统。

    The model includes a wavelength tunable diode laser light source module , a sample gas chamber module and the second harmonic data detection module . The simulation system of the paper is compose of three modules .

  2. 改进了旧样机中所使用的激光光源和PSD,选用了模块化光源和更高分辨率的PSD,明显地提高系统的测量精度和稳定性。

    Improve the laser light source and PSD used in the old prototype , use a modular light source and higher-resolution PSD , significantly improving the system accuracy and stability . 4 .

  3. LCD背光源用平板荧光管激光光源荧光法测定铀新法

    Flat fluorescent lamp for LCD back-light a new method of measuring u by using laser excited fluorescence

  4. C.超短激光光源

    Ultrashort laser pulse sources

  5. 基于SoC的高稳定度激光光源驱动器

    SoC-based high-stability laser source driver

  6. 电光Q开关、电光锁模技术的应用可以提供很好的窄脉冲高功率的激光光源。

    The application of the electro-optical Q-switch , electro-optical mode-locked technology can supply highly powerful and narrow pulse width laser supply .

  7. 论证了应用光学参量振荡技术实现可调谐RGB激光光源的可行性方案。

    The method of obtaining tunable RGB lasers with OPO technology is demonstrated .

  8. 该检测器主要由激光光源、关节、PSD传感器三部分组成。

    The sensor is composed of a laser resource , a joint and a PSD detector .

  9. 其中,自动功率控制(APC)和自动温度控制(ATC)技术实现了激光光源的恒功率控制。

    The technologies of automatic power control and automatic temperature control make the LD power out constant .

  10. 激光光源波长调制法增强ESPI振动条纹

    Wavelength modulation of a laser source for enhancing ESPI vibration fringes

  11. 论文的基本思想是采用激光光源照射被测物体,物体表面产生漫反射光斑,利用三角测量原理,光斑在CCD表面成像。

    The main idea of this issue is that Irradiating the measured object with laser , light-spot was produced on the surface , and then imaged on CCD surface by triangulation principle .

  12. 图像采集系统主要讲述了其硬件设备和数字化的基本原理,其硬件设备包括双激光光源、CCD摄像机、图像采集卡、计算机和防爆外壳。

    Image acquisition system mainly introduces hardware and figure about the basic principle , its hardware and equipment include laser lights , CCD camera , image acquisition card , computer and shell explosion .

  13. 分析了显示技术发展现状,初步探讨了RGB激光光源在显示技术方面的应用,设计了RGB激光光源应用于激光电视技术中的扫描方案。

    The application of RGB lasers on display technology is studied , and , the scanning project of laser TV with RGB lasers is designed .

  14. 分析了各种影响He-Ne激光光源频率稳定性的因素,并介绍了常见的稳频技术及产生双频的方法,分析了主要技术的优缺点和可能的发展方向。

    This article describes the factors which effect the frequency stabilization of laser , introduces the common measure of frequency stabilization and analyses advantages and disadvantages of these methods .

  15. 介绍了一种具有自动功率控制(APC)、自动温度控制(ATC)及调制输入接口的半导体激光光源,并对其低频调制特性进行了深入的实验研究。

    A kind of Laser source with APC , ATC and modulation interface is introduced and It 's low - ( frequency ) modulation characteristics are deeply studied .

  16. 而LD泵浦全固态紫外激光器作为新一代紫外激光光源,具有效率高、结构紧凑、光束质量好等优点而成为国内外研究的前沿课题。

    Diode-pumped all-solid-state ultraviolet lasers which have more advantages of high efficiency , impact structure , better beam quality and high output power than traditional have become a central of focus in the field of lasers .

  17. 在本文利用改进的八极双环电极电动力学天平悬浮十二烷醇微液滴的传质实验中,作者使用He-Ne激光光源产生垂直偏振的激光束。

    In the mass transfer experiment of this thesis , using the improved octopole double-ring electrodynamic balance to suspend the dodecanol microdroplet , the author uses a He-Ne laser source to produce perpendicularly polarized laser beam .

  18. Alice采用脉冲激光光源,通过两个串联光纤延迟环产生四个均匀的相干脉冲,并对脉冲进行差分调制,补偿了传输过程中环境对偏振的扰动。

    Alice uses a pulsed laser source and two cascaded fiber loops to get coherent pulses , then modulates them randomly under differential phase shift scheme , which compensates for the random polarization mode dispersion and phase shift .

  19. 实验中任何激光光源微小漂移和微弱的杂散光都会直接影响到DFWM信号的探测,甚至检测不到信号。

    Any little laser beam excursion and weak stray light decrease the DFWM signal intensity , so as to the signal can not be detected .

  20. 基于连续式激光光源的TR-PIV测试技术

    TR-PIV Measurement Technology Using Continuous Laser Illumination

  21. Fourkas教授介绍说:“我们使用显微镜的物镜对激光光源进行聚焦,并且可以控制光场中只有聚焦体积(focalvolume)部位照射到的部分被光阻胶吸收。”

    " If we take a laser beam and focus it through a microscope objective ," said Fourkas . " We can confine absorption to this very tiny region right at the focal volume of the laser . "

  22. 本文主要分析了实现固体RGB激光光源的非线性频率变换技术,实现了固体RGB激光光源的研制,分析了RGB激光光源在激光电视技术方面的应用。

    In this paper , non-linear frequency transformation technology is analyzed , solid-state RGB lasers are made , the application of RGB lasers on laser TV are introduced . There are mainly five parts in this paper as the following .

  23. 在已有自发辐射放大光源(ASE)的基础上,以传感光栅作为反射镜,制作了一个高信噪比,高功率的激光光源。

    Based on an amplified spontaneous emission ( ASE ) source , a ring-cavity fiber laser , in which sensor element acted as the reflector of the cavity , was achieved with high-signal noise ratio ( SNR ) and high-power .

  24. 设计组装了宽时域(10-3s~10-9s)和宽频域(激发波长几乎可以复盖337~800nm波长)的激光光源分子荧光寿命测试系统。

    A measurement system of broad time range ( 10-3 - 10-9s ) and broad wavelength range ( exciting wavelength almost covering 337-750 nm ) was designed in order to get fluorescence lifetime of molecules .

  25. 由于这些化合物在532nm处均有较强的紫外-可见吸收,因此不适合用Z-扫描方法在532nm的激光光源下来研究它们的三阶非线性光学性质。

    These compounds have a strong absorption in 532 nm , therefore it is not suitable using Z-scan method of 532 nm laser to study their third-order nonlinear optical properties . 2 .

  26. 数字散斑干涉(DSPI)是精密检测领域常用的一种测量技术,目前一般的数字散斑干涉系统使用大功率激光光源和大型光学实验平台,仅适用于实验室研究工作。

    Digital-speckle-pattern interferometer ( DSPI ) is a wide-used technology in fined-measure . Nowadays common DSPI system employs high-power laser source and great experimental facilities , which is only suitable for lab research work .

  27. 由于用于气体检测的DFB激光光源成本较高,本文设计并搭建了一种窄带可调谐光纤激光器,通过改变布拉格光栅的温度和长度来实现输出波长的调谐。

    As commercial DFB lasers for gas detection are expensive , a narrow-band tunable fiber laser has been designed and constructed in this paper . The wavelength of the fiber laser is tuned by changing the temperature and the length of the Bragg grating .

  28. 本文设计了一种激光光源系统,其能为半导体激光器提供高稳定度的驱动电流,恒温控制(ATC)和自动光功率控制(APC),提高了半导体激光器的使用寿命和输出波长的单一性。

    This paper designs a kind of laser source system , which can supply high stable output current , automatic temperature control ( ATC ), and automatic power control ( APC ) . With this system we can improve the life time and the pure spectrum of laser diodes .

  29. 此外,还运用光谱信号的时间分辨检测技术,激光光源采用铜蒸气或半导体脉冲激光器,实现了可达2023K温度下的宏观拉曼(macro-Raman)。

    High temperature macro-Raman spectrometer ( up to 2023 K ) is also constructed by using pulsed laser ( copper vapor laser or semi-conductor laser ) and time resolved detecting technique .

  30. 该衰减器解决了632.8nm多膜氦氖激光器出射光为非完全自然光且偏振面随时间做随机变化导致实验误差的问题,为偏光信息测试系统提供了相对稳定的激光光源。

    This attenuator helps to eliminate experimental errors caused by 623.8 nm multimode He-Ne laser 's non-complete natural light and changing random of polarization plane with time , and thus provides relatively stable laser light source for polarized light information testing system .