
  • 网络laser displacement sensor;laser distance sensor
  1. 一种激光位移传感器的试验研究和改进

    The Experiment Study of the Laser - displacement Sensor and its Improvement

  2. 采用线型PSD设计激光位移传感器的研究

    A Laser Displacement Sensor Based-on Linear Array PSD

  3. 用VC实现PC机对激光位移传感器的通信控制

    Application of Visual C + + in Communication Control of Laser Distance Sensor

  4. 炮口振动位移测试传感器主要有电涡流位移传感器、CCD激光位移传感器、光电位移跟随器和激光测振仪等。

    The sensors used for the muzzle vibration responses include the eddy current type , laser CCD type , photoelectricity type and so on .

  5. 适用于小量程、高精度的测量。2.设计了基于线阵CCD的激光位移传感器,并对该传感器进行了调试、标定、测试。

    It is suitable for small range and high-precision measurements.2.Design the laser displacement sensor based on the linear CCD array detector , And debugging , calibration and testing of the sensor .

  6. 为实现弹翼廓形测量系统中激光位移传感器测量值的采集,介绍了用VC实现异步串行通信的基本原理。

    For data acquisition of laser distance sensor in wing 's cross section measuring system , the principle of asynchronous serial communication realized by Visual C + + is introduced .

  7. 利用两对激光位移传感器采集厚度数据,PLC将模拟信号转换为数字信号后发送给上位机,上位机计算得到实际厚度值。

    The system collects thickness data by two pairs of laser displacement sensors . PLC converts the analog signal to digital signal and sends it to the upper-computer , and the upper-computer gets the actual value .

  8. 阐述了一种新型的HeNe激光位移传感器,具有自校准功能以及没有原理上的误差。

    The principle is presented and demonstrated of using a single He Ne laser to sense displacement without nonlinear error in principle , and with function of self calibration .

  9. 最后利用CCD激光位移传感器对点胶机运动平台的重复定位精度进行了测试,证实控制系统能满足高速点胶的定位精度及功能要求。

    Last but not least , Repetitive positioning accuracy of platform was measured by CCD laser displacement sensor . Results show that the control system satisfies positioning accuracy and function needs of high-speed fluid dispensing .

  10. 测试原理是利用激光位移传感器扫描木材表面,提供特征信号,由傅里叶分析仪FFT记录时间信号的波形,计算机进行数据处理和分析判断。

    The system is consisted of a laser sensor which provides scanning signal , a FFT analyser which records a curve and a personal computer which analyses and processes data from FFT analyser .

  11. 针对卷材厚度测量的特点,使用将CCD激光位移传感器安装在U型架上,利用步进电机来控制U型架的移动,确保卷材整个横截面都可以被很精确的测量到。

    According to the characteristics of membrane thickness measurement , CCD laser displacement sensors should be installed in the U-shaped rack which is controlled by stepper motor to ensure the entire membrane cross-section can be precise measured .

  12. 本文采用CD3激光位移传感器,运用三角测距原理进行圆周半径测量,并采用二维PSD位置传感器完成机械振动的误差修正。

    This article uses the CD3 laser position transmitter , carries on the circumference radius survey using the triangle range finder principle , and uses the two-dimensional PSD position transducer to complete the mechanical vibrations the error correction .

  13. 用激光位移传感器检测轮对踏面缺陷

    Defect Detecting of Train Wheelset Tread Surface with Laser Displacement Sensor

  14. 通过激光位移传感器对间隙进行测量。

    Measuring the displacement is realized through the laser displacement sensor .

  15. 使用激光位移传感器进行精确数值测量;

    To use laser-guided sensor to make accurate numerical measurement ;

  16. 神经网络在激光位移传感器误差补偿中的应用

    The Error Compensation of Laser Displacement Sensor by Neural Network

  17. 基于伺服自动聚焦的精密激光位移传感器研究

    Research on Precision Micro-displacement Laser Sensor System Based on Auto-servo Focusing Principle

  18. 重点阐述了激光位移传感器在这一测量系统中的应用。

    The measuring principles of laser displacement sensor and realizing methods are introduced .

  19. 透镜形式对激光位移传感器精度影响的研究

    Research on influence of lens type on teh accuracy of laser displacement sensor

  20. 同时使用激光位移传感器测量路面纵断面高程信息。

    The laser displacement sensor is used to measure the pavement longitudinal information .

  21. 新型的激光位移传感器

    New Type of Displacement Sensor with Laser and CCD

  22. 激光位移传感器检测轴承故障的研究

    The research of the trouble of the bearing with laser displacement sensor measurement

  23. 使用激光位移传感器的路形测量系统

    Rood Profile Measuring System Using Laser Displacement Sensors

  24. 激光位移传感器的计算机辅助设计和实验验证

    CAD for Laser Displacement Sensor and Experiment Comparison

  25. 激光位移传感器是激光道路检测设备的核心器件。

    The laser displacement sensor is a key part in the laser pavement detective equipment .

  26. 测试采用加速度传感器、激光位移传感器以及力传感器进行测量,分析时程曲线,比较结构的隔震效果。

    The test frame is measured by accelerometers 、 laser displacement sensors and force sensors .

  27. 线性激光位移传感器的结构优化设计

    Structure optimization of linear laser displacement sensor

  28. 提出一种利用激光位移传感器实现自由曲面自适应跟踪测量的方法。

    An adaptive tracing measurement method for free-form surface was designed with laser displacement sensor .

  29. 本文介绍了采用激光位移传感器对刨削加工后的木材表面的裂纹及节子缺陷进行在线检测的方法。

    This paper presentes an on line method for detecting crack and knot of planed lumber surface .

  30. 运用激光位移传感器法搭建的测试台架能满足较高精度的喷油量测量。

    The test bench use laser displacement sensor structures to meet the high precision fuel injection quantity measurement .