
  • 网络low expansion alloy
  1. 时效处理对一种高强度低膨胀合金的作用

    The effect of the aging treatment on a high strength and low expansion alloy

  2. 大间隙高强度胶粘剂在粘接石英陶瓷与低膨胀合金中的应用

    Applications of Big Gap and High Strength Adhesive in Adhering Quartz Ceramic and Low Expansion Alloy

  3. 4J32低膨胀合金非真空熔铸技术

    The technique of non - vacuum melting and casting for super invar

  4. 4J32低膨胀合金的应用与切削加工及热处理

    Cutting and heat treatment of 4 J 32 low-expansion alloy

  5. 低膨胀合金的线膨胀系数测量方法&接触式干涉法

    Measuring methods of linear expansion coefficient of low expansion alloy & contact type interference methods

  6. 研究了烧结工艺对粉末注射成形4J32低膨胀合金性能的影响。

    The effects of sintering process on the properties of4J32 low expansion alloys by powder injection molding were investigated .

  7. 结果表明:在石英陶瓷与低膨胀合金的粘接过程中,该硅凝胶涂布方便。

    It is indicated that the silicone adhesive is easy to smear in adhering quartz ceramic and low expansion alloy .

  8. 讨论了研制高精度碳纤维复合材料天线副反射器采用低膨胀合金(殷钢)模具材料的必要性。

    The necessity of adopting low_expansion alloy material for the mould for manufacturing high_precision antenna auxiliary reflectors of carbon fiber compound material was studied .

  9. 文中就4J32低膨胀合金在航天遥感器型号产品上的应用和切削加工及热处理进行了综述。

    This paper sums up the cutting , heat treatment of4.J32 low-expansion alloy applied in a space instrument , analyses the reasons why4J32 is difficult to be cut .

  10. 论述了使用硅凝胶粘接石英陶瓷材料与低膨胀合金,并通过采取减小内应力的方法,以使其能提高强度且耐高温。

    Applications of silicone adhesive for adhering quartz ceramic and low expansion alloy , and measures for reducing internal stress to obtain high strength and high temperature performance are discussed .

  11. 新型低膨胀Mo-Cu合金电子封接材料研究

    The investigation on a new kind of Mo-Cu alloy material for electronic sealing material

  12. 低膨胀高温合金GH907和GH909的铸态组织及其均匀化处理

    The cast-phases and homogenization treatments of the low-expansion superalloy GH 907 and GH 909

  13. 合金元素对Ni-Mo-Cr系低膨胀高温合金抗氧化性能的影响

    Effects of alloying elements on high temperature oxidation resistance of Ni-Mo-Cr system superalloys

  14. 本文研究了低膨胀高温合金GH907、GH909铸态组织中偏析的性质,偏析对合金组织的影响,以及消除偏析的方法。

    This paper introduces the casting precipitation properties , their effects on the alloy microstructure and the methods to eliminate the precipitation of the Low-expansion superalloy GH909.and GH907 .

  15. 低膨胀高温合金的发展及在航空航天业的应用

    Development of low thermal expansion superalloys and their application in aerospace

  16. 低膨胀高温合金膨胀系数的物理表征

    Physical denotation of thermal expansion coefficient of low thermal expansion superalloys

  17. 含稀土低膨胀高温合金片状沉淀相研究

    Study on the platelet phase in an yttrium-containing low expansion superalloy

  18. 低膨胀高温合金焊缝金属凝固行为的模拟预测

    Modeling and prediction of solidification behavior of low-expansion superalloy welds

  19. 低膨胀高温合金GH909再结晶研究

    Study of Recrystallization of Low Expansion Superalloy GH 909

  20. 硅对低膨胀高温合金组织和持久性能的影响

    Effects of Silicon on Microstructure and Stress Rupture Properties of Low Thermal Expansion Superalloy

  21. 回顾了低膨胀高温合金的发展历史。

    The development history of low thermal expansion superalloy has been reviewed in this paper .

  22. 线性热(膨)胀系数铁镍低膨胀系数合金

    Coefficient of linear thermal expansion guillaume alloy

  23. 介绍了一种700℃使用的新型抗氧化低膨胀高温合金。

    A new low expansion superalloy named as GH6783 with a service temperature of700 ℃ is introduced in this paper .

  24. “因瓦效应”和“时效硬化”现象的发现奠定了低膨胀高温合金发展的基础。

    The basis of development for these kind of alloys was established by discovery of " Invar effect " and " age-hardening " .

  25. 采用粉末冶金技术,在精密合金中加入适量的铜,制成低膨胀高导热合金(DG合金),以替代钼作为器件的支承板。

    The paper offers an alloy with low CTE and high thermal conductivity used as the supporting plate of power semiconductor devices instead of Mo disc . The alloy is made with adding proper Cu to precision alloy by powder metallurgy .

  26. 因瓦低膨胀系数镍铁合金

    Invar low expansion alloy

  27. 因瓦低膨胀系数镍铁合金高导热、低膨胀铝基复合材料及其与金刚石膜片的同步复合

    Synchronous integration of diamond substrate and SiCp / Al composites with high thermal conductivity and low coefficient of thermal expansion

  28. 耐热低膨胀高硅铝合金的成形与性能

    Formation and properties of low expansive and heat-resistant aluminum alloy with high silicon content

  29. 作为最常用的低膨胀材料,Invar36合金在精密仪器、精密模具、精密加工设备和武器装备等领域具有无可替代的应用价值,例如可用于制造光刻机的精密结构件和激光器反射镜基板等关键零件。

    As a kind of low-expansion materials , Invar 36 alloy is widely used in manufacturing of precision instruments , mould and machining equipments . For instance , it is used as precision components of lithography machine and the substrate of laser mirror .

  30. 含2%铬的高镍低膨胀铸铁性能的研究铁镍低膨胀系数合金

    A Study on Properties of Low Thermal Expansion High Nickel Cast Iron Containing 2 % Cr