
  1. 哥本哈根大会正式拉开了低碳经济时代的序幕。

    The Copenhagen conference has officially begun the Low-Carbon Economy .

  2. 低碳经济时代的到来催生了企业绿色管理。

    The low-carbon economy era gave birth to the corporate green management .

  3. 低碳经济时代的来临,对企业的社会责任提出了新的要求。

    In the era of low carbon economy , the public has new demand for enterprise to fulfill social responsibility .

  4. 哥本哈根联合国气候变化大会的落幕,标志着全球已进入低碳经济时代。

    With the United Nations Convention on Climate Change ending in Bonn and Copenhagen , the world has entered into a low carbon economy .

  5. 在倡导节能减排、清洁环保的低碳经济时代,绿色染整加工势在必行。

    In a low carbon economy time that many countries advocate clean environmental protection , energy conservation and emissions reduction , the dyeing green processing is imperative .

  6. 特别是目前全球气候变化引起的全球低碳经济时代的到来,引发了基于低碳旅游理念的旅游度假区规划建设的需求。

    The global climate change has brought a low carbon economy , which especially caused the desire of the low carbon concept based planning of tourism resorts .

  7. 在此基础上,作者提出三个观点,新能源是低碳经济时代的核心内容;

    Based on the above parts , the paper puts up three points with an analysis respectively , renewable energy is the core and content of the low-carbon era ;

  8. 尤其在低碳经济时代,发展包括水电在内的清洁可再生能源已经成为各国吸引外来投资刺激经济发展的优先选择,纷纷出台优惠政策加以鼓励和促进。

    So this clean and renewable energy such as hydropower has become the first alternative when a country decides to attract overseas investment especially in the low-carbon economy era .

  9. 同时,随着低碳经济时代的到来,国内外大批水泥生产企业的技术改造升级也已迫在眉睫。

    At the same time , with the arrival of the low carbon economy times , it is extremely urgent for the large scale cement production enterprises to technically reform and upgrade .

  10. 在低碳经济时代,碳排放权正逐渐超越资本、土地、劳动力等传统生产要素,成为社会经济发展最主要的要素。

    In the era of low-carbon economy , carbon emissions are gradually transcending the traditional factors of production such as land , capital , labor force , to become the main factor of social and economic development .

  11. 随着世界范围内低碳经济时代的到来,国际碳减排交易体系和市场逐渐成熟,国内的碳减排交易也取得了初步的发展,碳排放成为了一种具有经济价值的无形商品。

    Now the world is in the era of low carbon economy . GHG ( greenhouse gas ) emission trading scheme and related market is being mature gradually and it also achieved initial development in china . Carbon dioxide emission has become a valuable intangible commodity .

  12. 首先,在低碳经济的时代背景下阐述了选题的目的和意义,总结了国内外的相关研究。

    First proposed the purpose and significance of the topic selection under the background of low-carbon economy , and expound the related research at home and abroad .

  13. 在气候变化和世界性化石能源供给不断减少的背景下,低碳经济顺应时代需要而产生,并迅速发展成为全球性革命浪潮。

    In the contexts of climate change and the dwindling of international fossil energy supply , low-carbon economy forms catering to the era and quickly develops into a global revolutionary wave .

  14. 随着经济的增长,经济发展已经进入从传统资源型走向低碳经济型的时代。

    As the growth of the economy , the economy development has been transferring from the traditional resource-based to a low carbon economy .

  15. 哥本哈根会议后,受低碳经济新能源时代的发展趋势影响,电力工业面临着来自资源环境方面的更大压力。

    After Copenhagen meeting , by impact of " low-carbon economy " new energy development trend , electric power industry is facing greater pressure on resources and the environment .

  16. 无容置疑,在多元化能源格局日渐成熟、低碳经济日益发展的时代背景下,快速提升煤炭产业可持续发展水平成为具有重大理论和现实意义的课题。

    To allow of no doubt , under the background diversified energy structure becoming mature , low carbon economic increasing development , there is a major theoretical and practical significance to improve the sustainable development level of coal industry .

  17. 在低碳经济全面发展的时代,对低碳经济进行税收安排是必要的,而结合我国实际把对低碳经济的征税部分合理的安排在现有税种基础上比单立碳税更为合理。

    In a low carbon economy overall development era , tax arrangements is necessary for a low carbon economy . In China , it is more reasonable to make the low carbon economy taxes part be rationally arranged in existing taxes than to make a separate carbon tax .

  18. 在此基础上,提出了低碳经济视野下的农地利用新模式,并对低碳经济时代实现农地合理利用的保障体系进行了相应的探讨。

    Then the new modes of agricultural land use have been proposed in this paper . In addition , this paper also discusses the protection system to achieve the rational use of agricultural land in the era of low-carbon economy .

  19. 本文的创新点主要在于将低碳经济和可持续发展相结合,对吕梁市的对外贸易发展进行研究,从而提出吕梁市在低碳经济时代对外贸易可持续发展的对策和建议。

    The innovative method of this paper is the combination of the low-carbon economy and sustainable development , and put forward countermeasures and suggestions for her sustainable development of the foreign trade under the condition of low-carbon economy .

  20. 从低碳经济的视角来研究农地利用,分析影响农业发展趋势的相关因素,从理论与实践的结合上提炼出低碳经济时代的农地利用新模式,能够更好地为发展现代农业提供思路。

    This paper analyzes the related factors which affect agriculture development trend and extract the new mode of agricultural land use in low-carbon economy . It may provide better ideas for the development of modern agriculture .