
  1. 有机低维结构EL器件的特性

    Characteristics of EL Device with Organic Low dimensional Structure

  2. 这些2D和0D低维结构的存在会导致该异质结在低温下表现出量子特性。

    The existence of the low-dimensional structure would result in the appearance of quantum effect at low temperatures .

  3. 低温溶剂热法合成的多元金属硫族化合物常具有低维结构(即0-D,1-D,2-D),热力学上多处于介稳态。

    Low-temperatur Solvothermal technique growth often produce compounds which have low-demension structures ( i.e.0-D , 1-D , 2-D ) which is metastable state in thermodynamics .

  4. ZnO和GaN作为宽禁带直接带隙半导体材料,有着丰富的结构和独特的性能,有着广泛的应用前景,因而目前ZnO和GaN材料,包括低维结构,成为研究的一大热点。

    ZnO and GaN are two kinds of wide direct band-gap semiconductor materials . They possess abundant structures and unique properties , which make them promising candidates as functional materials in many fields of application .

  5. 本文中我们主要研究了在电场和磁场作用下几种半导体低维结构的能带结构、光学性质和电子动力学行为,并提出了一种可能的可调谐THz辐射源理论设计方案。

    In this report , we investigated the conduction band structures of several types of semiconductor low-dimensional semiconductors subjected to external electric and magnetic fields . Our theoretical and computational results can be used to design tunable THz emitters .

  6. 用水平管式高温炉采用化学气相沉积方法制备了五种形貌的VO2(M)低维结构,分析比较了不同的反应时间、温度及催化剂作用其形貌的影响。

    Five different kinds of VO2 ( M ) low-dimensional nanostructures with different morphologies were synthesized using high-temperature furnace through chemical vapor deposition ( CVD ) method . The effect of reaction time , temperature and surfactant usage on the morphologies was studied .

  7. 飞秒激光形成的半导体低维结构与发光

    Emission of Low-Dimensional Structures Formed by Femtosecond Laser Interaction with Semiconductor

  8. 硅基低维结构的电子态和光学性质

    Electronic States and Optical Properties of Silicon-based Low Dimensional Structures

  9. InAs/GaAs低维结构中载流子快速俘获过程的研究

    Study of rapid carrier capture and relaxation in inas / gaas heterostructures

  10. 氧化锌低维结构材料场发射性能研究进展

    Progresses in Field Emission Properties of ZnO with Low-dimensional Structures

  11. 氮化物半导体低维结构的制备及光、电性质研究

    Fabrication and Study of Optical and Electric Properties of Nitride Semiconducting Low-dimensional Structure

  12. 半导体低维结构所具有的独特物理性能促进了新一代半导体器件的发展。

    With unique physical properties semiconductor low-dimensional structures promote the development of next-generation semiconductor devices .

  13. 新奇半导体低维结构的自组织生长

    Novel self-assembled low dimensional semiconductor structures

  14. 数据降维是用低维结构来表达高维数据之间关系的方法。

    Dimensional reduction techniques are used for representing the relationship among higher-dimensional data by a lower-dimensional structure .

  15. 激光辐照和高温氧化硅锗合金的低维结构和发光特性

    The Low-dimensional Structure and Luminescence of Nano SiGe Alloy Formed by Laser Irradiation and High Temperature Oxidation

  16. 采用反应性熔盐法合成的多元金属硫族化合物晶体常具有低维结构(一维链状,二维层状),多处于热力学介稳状态。

    The compounds obtained by reactive flux method always have low-dimensional structure ( one - and two-dimensional ) .

  17. 对数据进行降维处理的目的是要找出隐藏在高维数据中的低维结构,通常分为线性降维和非线性降维这两类方法。

    The aim of data dimension reduction is to discover the low-dimensional structure which hides in the high-dimensional data .

  18. 数据降维的目的是要找出隐藏在高维数据中的低维结构。

    The goal of dimensionality reduction is to find the low – dimensional structure embedded in the high-dimensional data set .

  19. 宽带Ⅱ-Ⅵ族半导体及其低维结构的生长和光学性质研究进展

    Research Progress on Growth and Optical Properties of Wide Band Gap ⅱ - ⅵ Compound Semiconductors and Its Low Dimensional Structure

  20. 为发现高维观测数据背后所隐藏的固有的低维结构,数据降维理论便应运而生。

    In order to discover the intrinsic low dimensional structures hidden in the high dimensional observations , various dimensionality reduction methods have been proposed .

  21. 按照所描述的潜在低维结构复杂程度递增的顺序,本文的主要贡献如下:1.提出了一种新的基于自相关矩阵的均值更新增量主元分析算法。

    The main contributions of this thesis are as follows : 1 . A new mean-shifting Incremental PCA method is proposed based on the autocorrelation matrix .

  22. 半导体低维结构材料,如量子线(点)材料,由于其特殊的电子结构,在新一代光电子、微电子器件中有着重要的应用价值。

    Due to their special electronic properties , the low dimensional semiconductor materials , such as quantum wires , quantum dots , have important application in the future opto-electronic and micro-electronic devices .

  23. 近年来量子阱、量子点等低维结构研究获得飞速的进展,已大大促进了激子效应在新型半导体光源和半导体非线性光电子器件领域的应用。

    The progress obtained recently in investigations on quantum wells , quantum dots and other low-dimensional structures have greatly promoted the applications of excitonic effects in many new semiconductor light sources and non-linear opto-electronic devices .

  24. 为研究维数降低对材料导热性质的影响规律,采用非平衡分子动力学方法研究了60~120K氩晶体体材料和理想一维及二维低维结构材料的导热性质。

    Non-equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations were performed to investigate the thermal conductivity of argon crystals with three - , two-and one-dimensional structures at temperatures of 60120 K for the purpose of understanding low-dimension effects on the thermal conductivity .

  25. 因此,流形学习已成为数据挖掘的一个重要手段,目的是找出图像高维空间中隐藏的低维结构或一些有益的性质。

    Hence , data reduction especially nonlinear dimensionality reduction is an important tool of data mining , and the goal of dimension reduction is to find out the low dimensional structure of the nonlinear manifold from the high dimensional data .

  26. 低维结构在未来的各种半导体光电和微电子量子器件的设计和制造中具有十分重要的应用价值,为此,人们迫切需要了解这类体系的电子、声子等各方面的物理特性。

    It is reported that many new semiconductor photoelectric and microelectronic quantum devices will be made from these low dimensional structures in the future . Therefore , it is urgent for people to understand various physical properties of these structures .

  27. 它对研究半导体材料及其量子阱超晶格等低维结构中的平面内光学各向异性、半导体表面重构和对外延生长过程中的实时监控都具有重要作用。

    It plays a significant role in the studies of the in plane optical anisotropy of the lower dimensional structures of semiconductor materials their quantum well superlattices , or the semiconductor surface restructuring , or the real time monitoring in the semiconductor epitaxy growth process .

  28. 以量子阱、量子线和量子点和半导体超晶格等为代表的低维结构成为凝聚态物理十分前沿的研究领域之一,低维电子气系统中的等离体子也得到了广泛的研究。

    As low-dimensional structures such as quantum wells , quantum wires , quantum dots and semiconductor superlattices have received durable attention and became one of the frontier research fields in condensed matter physics in recent years , plasmons in the low-dimensional electron gas has also been studied extensively .

  29. 本研究将有机半导体材料进行纳米级的复合,尤其是采用以无机材料低维结构为模板进行纳米有序复合的方法,增强载流子的分离和定向传输,从而达到光电功能协同增强的目的。

    The present dissertation focuses on organic semiconductor composite materials at nanometer scale , especially the ordered nanocomposites with the low dimensional inorganic nanostructures as the template , so as to enhance the separation and orientational transportation of charge carriers , and to achieve the co-enhancement of optoelectronic properties .

  30. 低维ZnO结构的发光及Raman散射研究

    Research on Photoluminescence and Raman Scatter of Low-dimensional ZnO Structures