
  • 网络Low speed zone;lvz
  1. 在CCC中,采用了电流双幅值斩波技术,有效地降低了低速区扭矩的脉动。

    Dual width of electric current cut technology in CCC was adopted .

  2. 阻尼器为速度相关型,在低速区阻尼力与速度为非线性关系,高速区可由Bingham模型近似描述。

    The damping force and velocity relation was nonlinear in lower velocity region , and was approximated by Bingham model in higher velocity region .

  3. GBP体积小,热容量大,能耗电阻具有频敏特性,它使机组在低速区产生最优制动力矩。

    It has many advantages , such as small volume , large thermal capacity and sensitive frequency of the energy consumption resistor .

  4. 层析成像结果显示出,在腾冲火山区下方的上地壳内存在明显的P波低速区,该低速区在地下7~8km深度,可能与上地壳内的岩浆囊或部分熔融体有关。

    The tomographic result shows that there is a P wave low velocity zone ( LVZ ) in the upper crust beneath the Tengchong volcanic area . The LVZ is in the depth of 7 ~ 8 km and may be a small magma chamber or a partial melting body .

  5. 浅气层钻井危险区是深度小于700米左右的低速区。

    A shallow-gas drilling hazard is a low-velocity zone at a depth less than about 700 meters .

  6. 试验结果表明,发动机在高、低速区的最佳进气涡流强度是不同的。

    Results show that there are different optimum swirls in different ranges of diesel engine operating condition .

  7. 在轴垂面内,叶片之间的低速区和高压区都在叶片的工作面,高速区和低压区都在叶片的背面。

    A zone with high pressure or low relative velocity exists in the blade pressure side in blade-to-blade plane .

  8. 流经出流孔后,通道内的流速急剧下降,甚至会出现局部低速区。

    The presence of the holes will reduce mass flux of the channel and even cause a low speed region .

  9. 试验表明,采用排气调谐腔能有效改善发动机在中低速区的性能。

    Experimental results show that the exhaust tuning chamber can improve the engine performance at the middle low speed range .

  10. 由转矩脉动表达式,将电机的运行状态划分为低速区和高速区两种。

    Based on this expression , the running status of the motors is classified into two categories : low-speed and high-speed .

  11. 塔里木南缘中部存在一显著的低速区,可能与岩浆活动和构造活动较强有关。

    A definite low Pn velocity region to the south of Tarim basin is possibly related to strong magma and tectonic activity .

  12. 载荷与润滑剂粘度对高速区低速区的过渡点位置有影响。

    The load and surface roughness have the influence upon the transition point between the high speed area and the low speed area .

  13. 因此在高空低速区航空发动机性能数值模拟必须考虑部件特性雷诺数的影响。

    It means that the effects of Reynolds number must be taken into account in turbofan engine performance simulation at high altitude with low flight speed .

  14. 通过分析电动汽车频繁加减速的运行特性,研究了低速区的恒转矩控制及高速区的恒功率控制算法。

    Based on the operating characteristics of frequent acceleration and deceleration of electric vehicle , the operation of low velocity zone and high-speed zone is simulated .

  15. 故而竖井尾部型线宜采用对称内凹或外凸圆(或椭圆)弧,减小圆弧曲率,可以缩小低速区范围。

    Therefore the tail line should be designed as concave or convex symmetrical circle ( or ellipse ) arc , in order to reduce the low-speed zone .

  16. 通过实验研究发现旋转离心叶轮内部的流动是非定常,在叶轮出口处,叶片的吸力面与轮盖的夹角区存在一个低速区,并观察到了明显的射流/尾迹结构。

    In the outlet of impeller , there is low velocity region between suction surface of blade and shroud . The jet and wake construction was clearly observed .

  17. 反应器顶部采用斜顶结构优于平顶结构,烟道采用弧形拐角可以削弱烟气惯性产生的高低速区现象。

    Reactor at the top of bevel face is better than flat-top structure . The use of arc-shaped corner of the flue gas can reduce the high speed phenomenon .

  18. 通过仿真发现,电流斩波控制在高速区有较大的转矩脉动,角度位置控制在低速区有较大的冲击电流。

    It is found that current chopped control in high-speed area has larger torque ripple , and angle position control in low-speed district has bigger impact current , by simulation .

  19. 最后经实车路试验证电动车在低速区和高速区随意切换,弱磁升速效果良好。

    Finally through the real vehicle road test , it is verified that when car switches between low-speed area and high-speed area freely , the effect of weakening increases speed is good .

  20. 当流量在一定范围内变化时,主流区下方均有漩涡低速区或死水区,该区域的大小与流量有关,其位置基本不变。

    There is a whirlpool or dead zone below the main water flow zone when the flow changes and the size of which is related to flow but its location basically unchanged .

  21. 本文采用加装排气调谐腔的方法,拓宽了摩托车用二冲程汽油机排气系统的调谐转速范围,有效地改善了发动机在中低速区的性能。

    By means of the tuning chamber , the tuning speed range of exhaust system is widened . Thus , the two-stroke petrol engine performance at the middle-low speed range can be improved .

  22. M≥6.0地震大多数分布在上地壳高速区与低速区的交接地带或高速区,低速区内的地震活动相对较少;

    Most earthquakes ( M ≥ 6.0 ) distributed within transitional zones between high and low velocity area or high velocity area in the upper crust , the earthquakes in low velocity were minority .

  23. 定量比较表明:计算结果与实验结果在过渡点位置、低速区膜厚值大小、零点位置等方面存在差异。

    The quantitative analysis shows that the numerical simulation cases are different from the experiment results in the place of the transition point , film thickness at low speed area and the zero point .

  24. 羌塘块体地壳内低速区可能是由于含水流体和部分熔融共同造成的,其中部分熔融是由于印度板块和欧亚板块俯冲过程中摩擦导致的。

    The Qiangtang block low velocity area in crust may be caused by fluid water and partial melting materials . Partial melting due to friction of subduction and collision between Indian plate and Eurasian plate .

  25. 提出一种适用于异步牵引电动机低速区的直接转矩控制的新方法,利用磁链滞环比较器获得了较小的转矩脉动,采用空间矢量调制实现了准恒开关频率运行。

    A new direct torque control method for asynchronous traction motor in low-speed rang is presented . Improved torque ripple control by flux hysteresis comparator and quasi-constant-switching-frequency operation by space vector Modulation are special concerned .

  26. 全流道数值计算显示在失速周期中随着质量流量的减小,无叶扩压器内出现了明显的低速区,只在靠近无叶扩压器前盖板进口处出现了径向逆流区。

    There are the obvious low velocity flow regions in the vaneless diffuser during stall period . As the flow rate decreasing , there is the radial reverse flow region at the inlet near the diffuser shroud .

  27. 通过对理想的和实际的电流片以及飞船测量的磁场和速度比较,可以看到电流片附近大体上为低速区,但不存在简单的对应关系;

    By comparing the perfect with the actual current sheets and the magnetic fields with the velocity from spacecraft measurements , it can be seen that the low speed regions exist near the current sheet but there is no simple correspondent relationship ;

  28. 最后采集实际的定子电压和定子电流数据输入该估计模型,验证其正确性,仿真结果证明除了估计速度在低速区有部分振荡,整体来说估计速度能够很好的跟踪实际转速。

    Finally , the good performance of speed model is proved once more with experimental data ( stator voltage and current ) . The simulation results show that the estimation speed trace the actual speed very well except the oscillations in low speed area .

  29. 文章在了解多种地面流程防护措施的基础上,采用水力学的方法进行了研究,提出在节流油嘴上游高压低速区重力沉砂的方法。

    On the basis of understanding many kinds of surface flow process protection measures , a method of gravitational sand settling at the high pressure low speed section of choke upstream is put forward in the paper through studying by use of hydraulic method .

  30. 而采用稳焰齿可使一次风管出口速度分布均匀,减小外壁附近的低速区,增加外壁附近湍流扰动,既有利于减轻积粉,又可保持燃烧器在燃烧方面的优势。

    Using flame-stabling teeth to replace the ring could uniform the velocity distribution , decrease the low velocity zone and enhance the turbulence near the out wall , which could not only solve the powder accumulation problem but also keep the advantages of the burner .