
  • 网络low-voltage switch;Low Voltage Switch;low pressure switch
  1. 装载机驾驶室ROPS&FOPS强度有限元分析高低压开关,防冻开关,可熔栓,过载保护装置,线圈过热保护器,温度自动开关,逆相保护器。

    Finity Unit Analysis for the Loader s Cab FOPS & FOBS ; High / Low Pressure Switch , Anti-frost Protector , Solube Chock , overload Protector , Coil Overheat Protector , Automatic Temperature Sensitive Switch , Anti-phase Protector .

  2. 在电厂(电站)建设;电网运营能力提高;能源、通信、铁路建设;工矿企业技术改造;房地产开发等众多行业,高低压开关设备的需求量不断增加。

    In the power plant ( power station ) construction , power grid operation ability enhancement , energy , communications , railway construction , mining enterprise technology improvement , real estates and other industries , the demand of high / low pressure switch equipment increases ceaselessly .

  3. 矿用高低压开关综合保护器的DSP实现

    A DSP Implementation of Mine HV and LV Switch Integrated Protective Devices

  4. 高低压开关掉电模拟报警装置在矿井地面变电所中的应用高电压FACTS变电站的高频电磁兼容研究

    Application of High-low Voltage Switch Power-off Analog Annunciator HF Electromagnetic Compatibility Study in HV Substations Operational with FACTS Equipments

  5. OPC在MNSiS智能型低压开关柜系统的应用

    Application of OPC in MNS iS Intelligent Low Voltage Switchgear System

  6. 高压开关触头超声C扫描图象缺陷阈值的标定低压开关触头钎焊界面超声成象系统及检测与评价技术

    Calibration of the Thresholds of Ultrasonic C Scan Image Gray Level Value Used for HV Switch Contact Testing Research of Ultrasonic Imaging System and NDT E Technology of Low Voltage Switch Contact

  7. 低压开关设备与控制设备的IEC标准与UL标准对比分析

    Contrastive Analysis of the Standards of IEC and UL on Low Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear

  8. Inventor二次开发在高低压开关设备参数化造型中的应用

    Application of High or Low Voltage Switch Equipment 's Parametric Modeling Design Based on the Second Development of Inventor

  9. 论文中详细叙述了设计的理论依据,介绍了可通信低压开关电器节点和监控PC节点的硬件设计和工作原理以及相关的软件程序设计思路和编制方法。

    The principle and theory of our design is discussed chiefly . What is elaborated in the paper is the hardware and software design of intelligent relay and PC monitor node .

  10. 为了实现在远方主站端对分布在不同变电站的低压开关柜进行远程控制,利用电力通信通道,扩展用于电力系统远程通信的CDT规约,使远程控制问题变成计算机串行通信问题。

    In order to control of intelligent low-voltage switch cabinet by use of PLC in different remote transformer substations .

  11. 新型TABULA低压开关柜

    New Type of TABULA Low Voltage Switchgear Assembly

  12. 为西门子华北区的唯一合作伙伴,生产SIVACON低压开关柜,产品标注SIEMENS的标签。

    Siemens is the only area in North China partners , production SIVACON low-voltage switchgear , product tagging SIEMENS label .

  13. 为了减少NMOS开关阈值电压变化引起的信号失真,设计了一种适用于低压开关电容电路的体效应补偿开关,并利用该电路实现了一阶非反相开关电容(SC)低通滤波器。

    Aimed at reducing distortion due to the threshold voltage variations of an NMOS switch , the paper introduces the design of a body effect compensated switch applicable to low voltage switched capacitor circuits .

  14. LGT-6000(洛仕特)智能型低压开关柜

    LGT-6000 Intelligent Low Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear

  15. 文章对常熟开关厂最新开发的SIKUS低压开关柜母排间相间电动力进行计算,并对其应力和应变作进一步的分析。

    The article carries out calculation for the electro-dynamic forces between SIKUS low-voltage switchgear cabinet bus-bars and further stress and strain analysis of it was made .

  16. 介绍90年代开发的新一代诺珈玛(MODULA)STTM型模块化低压开关柜的用途、技术数据、结构和技术特点。

    STTM type low voltage switchboard is a new generation of modular low voltage switchgear assembly developed in 90 's. The main specifications , structure , technical feature and its applications are introduced .

  17. 低压开关电器的研发现状

    Present Situations of Research & Development on Low-voltage Switch Electrical Appliances

  18. 基于CAN总线的可通信低压开关电器的研究

    Research on the Communication-Capable Low Voltage Switchgear Based on CAN Bus

  19. 中低压开关设备电动操作进出车机构设计

    Design of motor operating device for medium and low voltage switchgear

  20. 核安全级低压开关柜设计心得

    Something Learned from Design of Nuclear Safety Grade Low-voltage Switchgear

  21. 全自动高低压开关综合保护器检测系统设计

    The Design of the Measuring System for High and Low Voltage Protector

  22. GB14048.7-1998低压开关设备和控制设备辅助电器第1部分:铜导体的接线端子排

    Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear Ancillary equipment Section 1-Terminal blocks for copper conductors

  23. 基于模糊理论的低压开关设备故障预测研究

    Study of fault forecast of low-voltage switchgear assembly based on fuzzy theory

  24. 基于模糊评判的低压开关控制柜的故障预测

    Fault forecast for low-voltage switchgear cabinet based on fuzzy evaluation

  25. GB/T7061-1986船用低压开关设备和控制设备装置通用技术条件

    General specification for low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies in ships

  26. MNS3.0系列智能型低压开关柜

    MNS 3.0 Series Intelligent Type of Low Voltage Switchboard

  27. 研究了低压开关电器稳态电弧特性仿真。

    The simulation of low-voltage steady-state arc characteristic of air switch was studied .

  28. 低压开关柜的柜体结构和工艺特点

    Framework and Processing Features of Low - tension Switchboard

  29. 异型母线在低压开关柜中的应用

    Application of Non-conventional Type Busbar in Low-voltage Switchgear Cabinet

  30. 欠电压(电压降低)。低压开关模装置可保护模具的安全。

    Undervoltage ( Voltage Drop ) . Low pressure mold closing is standard .