
  • 网络Network Variable;Output Network Variable
  1. 通过BP神经网络变量筛选方法,对被删除的观测站有影响的观测站进行筛选。

    With using BP neural network variables selection method , the observation stations which effect the deleted observation stations are filtered .

  2. 不同的网络变量,比如传输协议、带宽和流量

    Various network variables such as transport protocol , bandwidth , and traffic

  3. 组态监视平台以网络变量方式获取下位机数据,上位机和下位机的两种通信方式通过建立动态数据链接DDE(DynamicDataExchange)完成。

    As for the supervising platform , the computer use standard net variable to communicate with the nodes . The two-communication method is based on DDE ( Dynamic Data Exchange ) .

  4. 线性网络变量关系的隐函数表示法在网络分析中的应用

    Application of Implicit Function Representation for the Relationship among Linear Network Variables to Network Analysis

  5. 经过捆绑建立节点网络变量的逻辑连接,实现节点设备的互操作和网络通信。

    The nodes and devices can communicate each other when the network variables have been binded and the logical connection has been created .

  6. 主要介绍了读写网络变量以及向网络增加变量的方法和过程。

    The emphasis is paid on the methods and progresses of reading and writing net - variables , adding net - variables to the Profibus - FMS system .

  7. 基于改进型RBF神经网络多变量系统的PID控制

    PID Control for Multivariable System Based on Ameliorative RBF Neural Networks

  8. T-S型模糊RBF神经网络多变量自适应控制器的研究

    On the T-S Fuzzy RBF Network Multi-variable Adaptive Controller

  9. 提出了一种基于敏感度分析的方法来确定BP网络输入变量集和神经网络隐含层节点个数,并且用不同的神经网络分别验证了变量选取的有效性。

    This paper provides a method based on sensitivity analysis , aiming to confirm the input variable set and the number of hidden layer nodes more accurately .

  10. 仿真结果表明,其构成的神经PID网络多变量控制器具有很强的自学习功能和自适应解耦能力。

    The results of simulation show that the multiple variable controller composed of neuro PID network features powerful self - learning and self - adaptive decouple capabilities .

  11. 对1998至2002年影响区域高职教育需求的几个因子分别建立了多元回归分析预测模型和BP神经网络多变量输入预测模型。

    For the variables and data which influence the demand for regional higher vocational education from the year of 1998 to 2002 in Liaoning Province , this paper sets up multi-regression analysis model and BP artificial neural network model .

  12. 采用JAVA语言,通过合理设置网络的变量,改进误差逆传播校正方法(BP算法),缩短了BP算法的学习时间,提高算法的运算速度,实现了鼠标书写的非常用字符识别。

    Java language and BP algorithm are used to develop a method to identify the writing characters by using a mouse . The BP learning time is getting shorter by improvement of BP algorithm and proper setting of network parameters .

  13. 仿真结果表明,PID神经网络单变量控制的效果优良,与经典PID控制和参数自调整模糊PID控制相比,其超调量小,调节时间短;与基本模糊控制相比,其无静态误差。

    Simulation study shows that control effect of single variable PID Neural Network is excellent . Compared with classical PID control and parameter self-tuning Fuzzy PID control , there is much smaller overshoot and much shorter regulating time ; compared with basic Fuzzy control , there is no static error .

  14. AEM算法利用热力学系统的最大熵原理计算网络中隐变量的条件概率,借鉴退火过程,引入温度参数,减小了初始参数值对最终结果的影响。

    The A-EM algorithm computes the condition probability of the hidden variable in the network system through the maximum entropy principle of the thermodynamics . It can reduce the influence of the initial value on the final resolution by simulating the annealing process and introducing the temperature parameter .

  15. 光谱油样分析数据的神经网络多变量预测技术

    Artificial Neural Network Multi-variable Forecasting Model for Spectral Oil Analysis Data

  16. 航空发动机复杂磨损趋势的神经网络多变量预测模型

    Artificial Neural Network Multi-Variable Forecasting Model of Aero-Engine Complex Wear Trend

  17. 一种自学习模糊神经网络多变量自适应控制器

    A Self-Learning Multivariable Adaptive Controller Based on Fuzzy Logic Neural Network

  18. 基于神经网络的变量泵模型跟踪控制

    Model-following Controller Based on Neural Network for Variable Displacement Pump

  19. 基于局部解释能力的贝叶斯网络隐藏变量学习

    Learning Hidden Variables in Bayesian Network Based on Explanation Ability

  20. 混合贝叶斯网络隐藏变量学习研究

    Research on Learning the Hidden Variables of Hybrid Bayesian Network

  21. 用网络状态变量法估计二维定数混合池模型的参数

    Parameter Estimation of Two-Dimensional Fixed Number Mixing Pool Model by State-Variable-Network Approach

  22. 该方法计及了网络运行变量及故障相关性的影响,并定量评价了系统的暂态稳定性。

    This method accounts the influence of operational variables and fault dependent characteristics .

  23. 神经网络多变量监控系统在发酵工业中的应用

    Application of a Multi Variable Monitor Control System Based on Neural Networks in the Ferment Industry

  24. 首先提出了网络门限变量的两个化简原则及计算网络K-树和极小K-割的算法。

    Two gate variable reduction principles , algorithms of computing K-trees and minimum K-cuts of a network are proposed firstly .

  25. 重点研究了神经网络输入变量,因为它是影响预测效果的关键问题。

    The author investigated the input variables of neural network which is the key problem to influence the prediction effect .

  26. 运用云神经网络学习变量间的云映射关系,从中生成云决策树。

    It adopts cloud neural network to study the cloud mapping relationship between variables , so as to generate cloud decision tree .

  27. 二维定数混合池模型能够较逼真地模拟大型塔板上液体的流动和混合现象.本文提出用网络状态变量法估计此模型的参数。

    The state-variable-network approach was proposed to estimate the parameters of the two-dimensional fixed number mixing pool model for simulating the fluid flow and mixing behaviors on a large tray .

  28. 在保证电梯运行的实质前提下,详细地讲述了对电梯运行信号的数量、各网络输入变量预处理等进行简化的内容,成功地模拟电梯的运行。

    On the premise guaranteeing the matter of elevator moving , state in details the simplicity of the numbers of elevator moving signals and the pre-processing of the network 's inputting-variable .

  29. 运用粗糙集方法和信息熵概念,在不改变样本分类质量的条件下约简负荷影响因素,简化了网络输入变量。

    Rough set approaches and the conception of information entropy are employed to reduce factors of loads and input variables of the input layer with no changing classification quality of samples .

  30. 基于PID神经网络的多变量强耦合时变控制系统

    Multivariable Strong - coupled Time - varying System Based on PID Neural Network