
  • 网络Mesh;meshing;mesh generation;gambit;Hypermesh
  1. 利用FLUENT软件中的GAMBIT进行网格划分,采用非结构化的四面体网格,取代常用的结构化六面体网格,有效地提高了数值模拟的计算精确度。

    Utilizing GAMBIT in FLUENT software to mesh the model , adopting unstructured tetrahedron mesh instead of the commonly used structured hexahedron mesh .

  2. 介绍了求解导热问题的一般方法,提出了点热源和线热源两种物理模型,并使用MATLAB对其进行数值求解,分析了不同加热功率、不同网格划分对温度场的影响;

    General methods in solving heat transfer problem are introduced , two physical models : point and wire hot source are mentioned and using MATLAB to solve the two models by numerical methods , the different heat up power and mesh 's influence on temperature field are analyzed .

  3. 复杂模型的ANSYS有限元网格划分研究

    Research of ANSYS Finite Element Mesh Dividing on the Complicated Model

  4. 采用整体索网作为大射电望远镜(FAST)反射面的支承结构,网格划分形式为短程线型。

    The geodesic meshed cable-net structure was used to support the reflector of the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope ( FAST ) .

  5. ANSYS的建模方法和网格划分

    Methods of Creating Model and Grid Partition of ANSYS

  6. 本文研究了三维实体在CAD技术下的网格划分。

    The element division of three dimension object is studied by employing of CAD technique in this paper .

  7. 网格划分技术在塑料法兰CAE中的应用

    Application of Finite Element Meshing Technology on Plastic Flange

  8. 利用ansys大型通用计算软件对6300柴油机的缸套进行建模、网格划分、有限元分析计算,得出缸套工作中的机械应力的受力状态,分析各部位的应力分布。

    Using ANSYS to generate the model , mesh generation and analysis on cylinder of 6300 diesel engine .

  9. 注塑模CAE有限元网格划分系统

    Finite Element Mesh System for Injection Molding CAE

  10. UG二次开发实现任意复杂平面域有限元网格划分

    FEA grid generation to arbitary complicated plane domain realized in UG secondary development

  11. 冲压模参数化NURBS曲面造型及有限元网格划分

    Parameterized NURBS surface modeling and mesh genera-tion for stamping tools

  12. 提出了一种有效的散乱数据点集的3D空间直接三角网格划分算法。

    The chief contributions acquired by this paper include : ( 1 ) An effective 3D triangulation algorithm for scattered data points is put forward .

  13. 基于映射法和Delaunay方法的曲面三角网格划分算法

    An Algorithm of Surface Triangulation Based on Mapping and Delaunay Method

  14. 将几何模型导入到ANSYS中做有限元分析的前处理,采用六面体单元对重力坝进行网格划分。

    Then the solid geometry model is entered into ANSYS to do the pre-treatment of FEM . It is disassembled by hexahedron elements .

  15. 为了缩短水力机械的水力设计周期和提高设计效率,提出了一种水力机械全三维的优化设计体系,实现了叶片参数化设计、网格划分、CFD计算和后处理的过程全自动集成。

    The design of hydraulic machinery was made more efficiently using a hybrid optimization design method for 3-D hydraulic runners .

  16. 将CAD模型导入Hypermesh中,对模型进行网格划分,设置边界条件。

    CAD model be imported in Hypermesh , mesh the model and set the boundary conditions .

  17. 对网格划分这个步骤所涉及到的一些问题,尤其是与复杂模型相关的一些有限元网格划分问题作简要阐述,并给出一个复杂模型的ANSYS有限元网格划分实例。为工程设计提供参考。

    This text ( explicated ) some questions involved of the mesh dividing , and gave an example of ANSYS finite element mesh dividing .

  18. 然后介绍本文所使用的工具ANSYS处理接触问题的能力,包括接触问题分类、单元选择、网格划分等。

    Then the capability of ANSYS on solving Contact problem is researched , such as sort of contact , choice of element and mesh .

  19. 给出了在Uni-graphics(UG)上实现参数化网格划分的工作流程。

    Simultaneously , the process to realize parameterized mesh on Unigraphics ( for short UG ) software was proposed .

  20. 对理论齿面进行测量网格划分,通过MATLAB语言程序求解了各个测量节点的理论坐标值。

    Based on the measurement mesh divided of the theoretical tooth surface , the theory coordinates of the measurement nodes are solved by using the MATLAB language program .

  21. 将GPS与GIS相结合,通过编程实现耕作地块轮廓绘制、操作单元网格划分、土壤与产量信息管理和操作单元自动识别与决策命令提取等操作。

    Combining GPS with GIS drew field outline , made field grid , managed information of soil and yield , and identified the operating plot in the field automatically by programming .

  22. 目前基于CT图像的腰椎有限元建模方法多为首先在其他CAD软件中创建几何模型,然后通过数据接口导入有限元软件进行网格划分的间接建模法。

    These kind of indirect modelling approaches first set up the geometry model in other CAD software , which was then imported into FE software through the data connection to carry on the grid division .

  23. Marc,提出了对板带轧制模型进行网格划分的方法,并以板带轧机辊型设计为研究背景,具体介绍了其网格划分的步骤和方法。

    Marc , this paper put forward the method of mesh on rolling model , and introduced the mesh method of strip mill .

  24. 仿真实验结果表明,符号定位算法效果比较理想,在网格划分密集时,物理定位算法可以达到较高的定位精度。(3)基于位置指纹的RF定位算法。

    Simulation results show that symbolic positioning is good and physical positioning can reach high position accuracy when the grid is intensive . ( 3 ) Location Fingerprint RF positioning algorithm .

  25. 网格划分方式与偶极子网格法(DLM)相类似。

    The formation of lattice is analogous to doublet lattice method ( DLM ) .

  26. 首先,在Pro/Eingeer中建立机体的三维实体模型;然后导入ANSYS中进行网格划分,得到其有限元模型;

    First , the 3D solid model of engine block is formed in Pro / E and then imported into ANSYS for meshing , and last modal resolution is obtained with Subspace Method .

  27. 本文针对STL格式的模型数据设计了一种简单的网格划分算法,并且用点射线法判断网格节点是否在模型内部。

    We design an easy meshing algorithm with STL data and using point radial method to decide whether the point is in the model .

  28. 建立了气固两相流的控制方程和封闭方程;介绍了数值模型的建立、网格划分、边界条件和初始条件的设定;采用SIMPLE算法对射流技术进行压力和速度耦合。

    The control equations and the closed equations of gas-solid two-phase flow are established . The setting of the numerical model , meshing , boundary conditions and initial conditions are described . Using SIMPLE algorithm to establish pressure and velocity coupling of jet technique .

  29. 第三章中介绍了传统时域有限差(FDTD)分中的各种问题,包括网格划分、差分格式、激励源设置、边界条件、数值色散和数值稳定性。

    In the third chapter , various problems in FDTD is introduced including Yee grid , difference expressions , source excitation , boundary condition , numerical dispersion and numerical stability .

  30. 主要研究内容如下:(1)基于经典三维Delaunay算法,研究了一种三维约束Delaunay三角化网格划分算法。

    The main research contents are as follows : Base on the classical 3D Delaunay algorithm , an algorithm for 3D constrained Delaunay triangulation mesh generation is studied .