
  1. 基于ARM的公用电话网络远程控制终端的设计

    Design of ARM-Based Remote Control Terminal of Public Switch Telephone Network

  2. 本文基于智能Agent技术,充分利用智能Agent理论在分布式计算环境下的通信、交互和协作能力,探讨了一种分布式网络远程控制系统。

    The system embodies the advantages of the intelligent agent in communication , interaction and collaboration in distributed network environments .

  3. 基于PSTN网关的家庭网络远程控制实现方法

    Realization method of remote controller in home network based on PSTN gateway

  4. 解决问题的有效的探索之一是利用网络远程控制异地完成仪器的校准,即远程校准技术(RemoteCalibration或Tele-Calibration)。

    One effective solution is to use the Internet to remotely control the off-site calibration , which is called Remote Calibration or Tele-Calibration .

  5. 完成了网络远程控制系统的半实物仿真软件的设计,解决了软件编写中VC++和MATLAB数据交互等问题,并通过仿真实验验证了半实物仿真软件的有效件。

    The hardware-in-the-loop simulation software of the telecontrol system has been developed . The communication question between VC + + program and MATLAB technology was solved , and also others . Many experiments were performed and the results indicate the validity of the software .

  6. 基于逆系统方法的起重机网络远程控制策略

    Networked remote control strategy for crane based on inverse system method

  7. 基于网络远程控制滑模变结构控制策略

    Sliding Mode Variable Structure Control of Internet-Based Teleoperation

  8. 网络远程控制在B/S结构上的实现研究

    The Research of the Implementation of Network Remote Control on B / S Structure

  9. 基于网络远程控制的检测机器人系统

    Inspecting Robot System Based on Nets Telecontrolling

  10. 基于网络远程控制的综述

    Survey on Direct Control Based Internet

  11. 本论文首先介绍了网络远程控制的两种控制方式:远程监控和网络闭环控制。

    The two control modes of Networked Tele-control System were introduced , i.e. remote monitoring and networked closed-loop control .

  12. 基于网络远程控制循环中存在随机通信延迟时间,影响控制循环的稳定性。

    Communication time delay , which exists in the control loop of Internet-based teleoperation , weakens the stabilities of control loop dramatically .

  13. 实验结果证明了网络远程控制的可行性,对后续复杂远程控制的研究具有一定的参考价值。

    The experiment results prove the possibility of this project , and have important reference for continual research in long distance control .

  14. 提出了网络远程控制仿真系统的设计实现方案,给出了系统的主要组成模块和设计关键点。

    Proposed the network remote control simulation system design and realization plan , which include the system main composition module and the design critical point .

  15. 随着机器人控制技术和互联网技术的发展,利用网络远程控制机器人成为机器人远程控制的一种新方式。

    With the development of robot control technology and Internet technology , robot ' remotecontrol throw internet has become a new way to control robot .

  16. 将网络远程控制技术运用于物理实验教学中,设计并开发出远程物理实验控制平台。

    Network remote-control technology is applied into the teaching of physical experiment and as a result , remote-control platform of physical experiment is designed and developed .

  17. 在该系统中,各部分根据家庭网络远程控制协议传递和处理各种信息,从而实现客户端的远程监控。

    In this system , every section uses remote-control protocols to transfer messages and process all of the information , and eventually complete the remote-supervise in client .

  18. 因此,在联网的嵌入式设备中嵌入网管代理软件,使得管理者能够通过网络远程控制、监测嵌入式设备,是嵌入式网络构建和维护中必不可少的。

    The embedded equipments being embedded with agent make the administrator holding the ability to control and monitor the remote equipments , which is necessary in the network construction and maintenance .

  19. 网络远程控制技术是伴随着互联网技术的发展而产生的一项崭新技术,通过网络连接,本地计算机可以操作远程另外一台计算机。

    Network remote control is a brand-new technology accompanied by the development of internet technology . In terms of network connections , a remote computer can be carried on by a local computer .

  20. 基于网络远程控制技术和虚拟仪器的概念,针对仪器以及通信总线差异所引起的虚拟仪器测试平台扩展性和灵活性方面的问题,提出了基于网络的可重构虚拟仪器测试平台解决方案。

    Based on the network remote control technology and virtual instrument (ⅵ) concept , the re-configurable ⅵ testing platform solution is proposed to resolve the problems on extensibility and flexibility of the ⅵ testing platform , the problems are caused by different instruments and heterogeneous protocols .

  21. 利用网络远程控制终端设备在工业控制自动化上应用越来越广,本文首先分析了网络远程控制所面临的问题和挑战,给出了解决这一问题的基本方法和原理。

    Control the remote terminal device with network has been more and more applied in the industry automation control , this paper has first analyzed the problem and the challenge which the network remote control faces , produced the essential method and principle to solve this problem .

  22. 实现基于GPRS网络的远程控制、自动报警等功能。

    Realized functions of remote control , automatic alarm and so on based on the GPRS network .

  23. 因此把XY二维直线电机平台系统与网络化远程控制技术相结合研究具有着十分重大的意义。

    XY two-dimensional linear motor platform system and network remote control technology combined research of great significance .

  24. 针对目前仿真培训过程中教练员操作不便的问题,提出了一种基于PDA的仿真机教练员站远程控制系统,应用无线网络实现远程控制。

    Aimed at the problems that the instructor operated inconveniently , a remote control system for simulation instructor station based on PDA was introduced , which adopted wireless network to realize the remote control .

  25. 基于RS-485总线网络的远程控制是本系统的一大特点,它为本系统在工业智能化管理领域的应用提供了方便。

    The remote control based on RS-485 bus network is an advantage of the system , which provides convenience for the application of the system in the field of industrial intelligent management .

  26. 针对测量介损的相对比较法,提出采用GPRS无线网络实现远程控制和通信,以及采用GPS实现异地同步采集的介损测量方案,并详细设计该系统的软件部分。

    A method using GPRS to implement romote control and communication , and using GPS to implement a synchronous acquisition system in different places was presented in order to achieving relative comparison method . The thesis designed the details of system software .

  27. 基于TCP/IP网络的远程控制仿真系统的研究

    Study on Simulation System in Telecontrol System Based on TCP / IP Network

  28. 网络防火墙远程控制及关键技术应用研究

    On the Application of Key Technologies in the Remote Control of Net Firewall

  29. 可以通过CAN总线网络实现远程控制。

    Remote control is realized via bus network .

  30. 实践表明,该模块通过电话网络实现远程控制效果很好。

    The practice proved that the moudle realizing the long distance control through the telephone network was effective .