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  • 网络Network scholars
  1. 近年来,在社会学领域中社会支持网络得到学者的广泛关注。

    In recent years , scholars in the field of sociology widespread concern the social support networks .

  2. 著名网络理论家、学者劳伦斯·莱斯格是施瓦茨的导师和朋友,他认为,证据足以证明自己的门生有过错,即使他没触犯法律,也有违道德,但只应稍事惩罚。

    Lawrence Lessig , a well-known web theorist and academic , as well as Mr Swartz 's friend and mentor , thought that the evidence was enough to demonstrate that his proteg é 's act was wrong , morally if not legally , but deserved only minor punishment .

  3. 随着该技术的提出,国内外研究网络虚拟化的学者也渐渐增多。

    With the introduction of the technology , domestic and foreign research scholar of network virtualization has gradually increased .

  4. 在传统传感器网络中,各国学者对覆盖控制技术理论研究较多,已经积累了丰富的研究成果。

    In traditional sensor networks , control technology covered by scholars from various countries on the more theoretical studies , has accumulated a wealth of research results .

  5. 随着网络的发展,学者们提出了越来越多的模型和分析方法,特别是建立了演化网络与非齐次马氏链之间的联系,提出了计算演化网络度分布的马氏链方法。

    From the development of networks , scholars proposed more and more models and analytical methods , and set relations between evolving networks and non-homogeneous markov chain , and proposed the calculate methods of degree distributions of evolving networks by means of markov chain .

  6. 针对各类网络教育资源,远程指导可以通过网络教育平台求学者提供个体化学习支持服务。

    Against various types of network education resources , remote guidance through online education platform to provide individual learners learning support services .