
  • 网络Cyberwar;cyber warfare;Cyber War;Network war
  1. 网络战争:尽在鼠标点击瞬间?

    Cyber war : can it tick with a click ?

  2. 才有了星球大战、网络战争、信息战等一些新术语。

    There are new terms of star war , cyber war , Information Operations and so on .

  3. 研究人员们表示,他们认为本案的间谍软件是由以色列“网络战争”公司NSO组织开发的。

    The researchers say they believe the spyware involved was created by NSO Group , an Israeli " cyber-war " company .

  4. 欧文斯上将如今是私人股本集团aea亚洲首席执行官,他正作为一项美国研究的联席负责人,就网络战争的科技、决策、法律和道德影响进行研究。

    Admiral Owens , now Asia chief executive of private equity group AEA , is co-chairing a US study into the technological , policymaking , legal and ethical implications of cyber-warfare .

  5. 与此相反,任何凡夫俗子都能参与到网络战争。

    By contrast , anyone can play at cyber-warfare .

  6. 如今,几乎没有几名高官对日益升级的网络战争威胁有所了解。

    Today few have much clue about the evolving threat of cyber warfare .

  7. 比如网络战争和特种作战将不受影响。

    Case in point , cyber warfare and special operations will not be impacted .

  8. 但是另一条旅游线路是参观北约塔林外的网络战争中心。

    But the other was a visit to NATO 's cyber-warfare centre outside Tallinn .

  9. 为了争夺迅猛增长的消费者在线注意力,眼下一场社交网络战争正在如火如荼地展开。

    The battle for the social web is being waged for a prize of exploding consumer attention online .

  10. 一个国家对自己的网络战争操作大加炫耀的例子,只有震网一个。

    The Stuxnet story provides the only example we have of a nation bragging about its cyberwarfare operations .

  11. 在虚拟世界里各国黑客的网络战争似乎正在取代着现实世界的战争。

    States in the virtual world of hacking the network of war seems to replace the real world war .

  12. 朝鲜曾扰乱其他国家的理由是为了展示他已经具有网络战争的能力。

    The reason North Korea has been harassing other countries is to demonstrate that North Korea has cyber war capacity .

  13. 如今在网络战争和网络间谍领域,几乎每周都有惊人的新动向。

    Hardly a week goes by these days without some startling new development in the fields of cyberwarfare and cyberespionage .

  14. 他认为,中国对网络战争就抱着这样的看法,因此英国和其他国家也必须加以重视。

    China sees it this way and therefore it is imperative the UK and other nations take notice , he says .

  15. 一些专家辩称,中国只是在赶上包括美国在内的其它一些国家在网络战争方面的能力。

    Some experts argue that China is simply catching up with the abilities of other countries , including the US , for cyberwarfare .

  16. 也有人指出,最可怕的网络战争预言通常出自咨询顾问之口,而如果这种警示得到重视,他们就能赚取更多收入。

    Some also note that the direst cyberwar predictions often come from consultants who will earn more money if their warnings are heeded .

  17. 下面,我们就邀请专家来描述网络战争中最为惨烈的局面:用户权益是如何受制于那些日益庞大的网络巨头的?

    Below , we invited experts to describe the worst-case scenario : how users ' rights might be threatened by the increasing power of Internet companies ?

  18. 即便关于大选的担忧到头来原来是多虑,它们也突显了更重要的一点:一条新战线正在网络战争中打开。

    Even if election fears turn out to be misplaced , they highlight a bigger point : a new front is opening up in cyber warfare .

  19. 军事技术领域的最新革命——无人机和网络战争——将迫使我们对康德有关民主、和平与战争三者之间关系的看法,作出进一步修正。

    Drones and cyberwarfare , the latest revolution in military technology , will force us to revise still further Kant 's connection between democracy , peace and war .

  20. 然而,网络战争的危险切实存在,而国家政策方针或相关国际法和条约的几乎完全缺失,扩大了这一危险。

    But the dangers of cyberwar are real , and are made greater by the almost total absence of national policy guidelines or relevant international laws and treaties .

  21. 安全专家预测:2007年,电脑黑客们将在火热的“网络战争”上开拓一片新战场,袭击目标为手机、即时消息和社区网络,例如共享空间。

    Computer hackers will open a new front in the multi-billion pound " cyberwar " in2007 , targeting mobile phones , instant messaging and community Web sites such as MySpace , security experts predict .

  22. 在为期11天的访问中,中国代表团还应邀参观了一些敏感的军事设施,包括战略指挥中心,该中心负责管理核武器和网络战争。

    During the11-day visit , the Chinese general was also invited to visit some sensitive military sites , including the Strategic Command Headquarter , which was in charge of nuclear weapons and cyber war .

  23. 维斯特勋爵淡化了英国政府部门眼下面临的网络战争威胁,辩称,他“没听说有任何我会非常担心的关键信息”已经被盗。

    Lord West played down the immediate threat of cyber warfare against UK government departments , arguing that he was " not aware of any key piece of information that I would be really worried about " that had been stolen .

  24. 格鲁吉亚危机不只加剧了对俄罗斯卷入战争的担忧,它还提醒人们,一种新的战争方式其破坏性可能与前几代人所恐惧的战争一样大正向我们逼近:网络战争。

    The crisis in Georgia has not only stoked fears of a belligerent Russia . It has also served as a reminder that a new style of warfare potentially as devastating as those that terrified previous generations is almost upon us : cyberwar .

  25. ARPANET目的在于研究计算机网络在战争的情况下提供安全无虞的通讯系统。

    ARPANET 's purpose was to conduct research into computer networking in order to provide a secure and survivable communications system in case of war .

  26. 复杂网络:战争复杂系统建模仿真新途径

    Complex Networks : The New Method of War Complex System Modeling and Simulation

  27. 最后根据未来网络化战争的发展方向,预测其发展趋势。

    The future development of situation informations dissemination was forecasted according to the development of future networked warfare .

  28. 并且通过对模型拓扑结构参量的分析,说明该网络化战争拓扑结构模型能够反映网络化战争的无标度性、小世界性等复杂特性。

    Based on analysis to the traditional combat network , we constructed a network topology model for network warfare by synthesizing traditional tree network with random network .

  29. 跳频无线自组织网络是现代战争中所需的具有强抗干扰能力和高度机动性的分布式通信网络。

    Hop-frequency Self-organized Radio Network is a distributing network , possessing both anti-interference and high mobility in modern warfare .

  30. 中国的军事战略越来越强调,太空和网络是现代战争中的关键领域,在战争中,通过网络传递的信息至关重要。

    Chinese military strategy has placed increasing emphasis on space and cyberspace as key domains in modern wars where information that flows over networks is central in battle .