
  • 网络Online journalists
  1. 比利时根特大学发展中国家植物生物技术研究所的NancyTerryn在接受本网络记者采访时,表示同意这一报告的结论。

    Speaking to SciDev . Net , Nancy Terryn , of the Institute for Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries at Ghent University , Belgium , agreed with the report .

  2. Fleury告诉本网络记者说,他希望得到更多的资助从而能够扩大这个计划,而世界科学记者联合会将会长期支持它。

    Net that he hopes to get more funding to extend the project , and says the World Federation of Science Journalists will support it " for the long run " .

  3. 赛后她接受了美国有线新闻网络记者坎迪·瑞兹的采访。

    Afterwards she spoke with CNN 's Candy Reeds .

  4. 埃尔南德斯演示了网络记者可以使用的一些现代工具以截然不同的方式讲故事。

    Hernandez demonstrated some of the modern tools Web reporters could use to tell stories in a different way .

  5. 他对本网络记者表示,他相信这个案子的结果能够为中国科学家创造更好的工作条件。

    Net that he believes the outcome of his case could help to create a better working environment for China 's scientists .

  6. 一位世界卫生组织发言人对本网络记者表示,对于许多经历过禽流感的国家来说,发出警告是一个挑战。

    " In a lot of countries that have experienced bird flu , the warning is a challenge ," a WHO spokesperson told SciDev .

  7. 安妮·科雷亚是纽约城市事务中心一个移民新闻项目的网络记者。

    Annie Correal is a reporter for " Feet in2 Worlds ," an immigration news project of the New School 's Center for New York City Affairs .

  8. 有趣的是,互联网虽然使任何人都可以成为发行人,但它导致产生了更多的针对博客作者和其他网络记者的回应权规定。

    Ironically , the Internet , which empowers anyone with access to be a publisher , has nevertheless encouraged right-of-reply measures directed at bloggers and other digital journalists .

  9. 本网络记者没有采访到魏于全,但是在4月15日在成都举行的一次新闻发布会上,魏于全否认了这一指控,并说它是由个人恩怨引起的。

    Wei was unavailable for an interview , but at a news conference in Chengdu on15 April he denied the accusation , saying it was caused by personal enmity .

  10. 现在当布瑞特想做苹果派的时候,彼得就可以清醒的在厨房给她帮忙,而不是在床上打鼾。以上是美国有线新闻网络记者阿方索·范马什为您带来的报导。

    When Britt wants to make an apple pie now Peter is awake enough to help in the kitchen instead of snoring on the couch , Alfonso VanMarsh , CNN .

  11. 但该组织称有近一百位使用网络的记者和反对者仍然在监狱里。

    But the group says about one hundred reporters and dissidents who use the internet remain in prison .

  12. 试论网络传播与记者传播方式的调适

    Internet communication and the adjustment of journalistic communication style

  13. [中央电视台、中国网络电视台记者]最近这一段时间,乌克兰一直是国际关注的焦点。

    China Central Television : The issue of Ukraine has been the focus of international attention in recent weeks .

  14. 但当这个世界上最大的社交网络确实与记者交谈时,简报总是最佳的当创始人兼首席执行官马克•扎克伯格即兴演讲时。

    But when the world 's biggest social network does talk to journalists , the briefings are always best when founder and chief executive Mark Zuckerberg goes off script .

  15. 但在新保守主义网络中,记者是至关重要的一部分这个网络策划并宣扬的理念把美国送上了伊拉克战场,现在又敦促政府与伊朗对抗。

    But the journalists are a vital part of a neo-con network that formulated and sold the ideas that took the us to war in Iraq and that is now pressing for confrontation with Iran .

  16. 网络媒介环境给记者作业方式带来的利弊分析

    On Advantages and Disadvantages of Journalists ' Operations in Net Environment

  17. 网络会为登记者提供一个论坛来交流信息,为建立临床试验登记的最好操作方式共同合作。

    The network will provide a forum for registers to exchange information and work together to establish best practice for clinical trial registration .

  18. 他还打开劳丽奥克斯,网络的资深政治记者,在现场谁批评上周日交叉黎敦的招聘。

    He also turned on Laurie Oakes , the network 's veteran political correspondent , who criticised Mr Latham 's hiring during a live-cross on Sunday .

  19. 就第四媒体的发展,论述了网络新闻采访与其他媒体采访的不同,介绍对网络新闻记者采访工作的要求。

    Based on the development of " the forth media ", this paper introduces the requirements for internet journalists and discusses the differences between internet news gathering and other media 's news gathering .