
  • 网络random distribution
  1. 结果表明,经退火后,室温下淀积于GaAs表面的非晶P大部分脱附,仅剩下少量无规分布于表面的P集团。

    The results show that annealing will make most of the amorphous P , which are deposited on GaAs ( lOO ) surface at room temperature , desorb with some randomly distributed P-clusters left on the surface .

  2. Fe原子大部分存在于预峰所对应的Al-Fe-Ce原子团簇中,而Ce原子大部分无规分布于Al非晶基体中。

    Most of Fe atoms exist in the Al-Fe-Ce clusters corresponding to the prepeak , and most of Ce atoms are randomly distributed in Al amorphous matrix .

  3. 1HNMR和溶解试验结果表明,共聚物中各链段呈无规分布,GA序列长度在1.3~1.8之间。

    1H NMR results and solubility tests indicated that the comonomers were basically randomly distributed in the copolymer chains , and the average sequence length of glycolide was in the range of 1.3 to 1.8 , depending on the feed ratio of the comonomers .

  4. 研究了负载催化剂Et(Ind)2ZrCl2/SiO2在甲基铝氧烷活化下,催化乙烯与苯乙烯的共聚,采用DSC和NMR表征了所得共聚物,13C-NMR谱表明共聚物中苯乙烯单元呈无规分布。

    The copolymerization of ethylene and styrene was investigated via supported Zirconocene , Et ( Ind ) _2ZrCl_2 / SiO_2 , activated with MAO . The copolymer was characterized by DSC and ~ 13 C-NMR . It revealed that the distribution of styrene unit in the copolymer was in random .

  5. 具有无规分布陷阱点阵上的连续时间无规行走

    Continuous time random walks on random lattices with traps

  6. 通过升高引发温度或增加不对称醚用量可以使苯乙烯在聚合物中呈现无规分布。

    The styrene monomers of SIB were random by increasing reaction temperature or improving the dosage of asymmetrical ether BET .

  7. 由于受基底表面无规分布杂质的影响,沉积在熔融玻璃基底表面的金原子凝聚形成了具有特殊结构的分形凝聚体。

    Ramified Au atomic aggregates with special structures form a melting glass surface with impurities distributed randomly on the substrate .

  8. 一幅遥感相地图可以显示生态环境的各种景观单元,每一生态环境包括静止无规分布于该地区的很多地面事物。

    A remote sensing phase map can show the elements of landscape of ecological environment including many ground things distributed in the area with stationary random .

  9. 本文首次提出了用斑点列阵取代无规分布的散斑,以斑点定位对斑点作直接检测的原理和方法。

    The paper presents for the first time the direct detecting principle and method of speckle by speckle location in replacing random speckle distribution with regular one .

  10. 根据统计理论,获得了起始分子无规分布时的交联结构参数的数值计算式;

    According to statistical theory , the numerical computation expressions of various parameters of crosslinking structure are derived , while the original molecules are distributed in Flory manner .

  11. 本文研究了SiGe/Si量子阱中近带边光跃迁的产生机制,对由杂质无规分布引起的近带边光跃迁给出了一个物理模型。

    The mechanism of the near-band-gap optical transition in doped SiGe / Si quantum well is investigated , and the model of the near-band-gap optical transition originated from the statistical distribution of the impurities is suggested .

  12. 实验结果表明,非晶态Cu56Zr44合金在室温下的短程结构类似于硬球无规密堆积分布.在703K过冷液相区内等温退火时发现,当退火时间为3min时,晶化产物主要为Cu8Zr3相;

    The experimental results seem to show that the short-range order of amorphous Cu 56 Zr 44 alloy at room temperature is of hard sphere random dense packing .

  13. 结果表明,聚醚的序列结构以头-尾相连为主且呈无规立构分布的特点。

    Results showed that head-tail addition and atactic structure were dominant in polyether microstructure .

  14. 研究发现改性基团以无规形式均匀分布在分子链上的梳型结构相较于嵌段结构对HMHPAM的分子链伸展更为有利。

    It was found that the comb structure which the hydrophobic modified groups of polymer molecular chain were distributed uniformly and randomly , were better than the block copolymer .

  15. 在语音统计中,发现语词出现不符合无规出现的泊松分布。

    In speech sound statistics , the word occurance deviates from Poisson distribution for random discrete variable .

  16. 根据预峰的特性,提出两液态结构的原子模型,即由八面体结构共享顶点形成的原子团簇与无规密堆积原子分布区域组成。

    According to the characteristics of pre peaks , an atomic model can be proposed for the liquid CuAlNi consisting of the octahedrons with shared vertexes and random dense atom distribution region .