
  • 网络infinite sequence
  1. Banach空间中太阳集对无穷序列的最佳同时逼近

    On Best Simultaneous Approximation from Suns to an Infinite Sequence in Banach Spaces

  2. 研究了复赋范空间中具限制系数的广义多项式集G对无穷序列的最佳同时逼近问题,得到了特征定理;

    This paper is concerned with the problem of the best simultaneous approximation from generalized polynomials with restricted coefficients to an infinite sequence in complex normed linear spaces .

  3. 借此,您就可以定义无穷序列,这在Java语言中是从未有过的。

    This allows you to define infinite sequences , and you definitely do not see those in the Java language .

  4. Fibonacci数形成了一个无穷序列,所以应该用Clojure的无穷惰性序列描述它,如清单5所示。

    The Fibonacci numbers form an infinite sequence , so it should be described as such using Clojure 's infinite lazy sequences .

  5. 作为序列周期概念的推广,本文提出了Zm上无穷序列的准周期的概念,讨论了准周期及乘子的性质和计算方法。

    As an extension of the concept of Period of sequence , this paper presents the conception of Pre-Period of sequence on Z_m and discusses the properties and the method of calculation of Pre-Period and Multiplier .

  6. 边界元法模拟渗流问题的无穷序列逼近法

    Infinite sequential approximation of BEM simulating seepage problem

  7. 无穷序列加速收敛的一个方法

    A Method of Accelerating Convergence for Infinite Sequence

  8. 与代数中的1,0,∞相对应,提出了单位序列、零序列和无穷序列的概念,得到了它们的特殊性质。

    Furthermore , the concept and definition of unit sequence , zero sequence , infinite sequence are presented along with their special features .

  9. 该法是将非标准数定义成一个实数偶的无穷序列,并证明了全体非标准数构成一个有序数域。

    This method defines non-standard number as a real number pair infinite sequence and Shows that all non - standard numbers constitute an ordered number field .

  10. 根据无穷序列{gi}0∞的特征方程将3阶周期序列{gi}0∞分为四类,分别讨论了序列{gi}0∞存在3维最小实现的充要条件。

    We classify 3-rank periodic unit impluse response sequence { gi } 0 ∞ into four categories according to their characteristic equations , and discuss the necessary and sufficient conditions of the existence of 3 dimensional minimal realization respectively .

  11. 关于Echelon空间无穷矩阵序列的弱收敛

    On the Weak Convergence of Infinite Matrice Sequence in Echelon Space

  12. 例外集问题的研究,已有半个世纪的历史,在文献〔2〕中,Lehto推广了著名的Picard定理,并首次提出例外集的概念,在他的结论中,例外集为一无穷复数序列。

    The study of exceptional set has a history of half a century . In reference ( 2 ), Lento extended the famous Picard Theorem and Presented the concept of exceptional set of entire functions and meromorphic functions .

  13. 具有终归周期无穷计数序列的1个构造性定理

    A structural theorem for the infinite counting sequence with ultimate periodicity

  14. 无穷小序列的延迟一致性及其应用

    The Postpone - Uniformity and It 's Application of Infinitesimal Series

  15. 研究了极大代数上无穷阵序列{Gi}0∞的实现问题。

    This paper investigates the realization of the infinite matrix-sequence { G_i } ~ ∞ _0 in the Max-algebra .

  16. 建立无穷小序列的延迟一致性概念,给出它的充要条件及性质。

    This paper introduced the postposition-uniformity concept of theinfinitesimal series , with the aid of it provided a rule of sum formula limit .

  17. 在系统运行过程中,运行时监控器在任何时刻仅能观察到在理想情况下为无穷状态序列的系统执行的有穷前缀。

    During runtime , at any time the monitor can just observe a finite prefix of an execution which should be an infinite states sequence in ideal situation .

  18. 本文将基本细胞自动机与双边无穷符号序列建立联系,基本细胞自动机的256个局部规则对应为符号空间上的256个局部规则映射。

    In this paper , the relation between the Elementary Cellular Automata and bi-infinite symbolic sequence is established . The 256 kinds of local rules of Cellular Automata are corresponding to the 256 kinds of local rule mappings in symbolic space .

  19. 我们首先获得一个无穷的Fibonacci序列。

    We first get the infinite Fibonacci sequence .

  20. 通过介绍一种新的离散相空间Cd~h(Cd~h是Banach空间)研究了具有无穷时滞的序列差分方程的稳定性问题,并相应给出了一致稳定和一致渐近稳定的充要条件。

    The stability problem in sequence differential difference equation with infinite delay is studied in this paper by introducing a new discrete space C_h ~ d , which is a Banach space and the necessary and sufficient conditions for uniform stability and uniform asymptotic stability are obtained , respectively .

  21. 具有无穷时滞的序列差分方程的稳定性

    Stability in Sequential Difference Equations with Infinite Delay