
wú fú hào zhěng shù
  • unsigned integer;signless integer
无符号整数[wú fú hào zhěng shù]
  1. CCSID是一个16位的无符号整数,惟一地标识一个特定的代码页。

    A CCSID is a16-bit unsigned integer that uniquely identifies a particular code page .

  2. 其它争论集中在是使用整数还是无符号整数。

    Another discussion focuses on the use of integer and unsigned integer .

  3. 如果你只是想对除了无符号整数的其它东西使用uint,要点是什么呢?

    What 's the point in having a uint if you 're only going to use it for things other than unsigned integers ?

  4. 年和月组件的值可以是一个无符号整数。

    The value of the year and month components allow an unsigned integer .

  5. 数组边界无效:必须是无符号整数

    Bad array bound : must be an unsigned integer

  6. 从该流中读取的8字节无符号整数。

    An8-byte unsigned integer read from this stream .

  7. 识别简单语言的单词符号识别简单语言的基本字、标识符、无符号整数、运算符和界符。

    Easy to identify the language of words easy linguistic symbols to identify the basic character identifier unsigned integers , operator and community site .

  8. 发现带有文本值%2的%1元素。该字段的可接受值是0到255之间的无符号整数。

    A ' % 1 ' element was found with a text value of ' % 2 ' . The acceptable values for this field are unsigned integers between 0 and 255 .

  9. 无符号8位整数。注意整数和整型int不一样。

    BYTE An8-bit integer that is not signed .